Feel free to make other recommendations or add to the list
I saw on the billboard. It said it is for new players so I though cool. I get great by a screen with no info just a tx number and place for my username. I enter my username and press submit. Now what ? What has this done ? Hopefully will give me shares.
Also can someone please help explain to me this "eating event" what do I get fpr doing it and what must I buy and how do I eat it ?
Depositing gives you an M balance which can be used to buy shares of CK here: (CK is 7,888 at the moment)
As for the eating event, AFAIK GM will have some more details on that shortly. So patience is rewarded
I have no idea what rpietila just said. Something about being active and being rewarded ?
What do shares do ? How often so they pay out ? Once a week ?
Ok I will wait for more info about the eating event. Thanks.