Their proof is that there is a limit to what can be conceived, and that limit is god? Well, it's not the Christian, Hebrew, or Muslim god. I don't really see how it's god at all, actually. Just a supreme limit that nothing can be conceived beyond...
By the way, scientists have disproven god a long time ago. Einstein said that god doesn't play dice with the universe, meaning that nothing is random and everything is planned and predetermined, and then quantum physics came out and proved that things in the universe are random and not planned out at all (maybe even killing a cat in the process, but we don't know), meaning god wasn't around to guide anything, or is just playing with dice, and thus was unimportant. Anyone can play with dice to make the universe completely random, or the universe can just be completely random on its own.
Ahh, but not all scientists have disproven God and this article shows that doesn't it? Could scientist be wrong?
It seems completely illogical to think that the universe is random to me. How could something so complex as our universe happen by chance?
Here is a great article I found when looking for something to show how order cannot scientifically come from chaos: liked this quote at the bottom:
Such notions come not from any empirical evidence but solely from philosophical speculations based on lack of evidence! "Since there is no evidence that evolution proceeded gradually, it must have occurred chaotically!" This seems to be the idea.
If one wants to believe by blind faith that order can arise spontaneously from chaos, it is still a free country. But please don't call it science!
Rassah, you know I love debating with you! Hopefully you know that I do it with good intentions though and I am not really trying to pick a fight here. It is just that I am very passionate about what I believe, as I know you are too.