2. Withdrawals work (if there are enough unspent inputs in the wallet that can be combined into a single transaction).
3. Canceling orders works
If you really want to be sure, just make 2 or 3 smaller withdrawals instead of one large one. This does not affect bitcoin, only some of the altcoins.
We are consolidating the dust into larger inputs to stop this issue - its nothing major, your coins are safe.
There is a limit on number of inputs that can be used in a single transaction.
This is why people who mine directly to the deposit addresses (using small amounts) need to be puhisned in some way.
They are spamming the blockchain and effectively making a denial of service attack without even knowing it.
Try to withdraw 2.317343 btc.
I already tried that, as it is mandatory. When I do, that is the error message displayed.