EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal Redhex.rig1 -epsw x -allcoins 1 -esm 2
I'm mining on 12020 Looks like you need the worker specified as well
POOL:, WALLET: login.worker, PSW: x, WORKER: login.worker, ESM: 2, ALLPOOLS: 1
I don't have allcoins specified. When you use 12020 you have to set which coin you want to mine at the hub workers page Additionally on that page you can set it to auto-mine etc or eth based on profitability.
The 17020 port also mines the most profitable, you just don't have to set it up on the hub workers page.
Your method works for me (at least miner starts mining on mininghubpool) I wonder if it works how smooth as described..
I have to similar rigs (about 30mhs each) and I mine one ETC on nanopool (yes I know ETH is more profitable now but I am lazy now ..) and second I mine on mininghub..
I've been switching back and forth between etc and eth with no problems. Just log in to the hub workers page and choose which coin you want to mine. Easy, no messing with restarting the miners or changing configs.
Could you please.. provide the full string as in the .bat file?
What version of Claymore miner you use?
Thank you
I'm using 5.1 beta 2. I don't use a bat file. I use the config files. What you see above is really all you should need. But here goes
-wd 1
-r 0
-allpools 1
-estale 1
-ftime 5
-mport 3333
-tstop -100
-mode 0
-dcoin sc
-etha 0
-ethi 16
-dcri 40
POOL:, WALLET: Login.Worker, PSW: 1234, WORKER: Login.Worker, ESM: 2, ALLPOOLS: 1
POOL:, WALLET: Login.Worker, PSW: 1234, WORKER: Login.Worker, ESM: 2, ALLPOOLS: 1
You might have to set up your workers first here but I can't remember. You don't have to set them up on each coin's page. You won't need all the parameters I use and I'm not sure why I have allpools in there twice but whatever.