In deciding whether to get a refund, keep in mind that the amount you can get back as a refund is your new ROI target. If you get back half the total cost as a refund when you would have recouped 75% by staying in, you would've been better off staying in.
Best of luck to everyone. Here's hoping the gears in the Avalon machine get moving again soon.
Well, the 75% ROI vs 50% return argument ignores a few factors, like labor and general emotional distress. I unfortunately have already decided it is best to cut my losses, as an additional 25% just isn't worth it at this point.
Best of luck to those still committed.
Ryepdx - I think I speak for everyone here when I say that your hard work and professionalism has not gone unnoticed. I hope there will be more business opportunities in the future, hopefully under less adverse circumstances.