A small question regarding the maximum power of 1600W for an APW3++ power supply for an S9i.
I have one of my S9i that has a card out of order, so I unplugged it.
If I leave the Braiins OS+ configuration on 1600W, will I have a maximum of 800W in each card or the software will automatically calculate to put only 533W per card?
If you read Bitmain's documentation, you will notice they say efficiency is good up to 93.5% load, then it drops very fast. This means 1496W should be the theoretical MAX value.
Switching PSUs should not be run at full capacity for sustained periods of time. Safety margin is in order. Commonly with computers or electricity in general, people leave 20% margin, which for 1600W means 1280W.
In electricity (and electronics) you don't want to be running things at their max ratings, always leave a safety margin. For this reason
the default comes at 1420W which is meant for the
APW3++ that many S9s use.
Also, it is a known fact that Bitmain asics are more efficient a slower speeds, which is why many people use values near 900W for the power limit value, which also allows it to run at 110V and a single fan.
To answer your question, the answer is no. Each hashboard will always get 1/3rd (or slightly less) of the specified power limit value, so you don't need to be changing this value if you have less boards enabled or connected.
And now an announcement:
Braiins OS+ Nightly Release for X17 DevicesWhat's new:
+ the tuner has been significantly improved to ensure faster convergence and more stable tuning configurations. Old tuner profiles are kept, but ignored.
+ for safety reasons, the fans are running @ 100 % during the tuning phase. Once finished, the user settings are used
+ BOSminer will keep on restarting underperforming hash boards instead of switching them off completely. The delay between restarts exponentially grows from 5, 10, 20, etc., up to 180 minutes if the hash board performance doesn't improve. (In some cases, a simple restart is all that's needed for the underperforming boards to begin hashing properly.)
+Dynamic Power Scaling now works even with Manual Fan Control
How to install the nightly build:1. Download the new BOS Toolbox from here:
Windows -
https://feeds.braiins-os.com/toolbox/latest/bos-toolbox.zipLinux -
https://feeds.braiins-os.com/toolbox/latest/bos-toolbox2. Install/Update Braiins OS+ with the following command:
Windows - bos-toolbox.bat install --nightly list.csv
Linux - ./bos-toolbox install --nightly list.csv
Documentation for more detailed instructions on how to update: