ALSO: This thread should be in the Mining Speculation forum since it's all just rumour at this point.
They say on their website they are selling. I would think that is not a rumor a lie maybe but not a rumor.
well on their face book page
Valery Vavilov, CEO of BitFury, said: “We are very excited to launch mass production of our super 16nm ASIC Chip. The final results of our hard work have fully met our expectations. We understand that it will be nearly impossible for any older technology to compete with the performance of our new 16nm technology. As a responsible player in the Bitcoin community, we will be working with integration partners and resellers to make our unique technology widely available ensuring that the network remains decentralized and we move into the exahash era together. BitFury warmly welcomes all companies interested in joining our integration and reseller program.”
Jim Lai, President of GUC, said: “We have worked closely with BitFury’s experienced IC designers and we are glad to assist BitFury to achieve this outstanding result. GUC is proud that the BitFury-GUC partnership resulted in the first 16nm full custom tape-out for both parties.”
Maybe rumour wasn't the right word, but when Bitfury had their first 55nm pics and some information was posted here. I think once we see some data or pics of a chip/prototype it will be more than words.
I agree it is spec until they really sell some shit to us.
I found a quote on the size of their new center let me look for it.
from this link:"Staying true to our commitment to minimize our carbon footprint, BitFury continuously works to increase the energy efficiency of our data centers. The company already relies on renewable energy sources to power our data centers with less than half of the energy overhead of the leading Internet giants, and continuously seeks new ways to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. An important step forward in this effort is BitFury’s deployment of its proprietary immersion cooling technology in its recently opened Tbilisi, Georgia, data center which
supports 40 megawatts.*All figures mentioned above were measured with real silicon samples. Mileage for production devices may vary. Thanks to the physics of silicon devices, chips may demonstrate exceptionally low power consumption, or exceptionally high compute power, but not both at the same time."
The bold is me. I am sure the huge 188 195 197 and 215 block days this adjusment are them running the plant.
As to it using a .07 watt per gh chip I do not think so. I do think they may be doing .15 with it.
I estimate the monster big block days were done with 180 to 220 ph so a 40 mw plant running at 32 mw
is a safe guess.
.15 x 180 ph = 27 mw
.15 x 200 ph = 30 mw
.15 x 220 ph = 33 mw
So my guess is it runs at .15 mw maybe a little better.
Still a lot better then .26 to .31 the s-7 and avalon 6's do.