I have it up and running on a Linux rig now and a very nice improvement over my Silent Army miner. The was so sorely needed. ZEC mining was a weak spot because I couldn't get the hash rates out of my Linux rigs. This is wonderful news. So far it looks good!
UPDATE: I may have spoke too soon... Just got a watchdog and having to reboot a miner...
Make sure you use stock clocks for first tests.
Currently I can only confirm issue with gpu-pro drivers that causes a lot of messages to syslog (and therefore high CPU load on multi-GPU systems), I'm working on it.
Yeah! I thought I was the only one getting these. If you disable rsyslog, and you disable printk from writing to your console screens, then CPU usage will not impact mining speed anymore.
Here are the steps I took to allow me to use this miner
# check your current printk settings.
$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/printk
# set CUR printk to 0 (emergency) or 1 (alert) to suppress (crit/err/warn/info)
$ sudo dmesg -n 1
# you can make these changes permanent via sysctl
$ sudo echo 'kernel.printk = "1 4 1 7"' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
# you can set them in real-time with
$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.printk="1 4 1 7"
# prevent it from filling up your syslog
$ sudo service rsyslog stop
Or just disable syslog output in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
# comment or change your log types
# *.*;auth,authpriv.none -/var/log/syslog
# then restart rsyslog if you comment out the above
$ sudo service rsyslog restart