I'm on linux 14.04.4 with fglrx 15.20.3 and a 2gb XFX 5450 card (which works with cpp-ethereum)
i executed the following:
export GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR=0
export GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=100
then ran the prog:
./ethdcrminer64 -epool us1.ethpool.org:3333 -ewal 0x5ecaf01c5cC7E18555E074AA13ec13a1e9532Ca7 -epsw x -mode 1 -di 1
(I have an AMD A8 CPU with has an R7 GPU but only 512mb allocated to it so i selected to use only the second card -di 1)
but still i get a "-55 (0)" error:
02:01:06:347 c4d46780 args: -epool us1.ethpool.org:3333 -ewal 0x5ecaf01c5cC7E18555E074AA13ec13a1e9532Ca7 -epsw x -mode 1 -di 1
02:01:06:348 c4d46780
02:01:06:348 c4d46780 º Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC/LBC GPU Miner v7.0 Beta º
02:01:06:348 c4d46780
02:01:06:549 c4d46780 ETH: 1 pool is specified
02:01:06:549 c4d46780 Main Ethereum pool is us1.ethpool.org:3333
02:01:06:554 c4d46780 OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
02:01:06:554 c4d46780 OpenCL initializing...
02:01:06:554 c4d46780 AMD Cards available: 2
02:01:06:554 c4d46780 GPU #0: Cedar, 2048 MB available, 2 compute units
02:01:06:554 c4d46780 POOL/SOLO version
02:01:06:554 c4d46780 b221
02:01:06:571 c4d46780 start building OpenCL program...
02:01:24:709 c4d46780 done
02:01:24:709 c4d46780 GPU #0: set -etha as 1 (ETH algo for slow cards)
02:01:24:709 c4d46780 cudaGetDeviceCount failed (35, CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version), probably no CUDA devices
02:01:24:709 c4d46780 No NVIDIA CUDA GPUs detected.
02:01:24:709 c4d46780 Total cards: 1
02:01:24:719 c4d46780 No NVIDIA cards in the list, NVML library will not be used.
02:01:24:819 c4d46780 ETHEREUM-ONLY MINING MODE ENABLED (-mode 1)
02:01:24:820 c4d46780 ETH: eth-proxy stratum mode
02:01:24:820 c4d46780 Watchdog enabled
02:01:24:820 c4d46780 Remote management is enabled on port 3333
02:01:24:820 c4d46780
02:01:24:824 b52f8700 ETH: Stratum - connecting to 'us1.ethpool.org' <> port 3333
02:01:24:984 b52f8700 send: {"worker": "eth1.0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": ["0x5ecaf01c5cC7E18555E074AA13ec13a1e9532Ca7", "x"], "id": 2, "method": "eth_submitLogin"}
02:01:24:985 b52f8700 ETH: Stratum - Connected (us1.ethpool.org:3333)
02:01:25:139 b52f8700 got 39 bytes
02:01:25:139 b52f8700 buf: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
02:01:25:139 b52f8700 parse packet: 38
02:01:25:139 b52f8700 ETH: Authorized
02:01:25:139 b52f8700 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
02:01:25:139 b52f8700 new buf size: 0
02:01:25:293 b52f8700 got 237 bytes
02:01:25:293 b52f8700 buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x0d50db3bd28986a0bdf2cfcbee9159814fe8ae3affde948be94ee89de9ee2b79","0x60ead4b0f664a9994f7fd5deae34ba1d609e459c051cb0f7be8895dd88ec1aaf","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba"]}
02:01:25:293 b52f8700 parse packet: 236
02:01:25:293 b52f8700 eth: job changed
02:01:25:294 b52f8700 new buf size: 0
02:01:25:329 b5af9700 Setting DAG epoch #75...
02:01:27:185 b5af9700 Setting DAG epoch #75 for GPU #0
02:01:27:185 b5af9700 Create GPU buffer for GPU #0
02:01:27:202 b5af9700 GPU 0, OpenCL error -55 (0) - cannot create DAG on GPU
02:01:27:822 c4d46780 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
02:01:27:823 c4d46780 Failed to get fan speed
02:01:30:202 b62fa700 Setting DAG epoch #75 for GPU #0
02:01:30:210 b62fa700 GPU 0, OpenCL error -55 (0) - cannot create DAG on GPU
02:01:30:824 c4d46780 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
02:01:30:825 c4d46780 Failed to get fan speed
any pointers?