Lately I am reading a lot of posts asking: is this airdrop a scam? Is that free ICO a scam?
So I am wondering how can something that doesn't cost you a penny be a scam. Sure, they get your email adress and maybe a ETH Adress, but how can you really be scamed with only this informations? I am not talking about airdrops that require kyc registration, that for sure can be dangerous.
It does not actually follow that since the airdrop is a free give-away it is not a scam at all. If it is a scam, it remains a scam even if it is giving away its coins. You have to be careful because a lot of start-up crypto projects that are giving away free airdrops are holding a very huge portion of the coins to themselves. That means if the value of their coins gains growth, the developers might dump their huge holdings.