Cryptocurrencies have proven that we Can transact anonymously without a centralized interference.
The Blockchain has proven that data can be stored in a decentralized public ledger against any form of manipulation.
Smart contracts has proven that two or more people can trust a system in which the assigned contract managing it will be fair to all parties...
When speed, simplicity and efficiency is added to all of this I think decentralization and blockchain technology can go far in the real world as regards adoption.
What do you think of the chances of cryptocurrencies to succeed?.
Cryptocurrencies are here to stay.
Governments have proven that they can't be trusted with the money supply, so it's time for a big change. If we had a sound money system, crypto wouldn't exist. It's here because of the abuse heaped on humanity for hundreds and hundreds of years that caused this mess.
We are at the doorstep of a new paradigm of individual freedom and liberty. The money changers who've been in control for the last 2000 years aren't going to go quietly into the night either.
Most of humanity may not be ready for this, but enough of us are that we won't be stopped. Ultimately, it comes down to financial inequality, and as the pendulum swings, we are on the doorstep of the greatest transfer of wealth in the known history of the world. Buckle up and get ready.
Good luck everyone and best wishes to you and yours both now and long into the future.