I had a fantastic talk with my friend, and I had asked her what to do with the current status of the charity. (She is someone, not that familiar with BTCT but is a helpful person) And she said that why not help them both? That conversation lighted up my mind and said, that's a great idea. So let's imagine it like this.
1. Find a direct buying of rice, probably in provincial areas. Factors could be the amount the farm produces and choose the least ones, to help most the needy
2. Buy Rice from the farmers directly. (No middlemen, no big corporations, etc.)
3. Distribute Rice accordingly with the right amount to last maybe a couple of weeks.
4. Targeted individuals are the less unfortunate, not the homeless. (I'm just worried they won't be able to cook the rice)
5. Buy canned goods and give it as a goodie bag.
I think this would be a great program if anyone agrees.
I too like the idea, but see some downside to it:
1. the organisation of farmer, distribution since yet it seems nobody does have the direct contacts.
2. it is a one-time-help, what is still amazing, but I prefer "mid- to long-term"- projects.
That said I always find it difficult to find a valuable project/NGO to trust and that is not wasting a good portion of the donations for offices, travel-costs etc.
Thus the project of my choice since years is this one:
https://nevensuboticstiftung.de/ (unfortunatelly not available in English).
Neven Subotic, the heart of this NGO is a professional football-player and former team-member of my favorite club, Borussia Dortmund. Neven has been in many debates about ecological/ethnical topics and is one of the most symphatic/honest/real football-players to me, so I trust he is doing the right thing the right way.
The reason: "844 million people have no access to clean water. Together with you we can change that!"
The concept: In Africa/Ethiopia "We build wells and sanitary facilities for the people in the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. This has a direct positive effect on the education system: Children attend school instead of transporting water for miles from remote water points."
Misc.:"Every donation, large or small, is important to support our current 100% WASH project. We make sure that every donation is used 100 percent for local aid. That is our promise. So that we can keep this promise, Neven Subotic takes over all administrative, travel and other costs incurred by the work of the foundation. You can inform yourself about our projects with photos, videos and GPS data. Experience how your donation improves the lives of children in a sustainable way."
Here is the
trailer with Neven speaking and
an impression with a volunteer showing how they interact onside (even if you wouldn´t understand the words, the pictures speak well)
On the first glance I did not find a donation-option other then bank-transfer, but in case this project is worth backing for us here, I will find a way to make it happen.
Please drop me your feedbacks for this suggestion.