I know what screenshot and log is. Just wanted to show the issue.
Here the log. Seems fine now. Only 3 attempts like in readme.
Still request flag for choosing time between tries to connect due a LOT of crashes geth clients of ETC and ETH. I think you know about DDOS attacks on geth.
23:07:36:788 1b54 args: -mport 3333 -epool http://192.168.xxx.x:8545 -dpool stratum+tcp://dcr.pool.mn:4800 -dwal xxxx.x -dpsw x -dcri 30
23:07:36:794 1b54
23:07:36:808 1b54 є Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC/LBC GPU Miner v7.0 Beta є
23:07:36:819 1b54
23:07:37:026 1b54 ETH: 3 pools are specified
23:07:37:032 1b54 Main Ethereum pool is 192.168.xxx.x:8545
23:07:37:037 1b54 DCR: 1 pool is specified
23:07:37:044 1b54 Main Decred pool is dcr.pool.mn:4800
23:07:37:076 1b54 OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
23:07:37:081 1b54 AMD OpenCL platform not found
23:07:37:245 1b54 CUDA initializing...
23:07:37:251 1b54 NVIDIA Cards available: 1
23:07:37:256 1b54 CUDA Driver Version/Runtime Version: 8.0/7.5
23:07:37:263 1b54 GPU #0: GeForce GTX 1080, 8192 MB available, 20 compute units, capability: 6.1
23:07:37:268 1b54 Total cards: 1
23:07:37:425 1b54 No AMD cards in the list, ADL library will not be used.
23:07:37:433 1b54 NVML version: 8.372.90
23:07:37:439 4ea0 ETH - connecting to 192.168.xxx.x:8545
23:07:37:443 4ea0 http send request: {"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "eth_getWork", "params": [], "id":0}
23:07:37:546 1b54 ETH: HTTP SOLO mode
23:07:37:551 1b54 Ethereum HTTP requests time (-etht) is set to 200 ms
23:07:37:558 e24 DCR: Stratum - connecting to 'dcr.pool.mn' <> port 4800
23:07:37:562 1b54 Watchdog enabled
23:07:37:575 1b54 Remote management is enabled on port 3333
23:07:37:580 1b54
23:07:37:612 e24 send: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["lbc 1.0"]}
23:07:37:619 e24 send: {"id": 5, "method": "mining.extranonce.subscribe", "params": []}
23:07:37:625 e24 send: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": [xxxx.xxx","x"]}
23:07:37:631 e24 DCR: Stratum - Connected (dcr.pool.mn:4800)
23:07:37:667 e24 got 118 bytes
23:07:37:672 e24 buf: {"id":1,"result":[[["mining.notify","deadbeefcafebabec767000000000000"]],"d9bb4b5b7aec883c039f761d",12],"error":null}
23:07:37:678 e24 parse packet: 117
23:07:37:684 e24 new buf size: 0
23:07:37:732 e24 got 487 bytes
23:07:37:737 e24 buf: {"id":null,"method":"mining.set_difficulty","params":[1]}
23:07:37:743 e24 parse packet: 57
23:07:37:749 e24 remove first packet 429
23:07:37:755 e24 new buf size: 429
23:07:37:761 e24 parse packet: 392
23:07:37:761 e24 remove first packet 36
23:07:37:762 e24 new buf size: 36
23:07:37:762 e24 parse packet: 35
23:07:37:763 e24 DCR: Authorized
23:07:37:764 e24 new buf size: 0
23:07:58:663 4ea0 ETH: http error #7.
23:07:58:665 4ea0 ETH: Failed to connect to pool (192.168.xxx.x:8545), retry in 20 sec...
23:08:07:596 1b54 GPU0 t=52C fan=0%
23:08:07:598 1b54 em hbt: 30157, dm hbt: 0, fm hbt: 94,
23:08:07:598 1b54 watchdog - thread 0, hb time 63
23:08:07:599 1b54 watchdog - thread 1, hb time 63
23:08:18:666 4ea0 ETH - connecting to 192.168.xxx.x:8545
23:08:18:666 4ea0 http send request: {"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "eth_getWork", "params": [], "id":0}
23:08:30:044 e24 got 393 bytes
23:08:30:044 e24 buf: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["41a","3bac86179e994772c1e09d4b18324c137028ad1614691ea300000f3f00000000","06a1876f776cf6441090e3165a3eea9c771ffc1e1166d59658b5975fe0c91cbebfddb158b238f5b02a32face756f6202bbc5cb61b50ace713a5e44d74e8daebd0100f68189587e1a0500000050a20000281a121ac0c60279010000009711010071080000be00f8570000000000000000","",[],"01000000","1a121a28","57f800be",false]}
23:08:30:045 e24 parse packet: 392
23:08:30:045 e24 new buf size: 0
23:08:30:045 e24 DCR: 10/07/16-23:08:30 - New job from dcr.pool.mn:4800
23:08:30:045 e24 target: 0x00000000ffff0000 (diff: 4295MH), block #70039
23:08:37:610 1b54 GPU0 t=55C fan=0%
23:08:37:611 1b54 em hbt: 18937, dm hbt: 0, fm hbt: 93,
23:08:37:612 1b54 watchdog - thread 0, hb time 0
23:08:37:612 1b54 watchdog - thread 1, hb time 93
23:08:39:875 4ea0 ETH: http error #7.
23:08:39:878 4ea0 ETH: Failed to connect to pool (192.168.xxx.x:8545), retry in 20 sec...
23:08:59:881 4ea0 ETH - connecting to 192.168.xxx.x:8545
23:08:59:882 4ea0 http send request: {"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "eth_getWork", "params": [], "id":0}
23:09:07:625 1b54 GPU0 t=57C fan=0%
23:09:07:626 1b54 em hbt: 7734, dm hbt: 0, fm hbt: 78,
23:09:07:627 1b54 watchdog - thread 0, hb time 16
23:09:07:627 1b54 watchdog - thread 1, hb time 16
23:09:18:074 e24 got 392 bytes
23:09:18:074 e24 buf: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["41b","3bac86179e994772c1e09d4b18324c137028ad1614691ea300000f3f00000000","6229dfc1bcce628cc6511edd8abbb283f6fb0a8160e7d8d67681a9e90d14ba7f1c97577830c03aede41ebe58c0cadaa0063508e4372a21032c5ceebe3ab655070100f68189587e1a0500000050a20000281a121ac0c60279010000009711010021110000ee00f8570000000000000000","",[],"01000000","1a121a28","57f800ee",true]}
23:09:18:074 e24 parse packet: 391
23:09:18:074 e24 new buf size: 0
23:09:18:074 e24 DCR: 10/07/16-23:09:18 - New job from dcr.pool.mn:4800
23:09:18:074 e24 target: 0x00000000ffff0000 (diff: 4295MH), block #70039
23:09:21:091 4ea0 ETH: http error #7.
23:09:21:093 4ea0 ETH: Failed to connect to pool (192.168.xxx.x:8545), retry in 20 sec...
23:09:37:639 1b54 GPU0 t=59C fan=0%
23:09:37:640 1b54 em hbt: 37750, dm hbt: 0, fm hbt: 94,
23:09:37:641 1b54 watchdog - thread 0, hb time 47
23:09:37:641 1b54 watchdog - thread 1, hb time 47
23:09:41:094 4ea0 ETH - connecting to 192.168.xxx.x:8545
23:09:41:094 4ea0 http send request: {"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "eth_getWork", "params": [], "id":0}
23:09:41:102 4ea0 http got answer: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":["0x1ef5ac8b232360a58193c5549e5f914a6729e591351d5433c7bb4bd125332d43","0x0f4bcc947074216cc9976c1c3795aca915084450d97f94239974c2c71712b783","0x0000000000044fa7c37805247ab1fe2033cf0c64b432a1c80d498e75fe52b032"]}
23:09:41:103 4ea0 ETH: Connected (192.168.xxx.x:8545)
23:09:41:103 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:41:103 4ea0 eth: job changed
23:09:41:103 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:41:166 4eb4 Setting DAG epoch #79...
23:09:41:313 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:41:313 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:41:313 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:41:511 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:41:511 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:41:512 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:41:711 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:41:712 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:41:712 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:41:922 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:41:922 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:41:923 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:42:122 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:42:122 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:42:122 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:42:303 4eb4 Setting DAG epoch #79 for GPU #0
23:09:42:305 4eb4 Create GPU buffer for GPU #0
23:09:42:321 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:42:322 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:42:322 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:42:534 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:42:534 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:42:534 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:42:727 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:42:727 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:42:728 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:42:931 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:42:931 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:42:932 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:43:143 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:43:143 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:43:144 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:43:340 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:43:341 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:43:341 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:43:548 4ea0 parse packet: 242
23:09:43:549 4ea0 eth: job is the same
23:09:43:549 4ea0 new buf size: 0
23:09:43:606 4804 Quit...