This is something of a relief to see that you are concerned about your image(at least in the media), however it does not explain why the communication has not been better to your customers!!! You could explain, right on your website what is going on(something to the effect of..."please be patient, etc, we are backlogged because of a),b),c)...") What is so hard about that?...Yes its understandable that you want to remain anonymous with the way Bitcoin is going to affect the WORLD financial system...But why the mixed messages and lack of appropriate communication on your own website regarding deposits and Money holds?? If you make a
hidden statement that you don't accept US bank transfers, but yet provide wiring instructions for international wires...
AND then don't communicate or respond to support tickets when people send you the money just because you are backlogged, how is it supposed to look?? People are posting on this web forum about taking
legal action on this issue against you just because you haven't made some
simple communication to your own loyal customers.
Why would you want to attract this kind of negative attention???!!! This is exactly the kind of thing that
governments will use against you to try to shut down your site ( they can get rid of the BITCOIN threat once and for all). Bank of America has already prepared their first official document about the Bitcoin, has anyone seen it?? ... Do they see it as a threat to our financial system? Of course they do!)
Why do people have to yell and scream and report you to their own government agencies that you have stolen their money before you take action to alert your customers honestly that you are having an issue with being overloaded? SO hard? Or is something else going on here?
Please reply to our support tickets and credit/release our funds!!...
Support ticket #RVD-212-77815, #MSV-307-47743 (2 separate accounts)