Hey All,
New to this forum fun, i'm more of a reader/follower!
But would like to share this as i've struggled to get a bit more info on, and wondered if anyone else has any info.
I'm currently running a 7 GPU rig of RX470s, 4xRX470 NITRO+ and 3 RX470 NITROs on an MSI Gaming Pro M5 Board and all powered by 2 x EVGA 750 G2 PSU's
Using Claymore miner 9.7 and AMD driver 17.7.1
At stock, they are running around 23MHs only just after the last EPOCat the time (137), but not being one to go as far as flashing the BIOS (yet), I found out about the ASUS GPU Tweak II hack/break and gave it a go, I managed to break past the std mem clock of 2100MHz on the Nitro+ cards up to 2250MHz, and the clock speed down to 1125 and power at 925 for stability. (all these settings were in the Radeon WATTMAN tool) and managed to get them over 26MHs @ EPOC 136 without bios mod (essentially this is a soft bios mod). Total rig avg 178Mhs+
But unbeknown to me(foolishly), I left the automatically update setting turned on, and it updated the drivers to 17.7.2, arghhhhhhh. Oh what fun I had trying to get this mess sorted, ended up using the DDU utility to remove all drivers, but this killed the GPUTweak program, no longer starts or works anymore, even after removal and reinstall, oh well! So decided to look elsewhere to break this limit.
Came across another article about MSI Afterburner's "Extend official overclocking limits" settings and a registry key called "PP_PhmSoftPowerPlayTable", (located Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\XXXX - last 4 digits relate to GPU cards, this key will reside in all of the GPUs installed) this essentially does the same thing as GPUTweakII and breaks the fixed limits on Wattman.
To cut a long story short, i'm waiting on the new drivers from AMD, but not knowing what EPOC it will resolve back to, its hard to give some estimations, but currently i'm running a bit more conservative @ just over 25MHs 1125/2150/875, temps avg 61deg celcius, fans running around 25-50% depending on card location in rig. - Total rig avg 175.4MHs
Its not the best, but its the balance between having the wife throw the rig out the window because of the noise and heat, or keep it reasonably quiet and continue mining!
PS. I'm only running ETH at present