Suddenly, even before I updated to the new 9.4, I started getting this warning:
This pool ( does not support Ethereum addresses as login (or requires worker name in "Login.Worker" format) and cannot be used for devfee mining, therefore it is not supported.
However, you can mine on this pool if you specify "-allpools 1" option, default pools (different from this pool) will be used for devfee.
With this message also came a drop in performance, getting 26.5 Mh/s for the RX 470 (the same I was getting) and 15.5 Mh/s for the RX 570 (12 Mh/s less). Also I'm getting way higher CPU ussage. I already checked the logs and everything seems normal to me.
Have to note that on Windows 10, with latest drivers I'm getting arround 27.3 Mh/s for the RX 470 and 28.4 Mh/s with the RX 570, so it isn't a Hardware problem.
I tried with almost all flags of claymore miner, currently my launch script looks like this:
/usr/bin/tmux new-session -d -s $TMUX_NAME
/usr/bin/tmux send-keys -t $TMUX_NAME "source ~/.zshrc" C-m
# Eth only
/usr/bin/tmux send-keys -t $TMUX_NAME "cd /home/user/Blockchain/Claymore && ./ethdcrminer64 -epool stratum+tcp:// -tt 65 -tstop 85 -allpools 1 -mode 1 -mport -3333 -etha 2 -ethi 10 -ewal $ETH_WALLET/$WORKER/$EMAIL -epsw $PASSWD" C-m
What do you people recommend me to do? I work on the same rig I'm mining and I need Linux for my work, if I can't get anything back then I'll try on Arch linux.