
Topic: Buy the DIP, and HODL! - page 479. (Read 108087 times)

Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
May 16, 2022, 03:28:44 PM
Surely in recent days, there have been some concerns about whether the various failures of Luna/Terra/Kwon Do could end up contributing to showing some weaknesses in a variety of other shitcoin projects/coins - and some of the various coins/projects have intertwined themselves more with bitcoin than others, and even if we might not be proclaiming any of those various shitcoin matters to be leading the bitcoin price dynamics, there could be some short-term impacts when some further vulnerabilities are found in some of the various shitcoins - and surely even sentiment of the public could end up playing into the effectiveness of those kinds of shitcoin dumps - even if they might not have been the primary driving forces.
I think all altcoins have always been intertwined with bitcoin, the simplest evidence is their unavoidable dump each time bitcoin price goes down. But the degree of it has changed multiple times in the past.

For example in early days where people were mostly buying shitcoins using bitcoin, their pump and dumps affected bitcoin positively and negatively in that order. People bought bitcoin with fiat (contributing to its rise) and used it to buy shitcoins then they got dumped so they sold them for bitcoin and sold bitcoin to exit specially if bitcoin was the one causing the shitcoin dumps hence contributing to bitcoin drop itself.

Then the option to buy shitcoins directly with fiat got popular and the degree of their effect decreased as people were using bitcoin less to go in and out of shitcoins but then the exchanges started enforcing a lot of KYC and started having other issues so we went back to before.

In any case the effects were always there. For example I think it was 2017 when a shitcoin exchange got hacked and millions of dollars worth of shitcoins which included ETH was stolen and caused their crash. That dump created some sell pressure on bitcoin too even though it had nothing to do with bitcoin directly.

I am not going to deny some of the truth to what you are saying, but such discussion of shitcoin correlation starts to get into some of my pet-peeve areas in which there is all kinds of sloppy analysis out there attempting to make a variety of correlations of shitcoins and bitcoin, and part of the shitcoin pump and dump theses revolve around a variety of confusing and misleading discussions on that point.

It seems that my attempted context in raising the intertwined idea was largely an attempt to be a bit more concrete about our recent Luna/Terra/Do Kwon/shitcoin shenanigans in which whether some of the behavior was intended to directly affect bitcoin or not, their own pegging of their shitcoin to bitcoin, their disclosure of how they expected to defend the peg and even how the whole matter ended up playing out (which had already been hypothesized prior to it happening) ended up causing a decent amount of inevitability that bitcoin was going to be affected when 80k bitcoins end up getting dumped in a short period of time...

There may be some of us, including yourself and even yours truly, who might end up wanting to bow out of certain kinds of conversations, even if we might have somewhat strong speculative ideas because sometimes there may well be too many possible causal factors that go into some of our areas of speculation that it becomes too far detached from plausible scenarios if we try to argue about what might happen after x, y and z have already happened.. but if x, y and z have not yet happened, then what good is it going to do to get into such discussions that assume x, y and z to have had already happened when they may or may not even end up happening.

Anyhow, I personally try to stay on more direct and immediate scenarios rather than getting to too many legs down the road because even though I have some ideas about those kinds of matters (and sometimes even strong ideas), I don't find very much discussion of them to be very helpful or actionable in terms of what is happening right now. 

For example, when folks start to proclaim that bitcoin fees are not going to be sufficient to sustain bitcoin mining/security incentives once the reward is reduced below some threshold point that seems to be way into the future, and I just start to get irritated as fuck with some of those conversations because even though there is some kinds of preparations that can be made now to account for such, there is a certain amount need to see how matters play out in order to know how much if any further preparations (and in what direction) may well need to be made.. So, even if there might be some current time considerations/preparations regarding further out scenarios, it can be frustrating to spend too much time in considering them in a shorter (or even medium) time frame, whether we are referring to the next 2-4 years or even preparation/considerations for a longer time frame like 4-12 years.
Activity: 3472
Merit: 10611
May 16, 2022, 12:40:41 AM
Surely in recent days, there have been some concerns about whether the various failures of Luna/Terra/Kwon Do could end up contributing to showing some weaknesses in a variety of other shitcoin projects/coins - and some of the various coins/projects have intertwined themselves more with bitcoin than others, and even if we might not be proclaiming any of those various shitcoin matters to be leading the bitcoin price dynamics, there could be some short-term impacts when some further vulnerabilities are found in some of the various shitcoins - and surely even sentiment of the public could end up playing into the effectiveness of those kinds of shitcoin dumps - even if they might not have been the primary driving forces.
I think all altcoins have always been intertwined with bitcoin, the simplest evidence is their unavoidable dump each time bitcoin price goes down. But the degree of it has changed multiple times in the past.

For example in early days where people were mostly buying shitcoins using bitcoin, their pump and dumps affected bitcoin positively and negatively in that order. People bought bitcoin with fiat (contributing to its rise) and used it to buy shitcoins then they got dumped so they sold them for bitcoin and sold bitcoin to exit specially if bitcoin was the one causing the shitcoin dumps hence contributing to bitcoin drop itself.

Then the option to buy shitcoins directly with fiat got popular and the degree of their effect decreased as people were using bitcoin less to go in and out of shitcoins but then the exchanges started enforcing a lot of KYC and started having other issues so we went back to before.

In any case the effects were always there. For example I think it was 2017 when a shitcoin exchange got hacked and millions of dollars worth of shitcoins which included ETH was stolen and caused their crash. That dump created some sell pressure on bitcoin too even though it had nothing to do with bitcoin directly.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
May 15, 2022, 10:39:12 AM
pretty much the whole time that I have been in bitcoin, I have been hearing various kinds of correlation claims (and yeah, you and I have been in bitcoin for a similar amount of time).
This reminded me of the dumbest "scientific" paper I have ever seen in my life about the correlation between bitcoin price and number of posts on social media. The author was basically suggesting that if you post too many tweets on twitter for example, the price would pump and if you stop posting it would dump Cheesy

Exactly.. there are all kinds of dumb (or maybe just incomplete) theories involving aspects of public sentiment.. .and I am not even proclaiming that public sentiment is not a factor... even though in this current line of thought when we were talking about questions or correlation, we started out that area of inquiry by focusing on the purported stock market correlation and some of the supposed market analysis experts consider a lot of correlation to exist with the NASDAQ - which I consider to be a whole bunch of bullshit.. in line with it is correlated until it is not.. so in that sense I will agree that all kinds of correlation does exist between bitcoin and various macro-market dynamics - including what the FED does and blah blah blah.. but if you put too many of your chips on those kinds of analyses, you are going to be all fine and dandy, until the short period of time that bitcoin steps up again (just like it did between September 2020 to April 2021 when BTC stepped up from $10k to $60k and then went back to being correlated again.. so you kind of got fucked if you did not prepare for that 5-6x or so short term step up of BTC relatively speaking.. and we have seen those kinds of step ups on a number of occasions in BTC and then subsequent returns to short-term correlation).  

I think that part of my ongoing proclamations that I have trouble explaining what might have happened in the short run, even though there could be some matters that are more dominant than others, and some factors - such as the Kwon Do dumping could end up pushing the BTC price over the edge (to the downside in this case)... yet frequently, that kind of a dumping will only have as much chance to work if it is done at a kind of opportune time... so then there might be some questions about whether the amount of cascading of the BTC price to the negative (and also other projects/coins in the space) that happen could allow for some additional negative events to become more effective before the BTC price sufficiently recovers and enough support builds up to cause further dumps or even FUD spreading to become less effective.  

Surely in recent days, there have been some concerns about whether the various failures of Luna/Terra/Kwon Do could end up contributing to showing some weaknesses in a variety of other shitcoin projects/coins - and some of the various coins/projects have intertwined themselves more with bitcoin than others, and even if we might not be proclaiming any of those various shitcoin matters to be leading the bitcoin price dynamics, there could be some short-term impacts when some further vulnerabilities are found in some of the various shitcoins - and surely even sentiment of the public could end up playing into the effectiveness of those kinds of shitcoin dumps - even if they might not have been the primary driving forces.
Activity: 3472
Merit: 10611
May 15, 2022, 02:36:23 AM
pretty much the whole time that I have been in bitcoin, I have been hearing various kinds of correlation claims (and yeah, you and I have been in bitcoin for a similar amount of time).
This reminded me of the dumbest "scientific" paper I have ever seen in my life about the correlation between bitcoin price and number of posts on social media. The author was basically suggesting that if you post too many tweets on twitter for example, the price would pump and if you stop posting it would dump Cheesy
Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
May 14, 2022, 03:45:17 PM
We don't know why, but I believe it might be because there are now more institutional investors/hedge funds/professional legacy market traders in Bitcoin Land.
I don't see institutional investors, etc. talk about this "correlation". All I see is regular people insisting on creating this correlation! This basically started in 2020 when someone planted the seed after the simultaneous crash and people forgot about it as soon as price recovered and reached ATH and nobody asked why other markets aren't recovering if there really was a correlation.
They are repeating it today while ignoring that recovery and ATH and lack of correlation there and only focus on the crash part in 2020!!!

I have seen variations of "correlation" talking points coming from all kinds of people, including institutional investors making the same kind of nonsense claims.

Even the way that you frame the issue pooya87, seems to be quite inadequate - because pretty much the whole time that I have been in bitcoin, I have been hearing various kinds of correlation claims (and yeah, you and I have been in bitcoin for a similar amount of time).

I would not even deny that considerable amounts of correlation does not exist, especially if we are either making short-term assessments or attempting to act as if we are making long term assessments without accounting for the actual data.

In other words, sure of course there can appear to be all kinds of correlation in the short term and even we might anticipate some short term factors that will cause bitcoin's price to move but if we zoom the fuck out, we should appreciate that other things are going on in bitcoin, including the nature of its difference as an asset class and also the fact that early stages of adoption is going to contribute towards bitcoin having way more UPside price pressures (and moves) as compared to various mature asset classes/currencies because in part it takes way the hell less capital to move bitcoin UP as compared to various other mature asset classes/currencies.

I am not even sure how productive it would be for me to go into various details regarding how some specific time (or incident) might be pointed out as a starting point to compare bitcoin's prices to other asset classes/currencies because surely some time periods are more representative than others and may well help to illustrate different points about price movement that might have occurred within a certain timeframe that might represent some kind of a point that is being attempted to be made.  Sometimes folks are really disingenuine with the way they present information because they are trying to make certain kinds of points, so then they select their data to argue their various points... and we see this all the time with nocoiners, lowcoiners, bitcoin naysayers, shitcoin pumpeners, and some other similar classes of persons who frequently will start their analysis of bitcoin's supposed comparative price performance in terms of starting with whereever bitcoin had peaked in its price and then arguing their points from there.. and surely sometimes there can be some valid points that are made by starting with the peak, but frequently the various comparative price performance claims are not really trying to get to any kind of meaningful assessment regarding what might be happening in the world that is helpful for people to figure out how they might consider their own allocation into bitcoin.

For sure, there are likely ways to measure bottoms that ends up being more helpful than measuring tops, but even the measurement of bottoms or starting from bottoms can lead some disingenuine posters into skewing data to mislead and misrepresent any kind of attempt at fair analysis and assessments of bitcoin as compared to other asset classes/currencies.

There also seems to be a kind of direct attack on the BTC price through the Luna/UST baloney, that is contributing to actual concrete cascading sales that cause difficulties to buy when the BTC price is dropping so fast and uncertainties regarding when it will bottom.. at least in the short to medium term there may well be some kind of need to feel comfort that the intensity of the BTC price drops have stopped... at least in the short term.
I think Luna shenanigans were like the last straw that helped break the strong resistance ($30k) that might not have happened any other way.

Surely, it is not easy to know about the various factors to attempt to explain causation - even though I really have tendencies to get aggravated when single cause explanations seem to get more emphases than deserved... and so in that regard, all time there seems to be quite a few things going on that likely contribute to bitcoin price dynamics in a variety of ways, and maybe the short to medium term noise is less important than figuring out larger and broader trends - but in threads like this one, guys may well be striving to figure out various current causal matters in order that they might have greater success to time dips or to figure out if they might need to change some course of action that they have planned for either attempting to accumulate more bitcoin - if that might be amongst the most relevant of goals that we are attempting to discuss in this thread (sure Wind_Fury mentioned this goal, too).

We don't know why, but I believe it might be because there are now more institutional investors/hedge funds/professional legacy market traders in Bitcoin Land.
I don't see institutional investors, etc. talk about this "correlation". All I see is regular people insisting on creating this correlation! This basically started in 2020 when someone planted the seed after the simultaneous crash and people forgot about it as soon as price recovered and reached ATH and nobody asked why other markets aren't recovering if there really was a correlation.

They are repeating it today while ignoring that recovery and ATH and lack of correlation there and only focus on the crash part in 2020!!!

It should not bother you what other plebs like us say. Our only "problem" is where to find more work/money and when to deploy capital to buy DIPs, not whether there's a correlation with legacy markets or not. If there's a correlation, then there's a correlation, but our "problem", the good problem, remains the same.

I still believe that persons who are engaged in ongoing BTC accumulation are going to still have a variety of circumstances that vary in terms of each of their personal factors, so we should not be assuming everyone who might benefit from discussion of these various correlation (or lack thereof) points is going to be coming at the matter from the same angle.... whether we are referring to how long the person may have already been in bitcoin (including considering how much they may have already screwed up in their historical BTC accumulation strategies/practices) or even if some guys might be new to bitcoin and either coming in with ONLY having a cashflow or they might have a lump sum that is invested in other areas (or maybe already in cash) that they are attempting to figure out some kind of short-to-medium term BTC accumulation strategies and how to possibly best manage and think about the balancing of their circumstances.

So yeah it is not only the management of cashflow that is potentially at issue Wind_FURY.. any of the other personal factors could cause guys to think about the BTC accumulation matter differently, and I suppose it does not hurt to list them to include other investments, timeline, risk tolerance, view of bitcoin as compared to other assets, time, skills and abilities to learn, strategize, tweak along the way that might include reallocating from time to time or even trading, the use of leverage or the employment of various financial instruments - and for sure, I am way more an advocate of getting personal basics into place before even attempting to use more complicated methods such as trading, leverage and/or financial instruments - even though each of us has to consider our own circumstance in term of those more sophisticated ways of approaching bitcoin investing and accumulation.

What's currently happening to Bitcoin is the same bull/bear pattern. 2018 is 2022, 2019 is 2023, 2020 is 2024 - the year of the next halving. Cool

There's always some risk if you get too tied up into making fractal comparisons, even if you might end up getting your prediction correct, you are likely going to get yourself into some kind of psychological or financial pickle (if you have not already) if you assign higher probabilities than they deserve to these kinds of patterns that you see (whether unique to your own shower visions or you are engaging in some kinds of kumbaya coordinations with some of your soulmates..  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy)

Back to the "correlation", you will understand why it's being considered if you follow macro-economic events especially in the United States and China.

There are a lot of ways that correlation can be raised in current times, and also has been historically raised.. and perhaps none of us really disagree that the correlation claims tend to be misleading and self-selected so I am having some troubles appreciating how much they might need to be explored here.. even though correlation does seem to be an evergreen topic that seems to have quite a bit of evergreen validity because there is likely a decent amount of truth regarding those kinds of claims in the short term, even if they might even be conclusive that bitcoin is going to stay correlated in this particular part of whatever cycle bitcoin is in.. but at the same the correlation dynamics would not be something to completely ignore, either, even if there are tendencies to raise those kinds of questions in ways that could mislead folks in terms of their own psychological and/or financial preparations.

There also seems to be a kind of direct attack on the BTC price through the Luna/UST baloney, that is contributing to actual concrete cascading sales that cause difficulties to buy when the BTC price is dropping so fast and uncertainties regarding when it will bottom.. at least in the short to medium term there may well be some kind of need to feel comfort that the intensity of the BTC price drops have stopped... at least in the short term.

I think Luna shenanigans were like the last straw that helped break the strong resistance ($30k) that might not have happened any other way.

I believe if it wasn't LUNA crash it would be "something else" like COVID-19 crash of 2020. These are merely things we can't control. They're also opening more golden opportunities to buy the DIP, and HODL.

I doubt that the crash or correction that we did experience was inevitable, even though after it happens, we can see that it happened, so it is not like we can change history.

There are a lot of times in bitcoin that purported BTC price gurus proclaim that we "have to" go down before we go up, and then it does not happen, so guys end up getting fucked because they failed/refused to sufficiently/adequately prepare for UP.  I have seen it a lot of times.

We don't know why, but I believe it might be because there are now more institutional investors/hedge funds/professional legacy market traders in Bitcoin Land.
That's one way of looking at it , but these are the big boys of the markets that can make or break our crypto markets...especially if they hodl a huge amount of coins, and once they hit the sell button they simply put more bearish pressure on the markets but with this Dip, means new entrants into the markets as people have been waiting for cheaper coins!

I would not even presume that they have the coins that they claim to have - so in that regard, some of those various funds could end up getting fucked royally if the BTC price ends up moving against them (meaning that the BTC price moves up 100% or 200% or even some other variation that might even be quite lower) and they ONLY have less than 10% of the coins that they claim to have.. They get fucked and maybe any clients using their service gets fucked too if the company is not solvent enough to cover their misrepresentations.  

By the way, another thing is that they are allowed to cover in dollars, so they may well not even be required to hold any bitcoin, but their having had followed their various legal obligations might not relieve them or their clients when they end up not having enough capital to cover BTC price moves against their degenerate gambling that ends up not working out... even account for a hypothetical that they are claiming to have $1billion in bitcoin, but they only have $100 million?  and of course, there are funds that may well be playing with way higher numbers than that.

I suppose that part of my point is that we cannot necessarily presume that financial tools that allow for downward manipulation of the BTC price are going to facilitate them being as successful as they may have been historically with other assets, especially accounting for the bearer asset component to bitcoin that is pretty easy to claim possession (even though clients who use some of the more sophisticated financial instruments might contract away their rights to claim possession of the bitcoin, not everyone with exposure to bitcoin through such instruments is going to enter into such contracts that do not allow them to verify the asset holdings that any company claims to have).
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1823
May 14, 2022, 07:10:56 AM

We don't know why, but I believe it might be because there are now more institutional investors/hedge funds/professional legacy market traders in Bitcoin Land.

That's one way of looking at it , but these are the big boys of the markets that can make or break our crypto markets...especially if they hodl a huge amount of coins, and once they hit the sell button they simply put more bearish pressure on the markets but with this Dip, means new entrants into the markets as people have been waiting for cheaper coins!

The network has been chugging along, producing block after block for more than 10 years. I'm confident that it has reached a phase that it simply cannot be "killed" anymore. The longer Bitcoin exists, the longer its life expectancy. The Lindy Effect.

Their narrative during the next bear cycle will be, "how low can we buy the DIP", not the same narrative during the last bear cycle which was, "Bitcoin market crashed, it is dying". Do you see the evolution of their perception?
hero member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 879 ⚔️Crypto Futures
May 14, 2022, 07:00:53 AM

We don't know why, but I believe it might be because there are now more institutional investors/hedge funds/professional legacy market traders in Bitcoin Land.
That's one way of looking at it , but these are the big boys of the markets that can make or break our crypto markets...especially if they hodl a huge amount of coins, and once they hit the sell button they simply put more bearish pressure on the markets but with this Dip, means new entrants into the markets as people have been waiting for cheaper coins!
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1823
May 14, 2022, 04:52:27 AM
We don't know why, but I believe it might be because there are now more institutional investors/hedge funds/professional legacy market traders in Bitcoin Land.

I don't see institutional investors, etc. talk about this "correlation". All I see is regular people insisting on creating this correlation! This basically started in 2020 when someone planted the seed after the simultaneous crash and people forgot about it as soon as price recovered and reached ATH and nobody asked why other markets aren't recovering if there really was a correlation.

They are repeating it today while ignoring that recovery and ATH and lack of correlation there and only focus on the crash part in 2020!!!

It should not bother you what other plebs like us say. Our only "problem" is where to find more work/money and when to deploy capital to buy DIPs, not whether there's a correlation with legacy markets or not. If there's a correlation, then there's a correlation, but our "problem", the good problem, remains the same.

What's currently happening to Bitcoin is the same bull/bear pattern. 2018 is 2022, 2019 is 2023, 2020 is 2024 - the year of the next halving. Cool

Back to the "correlation", you will understand why it's being considered if you follow macro-economic events especially in the United States and China.

There also seems to be a kind of direct attack on the BTC price through the Luna/UST baloney, that is contributing to actual concrete cascading sales that cause difficulties to buy when the BTC price is dropping so fast and uncertainties regarding when it will bottom.. at least in the short to medium term there may well be some kind of need to feel comfort that the intensity of the BTC price drops have stopped... at least in the short term.

I think Luna shenanigans were like the last straw that helped break the strong resistance ($30k) that might not have happened any other way.

I believe if it wasn't LUNA crash it would be "something else" like COVID-19 crash of 2020. These are merely things we can't control. They're also opening more golden opportunities to buy the DIP, and HODL.
Activity: 3472
Merit: 10611
May 14, 2022, 01:07:12 AM
We don't know why, but I believe it might be because there are now more institutional investors/hedge funds/professional legacy market traders in Bitcoin Land.
I don't see institutional investors, etc. talk about this "correlation". All I see is regular people insisting on creating this correlation! This basically started in 2020 when someone planted the seed after the simultaneous crash and people forgot about it as soon as price recovered and reached ATH and nobody asked why other markets aren't recovering if there really was a correlation.
They are repeating it today while ignoring that recovery and ATH and lack of correlation there and only focus on the crash part in 2020!!!

There also seems to be a kind of direct attack on the BTC price through the Luna/UST baloney, that is contributing to actual concrete cascading sales that cause difficulties to buy when the BTC price is dropping so fast and uncertainties regarding when it will bottom.. at least in the short to medium term there may well be some kind of need to feel comfort that the intensity of the BTC price drops have stopped... at least in the short term.
I think Luna shenanigans were like the last straw that helped break the strong resistance ($30k) that might not have happened any other way.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
May 14, 2022, 12:48:46 AM
When the bitcoin price at the end of 2021 reached more than $50k I often saw people buying if the price was below $35k, now in telegram chat a lot of people are spreading FUDs, it even looks like they are massive and organized more than 10 people, are they paid to make users panic?

There is a need to do your own assessment in regards to bitcoin in terms of attempting to assess if you believe that bitcoin is a sufficiently strong investment that you are going to be able to weather the UPs and the DOWNs in the price and continue to buy on a regular basis - whether that is DCA, buying on dips, lump sum investing or a combination of those methods.

You already recognize that there may well be some phoniness to the information that you see posted in telegram (or whatever other forums that you participate in).  

On a personal basis, I believe that everyone should be investing some amount of money into bitcoin, even if it ONLY happens to be $10 per week, and surely the more aggressive your ongoing investment, the more likely that your persistence and aggressiveness will payoff   -  so long as you make sure that you have enough money for expenses and even an emergency fund so you do not have to draw upon your bitcoin for a long time 4-10 years or longer.

So, if you are scared about investing into bitcoin, then maybe you would only invest the smaller amounts until you become more comfortable - and in the end, you have to figure out for yourself if there might be some reasonable and ongoing way that you can invest in bitcoin and feel comfortable with your choice.. because it is not good to be shaken out during times like these .. and some people do just pause their buying even though during times like these it may well be better to make sure that you continue to buy. but each of us has to figure out those kinds of balancing matters.

Zoom out, there's a bull/bear cycle pattern that Bitcoin always follows.
There is always a bull/bear cycle alright but if you analyze the previous cycles you realize that this is a brand new trend that has never happened.
For example it is unprecedented to see this much drop after such a tiny rise to a very low ATH.
The lowest price (currently $25k) is also unprecedented since the last cycle's ATH has never been reached in the bear part of the next cycles. Meaning when the $20k bubble popped price went as low as $3200 and previous ATH was $1100 (3x higher) or when the $1100 bubble popped it went down to $150 and previous ATH was about $20 (7x higher).

The problem I have is not even the drop itself but the reason why people are panic selling. They aren't panic selling because of bear market or bubble pop or anything like that. As I said above, people are panic selling simply because S&P 500 is crashing which makes no sense at all!

There also seems to be a kind of direct attack on the BTC price through the Luna/UST baloney, that is contributing to actual concrete cascading sales that cause difficulties to buy when the BTC price is dropping so fast and uncertainties regarding when it will bottom.. at least in the short to medium term there may well be some kind of need to feel comfort that the intensity of the BTC price drops have stopped... at least in the short term.

Just buy it now, because now the altcoin price is at the bottom, I'm sure with long-term Hold you will have a lot of profit in the future,
buy really cheap coins, like CKB on Binance, because Nervos has very good fundamentals, I'm sure CKB's future could reach $0.1 more

Fuck shitcoins.

This thread is about bitcoin and not about shitcoins.. don't buy that shit and if you want to talk about buying various shitcoins, then talk about it in some other thread.

I do not believe this not any more. Instead, I want to say bye with everything in a bull season even scam coin will gives you profits. Sell everything and wait for the next bull season in a bear market. Buying the dip in a bear market is like a suicide because the market will create lower low in every month. I do not care about 2017 or 2018 I see this right now in the current market.
Why don't you think that DCA can help you collect assets at different prices every time you want to buy?

You don't have to buy this asset with all the capital you have in 1 transaction, you can save some of your funds to make another purchase if the price drops lower than before. In the long run the accumulation strategy of buying dip and hold + DCA will help you make a profit, that's great and a lot of people have done it. Then why don't you?

You shouldn't think the downturn is the end, the trend will change and you should be prepared enough and have a number of assets that will benefit you if the trend changes later. The decline in price will eventually form the basis of a new price, and you should know that the price will not always go down.

You are referring to other assets _BlackStar.  

I agree with everything you said in regards to bitcoin.. but your attempt to apply the same ideas to "a number of assets" is off topic, and we don't know what the fuck you are talking about.. because there are a lot of shitty ones out there, and trying to figure out which one might be less shitty than another is way beyond the topic of this thread.  In other words, maybe you would like to edit your post and see if you are ready, willing and able to say the same thing about bitcoin or were you talking about something other than bitcoin ... by the way, you do not even use the word bitcoin in your post, which is another sign that you might be talking about another topic or some random shitcoin... or even concluding that the same DCA, buying on dip principles can be applied to all of crypto.. Maybe you should clarify what you mean?

I do not believe this not any more. Instead, I want to say bye with everything in a bull season even scam coin will gives you profits. Sell everything and wait for the next bull season in a bear market. Buying the dip in a bear market is like a suicide because the market will create lower low in every month. I do not care about 2017 or 2018 I see this right now in the current market.
Why don't you think that DCA can help you collect assets at different prices every time you want to buy?

You don't have to buy this asset with all the capital you have in 1 transaction, you can save some of your funds to make another purchase if the price drops lower than before. In the long run the accumulation strategy of buying dip and hold + DCA will help you make a profit, that's great and a lot of people have done it. Then why don't you?

You shouldn't think the downturn is the end, the trend will change and you should be prepared enough and have a number of assets that will benefit you if the trend changes later. The decline in price will eventually form the basis of a new price, and you should know that the price will not always go down.

I was doing DCA in multiple assets from Septermber last year till now. You know what my 6k assets become 1200$ even i brought different assets. Most of them are still promising and doing good, but every dip I brought price goes further down. Last day lose all of my balance in line incident. I thought in spot trading you can not get rekt like future but I was wrong. I do not trust what people say i do not trust how big the project is. Any project could failed so my only aim is to do short term trading and keep my asstes in different stable coin(not a single stable coin) or in bitcoin.

Maybe this is a case in point.. ?  This foggy thinking is contagious..

We are not talking about shitcoins or multiple assets in this thread.. because the vast majority of everything else is shit.. and you run the risk of rug pull or some other variation of a scam... the various shitcoins likely correlate with bitcoin on the short term, but if they do not have fundamentals, then it's very risky to believe you can invest in them long term.. and have any level of assurance, and one of the presumptions of this thread is that in the long term your investment is going to pay off whether you buy on the dip, DCA or lump sum.. or even just HODL through the trying periods.  If you are investing into other coins, you do not have those kinds of assurances.. and you need to do some level of fundamental analysis on each of the coins.. and hopefully engage in that fuzzy logic wishful-thinking in some other thread because the overwhelming majority of coins are only following bitcoin (until they don't.. then your fucked - in other words, once your shitcoin goes on a negative trajectory, DCA, buying on dips, lump sum investing and HODL is not going to help you.. except perhaps cause you to keep putting money into the crap that keeps going down.. and that is not the case for bitcoin in terms of fundamentals and the reason that those techniques apply to bitcoin and not to shitcoins).
Activity: 728
Merit: 19
May 13, 2022, 11:01:03 AM
I do not believe this not any more. Instead, I want to say bye with everything in a bull season even scam coin will gives you profits. Sell everything and wait for the next bull season in a bear market. Buying the dip in a bear market is like a suicide because the market will create lower low in every month. I do not care about 2017 or 2018 I see this right now in the current market.
Why don't you think that DCA can help you collect assets at different prices every time you want to buy?

You don't have to buy this asset with all the capital you have in 1 transaction, you can save some of your funds to make another purchase if the price drops lower than before. In the long run the accumulation strategy of buying dip and hold + DCA will help you make a profit, that's great and a lot of people have done it. Then why don't you?

You shouldn't think the downturn is the end, the trend will change and you should be prepared enough and have a number of assets that will benefit you if the trend changes later. The decline in price will eventually form the basis of a new price, and you should know that the price will not always go down.

I was doing DCA in multiple assets from Septermber last year till now. You know what my 6k assets become 1200$ even i brought different assets. Most of them are still promising and doing good, but every dip I brought price goes further down. Last day lose all of my balance in line incident. I thought in spot trading you can not get rekt like future but I was wrong. I do not trust what people say i do not trust how big the project is. Any project could failed so my only aim is to do short term trading and keep my asstes in different stable coin(not a single stable coin) or in bitcoin.
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1823
May 13, 2022, 05:09:04 AM
Zoom out, there's a bull/bear cycle pattern that Bitcoin always follows.

There is always a bull/bear cycle alright but if you analyze the previous cycles you realize that this is a brand new trend that has never happened.

For example it is unprecedented to see this much drop after such a tiny rise to a very low ATH.
The lowest price (currently $25k) is also unprecedented since the last cycle's ATH has never been reached in the bear part of the next cycles. Meaning when the $20k bubble popped price went as low as $3200 and previous ATH was $1100 (3x higher) or when the $1100 bubble popped it went down to $150 and previous ATH was about $20 (7x higher).

Is every cycle required to be as large, or as closely proportional as the last cycle? I believe not. This cycle might be "such a tiny rise to a very low ATH", but it shouldn't be assumed that the next bull cycles will be smaller and smaller surges too.


The problem I have is not even the drop itself but the reason why people are panic selling. They aren't panic selling because of bear market or bubble pop or anything like that. As I said above, people are panic selling simply because S&P 500 is crashing which makes no sense at all!

We don't know why, but I believe it might be because there are now more institutional investors/hedge funds/professional legacy market traders in Bitcoin Land.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1228
Playgram - The Telegram Casino
May 12, 2022, 01:35:29 PM
I do not believe this not any more. Instead, I want to say bye with everything in a bull season even scam coin will gives you profits. Sell everything and wait for the next bull season in a bear market. Buying the dip in a bear market is like a suicide because the market will create lower low in every month. I do not care about 2017 or 2018 I see this right now in the current market.
Why don't you think that DCA can help you collect assets at different prices every time you want to buy?

You don't have to buy this asset with all the capital you have in 1 transaction, you can save some of your funds to make another purchase if the price drops lower than before. In the long run the accumulation strategy of buying dip and hold + DCA will help you make a profit, that's great and a lot of people have done it. Then why don't you?

You shouldn't think the downturn is the end, the trend will change and you should be prepared enough and have a number of assets that will benefit you if the trend changes later. The decline in price will eventually form the basis of a new price, and you should know that the price will not always go down.
full member
Activity: 1610
Merit: 103
The OGz Club
May 12, 2022, 01:15:56 PM
Just buy it now, because now the altcoin price is at the bottom, I'm sure with long-term Hold you will have a lot of profit in the future,
buy really cheap coins, like CKB on Binance, because Nervos has very good fundamentals, I'm sure CKB's future could reach $0.1 more
Activity: 728
Merit: 19
May 12, 2022, 06:43:46 AM
You have no other option. I joke about the whalecumulators, but what else can we plebs do? Buy the dip, and HODL! You do not want to end up empty handed on the next cycle,

Always zoom out if in doubt,

I do not believe this not any more. Instead, I want to say buy with everything in a bull season even scam coin will gives you profits. Sell everything and wait for the next bull season in a bear market. Buying the dip in a bear market is like a suicide because the market will create lower low in every month. I do not care about 2017 or 2018 I see this right now in the current market.
Activity: 3472
Merit: 10611
May 12, 2022, 04:13:51 AM
Zoom out, there's a bull/bear cycle pattern that Bitcoin always follows.
There is always a bull/bear cycle alright but if you analyze the previous cycles you realize that this is a brand new trend that has never happened.
For example it is unprecedented to see this much drop after such a tiny rise to a very low ATH.
The lowest price (currently $25k) is also unprecedented since the last cycle's ATH has never been reached in the bear part of the next cycles. Meaning when the $20k bubble popped price went as low as $3200 and previous ATH was $1100 (3x higher) or when the $1100 bubble popped it went down to $150 and previous ATH was about $20 (7x higher).

The problem I have is not even the drop itself but the reason why people are panic selling. They aren't panic selling because of bear market or bubble pop or anything like that. As I said above, people are panic selling simply because S&P 500 is crashing which makes no sense at all!
full member
Activity: 1484
Merit: 101
May 12, 2022, 03:18:51 AM
When the bitcoin price at the end of 2021 reached more than $50k I often saw people buying if the price was below $35k, now in telegram chat a lot of people are spreading FUDs, it even looks like they are massive and organized more than 10 people, are they paid to make users panic?
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1823
May 12, 2022, 02:18:32 AM
The difference that I was pointing out is, there was a narrative change during the bull phase which started during 2020 after the pandemic crash. Because during this current bull phase, the institutions came in, Elon Musk came in, Chad Saylor came in. The anti-Bitcoin trolls can't make an argument that Bitcoin "is dying" when the next crash arrives. They simply can't anymore.

Plus there are also other narratives, like the tens of thousands who came in here to "be rich". Some of them will eventually understand, and truly learn about Bitcoin. They will learn the importance of running a node, even if they will not run a node. Because if indeed they find themselves to be in an adversarial environment that forces them to run a node, they can do it.

Unfortunately the only existing and dominating narrative right now is the one that has convinced everyone that bitcoin follows US stock market which means as it is dumping hard, people panic sell bitcoin too. Sadly it has been an impossible task to make them realize that bitcoin was the exit not the repetition of the same corrupted markets.

That's not a narrative. It's simply the market naturally acting like the market. Zoom out, there's a bull/bear cycle pattern that Bitcoin always follows. But where is it truly going? Up. Bitcoin is still on its path to price discovery. Would any Bitcoiner actually believe that this is "the end"?


The only question remaining is how much more are people going to follow this fake narrative and act irrationally since I don't think the US stock market crash is going to stop but I also don't think bitcoin can continue falling like this. At some point it has to stop and reverse while the stock market continues crashing.

In any case it is interesting to see this very new market behavior this year.

Markets have always been, at times, inefficient. It will never change.
Activity: 3472
Merit: 10611
May 12, 2022, 12:46:02 AM
The difference that I was pointing out is, there was a narrative change during the bull phase which started during 2020 after the pandemic crash. Because during this current bull phase, the institutions came in, Elon Musk came in, Chad Saylor came in. The anti-Bitcoin trolls can't make an argument that Bitcoin "is dying" when the next crash arrives. They simply can't anymore.

Plus there are also other narratives, like the tens of thousands who came in here to "be rich". Some of them will eventually understand, and truly learn about Bitcoin. They will learn the importance of running a node, even if they will not run a node. Because if indeed they find themselves to be in an adversarial environment that forces them to run a node, they can do it.
Unfortunately the only existing and dominating narrative right now is the one that has convinced everyone that bitcoin follows US stock market which means as it is dumping hard, people panic sell bitcoin too. Sadly it has been an impossible task to make them realize that bitcoin was the exit not the repetition of the same corrupted markets.

The only question remaining is how much more are people going to follow this fake narrative and act irrationally since I don't think the US stock market crash is going to stop but I also don't think bitcoin can continue falling like this. At some point it has to stop and reverse while the stock market continues crashing.

In any case it is interesting to see this very new market behavior this year.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
May 11, 2022, 02:22:00 PM
Indeed, Buy the DIP, and HODL are good strategies to apply when investors are feeling FOMO, FUD, and various other potentially detrimental emotions. Especially when the price drops compared to when the price was purchased. This helps us to prevent wrong timing of sales in the market.

Easy to say but would really be hard when you are on the actual situation specially as of this moment where price decline is something recognizable or something which you cant ignore.

Pretty much sure that to those who had bought on 36-38k are on panic now. Its true that buying even more on this price level is a good or ideal or simply talks about DCA.

If you do still have that funds to invest then its up to your choice if you could still put risk but if not then its better to hold because price would recover no matter what but somehow knowing on when for it to happen is something that no one could really know.

Investors who follow a truly DCA method don't panic, especially if the investment is in Bitcoin. Zoom out, where is Bitcoin going? Up. Plus from the use case side of things, the true underlying nature of Bitcoin,especially in geo-politics, might not be priced in yet. JuanJayGee is a believer of DCA, I respect his standpoint, but personally it's not good for my sanity. Hahaha.

Well, you realize that I believe in DCA.. but I also believe in buying on the dip..

Just like milewilda mentioned, none of us can be sure how much of a dip is enough of a dip.. and then another thing is that we might run out of money if we buy too much and then it dips further..

So there are likely guys who bought in the lower $50ks after the dip from $69k, and then they bought in the $40ks and $30ks and now we are approaching the $20ks.. so if they still have money, shouldn't they be attempting to figure out how much to attempt to balance buying on further dips or just DCA'ing.

DCA surely is the best of strategies to initially get in.. but then once in, there can be more abilities to be more discretionary regarding when to buy and how much of a dip is enough.

I doubt that it would be correct to proclaim that ONLY one strategy would be appropriate, because let's say that someone has $100k in various investments (but none in bitcoin), and then s/he c comes across an additional $10k that s/he could invest into bitcoin.. there could be a variety of strategies in terms of how to divide that $10k to get part of it in without necessarily waiting for an additional dip when there may well be quite a bit of uncertainty regarding whether more dip is going to happen or not.

Accordingly, lump sum investing, DCA and buying on dip are the main three methods that the person with a new $10k should be considering and attempting to figure out how each (or all three) of those methods might work well for him/her both psychologically and financially... accounting for all of his/her individual factors which are cashflow, other investments, timeline, view of bitcoin as compared with other investments, risk tolerance, time, skills and abilities to strategize, plan and to learn along the way which also might involve tweaking strategies from time to time reallocating, trading, use of financial instruments and leverage... and of course, those factors listed in the beginning are more important and basic rathe than attempting to employ more advanced techniques at the end of the list.
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