The stats that you included about the top 25 countries in terms of YouTube views don't mean much for Bitcointalk's channel. Those stats show all possible content that is shown on YouTube.
That may be true, but it's still an interesting chart that told me something I didn't know, and I appreciate posts like that.
And yet I do wonder what the demographic breakdown is/will be for the bitcointalk channel. I'm not sure if the trailer is anything to go by, but assuming it is, viewership might be small and those viewers might be concentrated in one or two geographic regions. Hopefully that won't be the case as new videos are released.
-snip-Ah, another data enthusiast, how cheerful. The best that I can show you - at this will be far long from the capabilities that Youtube Analytics has - is how our channel gained subscribers ever since the launch of it. Here's the breakdown taken from SocialBlade[1](take this data with a grain of salt since I don't know how accurate it is):
Oddly, the peak of our video views was on 28/10/2021 - a
Thurdsay - which was something that I wasn't expecting. I guess that it was when most users here saw the updated link and eventually decided to check it out. If the data is somewhat right, at the moment we're having an average of 14 subscribers and 70 video views per week. I assume that if we had the standard deviation its value would be high because most of our views came from the initial days and have plumbed (sadly) ever since the end of October - which is somewhat expectable. I think that the marketing (which has to be well thought) hasn't really started yet.
Latest ''revolutionary'' change from youtube - they are removing public dislikes count to ''protect'' smaller creators
this just sounds like one more way to hide the truth, and I don't understand why dislike button even exist from now on.
-snip-I'll leave here[2][3] the relevant links for your announcement since I also read that update recently and consider that an interesting read. Nice job pointing that out!
@Welsh : aysg76 already posted some workaround but I don't agree that there should be freedom to any user to add captions to the videos, just for the sake of quality control. I know that probably whoever is running the channel would have to review/approve the caption, but considering that he/she probably doesn't understand the text, chances are that he/she will use google translator/DeepL to see if the text is somewhat ... decent I guess? Besides you hate - as do I - Google lack of respect for privacy so the fact that we don't need to have a Google account to do the service is already a bonus should members decide to do this.
What I think should be done, from my point of view, is that whoever is in charge of translation would either send the raw text for whoever is editing the video -
much (believe me) less work involved - OR the user creates the subtitles all by himself - from timing to the actual translation - and sends them in a format (probably .srt) that can simply be loaded straight into the video by the channel owner - by using Youtube Studio[4] for example.