Styles make fights but Butler is not heavy-handed nor faster than Inoue.
Exactly, that's why there's only a very little chance that Butler will win this fight. But I admire him for being brave, if he will lose, I hope he will not be injured in the fight so he can still continue his career. The thing is, if Inoue goes up in weight, maybe he can still fight and be a bantamweight champion again.
Let's just wait for the outcome, IMO, this fight is not too interesting due to the fact that Butler is not on Inoue's level, but still we have to watch this because it's the most important fight of Inoue in this division for him to become an undisputed champion.
The betting here is not on who will win as obviously we know already who will, we can bet on the type of outcome, could be by KO in what round or range of rounds, or could be by decision in favor of Inoue.
if you are into higher odd that kind of pick will attract your interest since ML is not good unless you will go to risk
huge amount of your bankroll, in most opinions, Inoue really takes the upper hand here,
Risking a huge amount IMO is not a good idea, with less than 5% of your total bet as your possible winning, that's a high risk to take.
I know Inoue is almost unbeatable, however, in gambling there's no such thing as "guarantee", and though Butler's chance is very slim, but anything could happen, including the almost impossible.
fighting in front of your own fans and the motivation to hold all the belts from this division, some of the factors that will make him very keen in winning this fight. On the gambler's side, if you are a fan of high-risk bet taking Butler will provide a huge amount of winning profits but it's a suicidal take, but the worth in case upset happens is really huge.
Betting on Butler is not a high risk for me, because I would just put a small amount and just enjoy the fight, and if I got lucky, that would be a big payday for me.