I may not have something to share yet on what content that you like to see in the youtube channel but is it okay if there is a shoutout for forum users in the end of the video. I don't think it is a good content but is it okay if there is a rap music about bitcointalk forum and the bitcointalk talkshow much like the same as this video
https://youtu.be/JZYZoQQ6LJQ but the rap or song is about bitcointalk forum and why bitcointalk forum is different from the other forums out there.
Making rap songs is tough task as most of the complex work will be included like composition, editing,auto tunes and you need lyricist for the same and what will you do in whole channel life? Like you could make one song as a introduction if we go ahead on this one but carrying it out each time is not possible as creating content for channel is being hard for @Cyrus and this will incur extra burden and no fun out there.There are so many bitcoin rap songs and parody but the audience is less to watch.
Talking of shout out to some members it can be said that a topic could be chosen about bitcoin and the detailed overview of high rank members could be given on that with each episode featuring some part and how does forum helped them or we can say like if the topic is security of bitcoin then the posts of some reputed memeber could be displayed over it so that people have the idea and their forum name will be visible so no problem to them also.But if we say giving shoutout to some members that doesn't excite me a lot as this is for guidance purpose not to promote any individual member but whole Bitcoin tak forum.
I am not familiar with how YouTube works for content creators, but doesn't a channel need a certain number of subscribers, views, and comments before it can earn commissions from YouTube or from the ads? I seriously doubt anyone creating and uploading their videos earns serious revenue unless certain conditions are met. "Influencer-like" conditions.
There are certain conditions before any YouTube channel start earning based on different of factors and they all varies accordingly.You could see some top youtubers like Ryan Kazi making $20 million a year by publishing kids entertainment videos and some making knowledgeable videos and earning very less.There are also
YouTube short funds aim to help content creators with certain conditions like restricted to some areas now and more than 10k subscribes. The earning are based on Advertisement revenue and how much views that ad got or say views on your video and it's usually on per thousand.This is estimated rate for earning on YouTube:
The forum channel videos will if have any sort of partnership program or advertisement displayed then it will earn from it and how the funds will be used is dependent on @Cyrus basically but most probably they will be spent on making more good content for the channel and its promotion.Hope it all goes well.
Waiting for the teaser to be released soon