Lately I am reading a lot of posts asking: is this airdrop a scam? Is that free ICO a scam?
So I am wondering how can something that doesn't cost you a penny be a scam. Sure, they get your email adress and maybe a ETH Adress, but how can you really be scamed with only this informations? I am not talking about airdrops that require kyc registration, that for sure can be dangerous.
There are legit airdrops and ICO and there also fake ones.
You just have to take extra precautions and to think very carefully about what and where you plan on joining. Just think twice whenever a certain airdrops or even an ICO requiring personal and private information about you, its important that you shouldn't just provide it without giving it a second thought. Scams are everywhere. So, you should be extra careful and be wise enough to avoid one.