Ed, I see you defined mine_slush at 0.4*difficulty, is that correct afaik it should be something between 0.10 - 0.25 if I remember correctly.
I heard something like 15%? I think with the *4 factor (copied from the default scheduler), it ends up around 11%, since it's 1/4 of the default threshold of 0.435*difficulty.
Will add in "penalty" option to user.cfg and then people can muck as they please...
Ok reason Im asking, I am using your fork atm with the altslice 1200 etc. etc.
and im noticing something that I am not sure is the right approach unless its a bug.
pools mining to higher than 43.5% , mine_slush went to 38% ? not sure why this is happening but right now mtred is going still and its at 45%, is this the way you setup your fork?
EDIT: ok I notice it is finishing the timeslice allocated(even if pool is above 43.5%) before moving onto other lower percentage servers, just finding out if this is the intended setup by design with altslicing.
re: penalty option, this is where the dynamic penalty option of ryo worked so well.