19:10 < Syksy> It is obvious that the "Feast", whatever it is, lies behind her (she is embedded to the wall)
19:10 < Syksy> "To prove you can face the Faceless Messenger, a Trickster of Tricksters, answer me riddles that I may let you through;
19:10 < Syksy> if you cannot answer, I cannot bear walking you to your doom - at least in any case I've tried"
19:10 < Syksy> any questions before we begin?
19:10 < Syksy> (as GM)
19:10 < martti_> is there a penalty for a wrong answer?
19:11 < Syksy> the Widow appears uneager to let you pass; a wrong answer obviously will lead her to believing you are not capable of going further
19:11 < Syksy> how much, it is uncertain
19:11 < Syksy> (note: with the Lady in White, she spoke of five shackles, yet you only solved four, but succeeded)
19:11 < Syksy> use that as a reference
19:12 < moneromooo> We will succeed. Of that, I am sure.
19:12 < moneromooo> We will do better than the shackled lady.
19:12 < Syksy> Widow: "Are you ready, brave adventurers?"
19:12 < martti_> .
19:12 < Syksy> Widow to moneromooo: "Of that, we will see..."
19:12 < Syksy> Widow eyes over boombox_ and rederin for an answer
19:13 * rederin looks around
19:13 < boombox_> ready
19:13 < rederin> Oh, sorry. Ready
19:13 < Syksy> Widow: "Very well..."
19:13 < Syksy> GM Note: you are free to discuss together, but only one answer is accepted (one try)
19:13 < Syksy> Widow: "What is so delicate, so beautiful and fragile, that even saying its name will break it?"
19:14 < moneromooo> I think: Silence.
19:14 < Syksy> (please don't resort to Google
19:14 < martti_> (silence)
19:14 < Syksy> GM Note: you may decide through voting or by some other means
19:14 < Syksy> (she will wait until you have reached a consensus)
19:14 < boombox_> go for that, silence sounds good
19:14 < rederin> Agreed.
19:15 < moneromooo> All OK then ?
19:15 < Syksy> Widow: "Indeed it is, and we broke it, many many times we broke it, when we brought the Nameless Messenger to ourselves..."
19:15 < Syksy> Widow: "You have answered wisely."
19:15 < moneromooo> We already outdid the lady in white. Let us get to the feast, and let me be guest of honor. I proved I am worthy of it now.
19:16 < Syksy> Widow: "But consider this; what is that, which its maker does not want for himself, the one who buys it does not need it for himself, and the one who gets it can't feel, touch it, nor escape it?"
19:16 < Syksy> Widow to moneromooo: "Patience, patience, lest you end up a face on the wall as well..."
19:16 < Syksy> Widow: "The second riddle is before you."
19:16 < moneromooo> I know this riddle... I forgot the answer though...
19:17 < Syksy> the riddle is open for discussion
19:17 < Syksy> (it's a pretty famous one aye)
19:18 < Syksy> Widow to moneromooo: "Oh you wisest of them all, pour upon me thy bucket of wisdom, let me drink of thy wisdom, refreshen my weary eyes with the glimmer of thy wisdom..."
19:18 < martti_> (....death, a lie..i'm riddle challenged)
19:19 < Syksy> Widow: "If you wish more time, we can proceed to the next one, and leave this one brewing for a while."
19:19 < moneromooo> I may not be as wise as some, but certainly the wisest of those here. I will get to the feast, as the guest of honour.
19:19 < Syksy> Lady in White to moneromooo: "What?"
19:20 < Syksy> Widow: "Concentrate, children. Shh. Answer me or ask for a new one."
19:20 < moneromooo> Oh I know you want this, but this is for the best.
19:20 < martti_> (new, is my vote)
19:20 < moneromooo> Shall we skip to the next one, or does anyone have an idea here ?
19:20 < boombox_> next one
19:21 < Syksy> Widow: "Oh, ... What grows when it eats, but dies if it drinks?"
19:21 < moneromooo> Thirst ?
19:22 < Syksy> (Widow will wait for a consensus answer and gives one try per question)
19:22 < rederin> Thirst is good for the second, but not so much for the first.
19:23 < Syksy> boombox_ martti_ ^
19:24 < martti_> (no clue)
19:24 < boombox_> go for it, with thirst, or ask for a new question
19:24 < Syksy> Thirst it is then?
19:24 < martti_> works for me
19:25 < boombox_> yes
19:25 < moneromooo> Can't think of a better one, though it's true the first bit is a bit meh.
19:25 < Syksy> Widow: "Ah, a clever one. But it was not the answer I sought for, for what burns me inside is... Fire."
19:26 < Syksy> Widow: "But I will accept your answer nevertheless, you were close my children." (I will accept the answer due to the lack of a 5th player)
19:26 < Syksy> (Fire was the correct answer)
19:27 < moneromooo> One step closer to the Feast.
19:27 < Syksy> Widow: "Now my children, show me your wisdom, impress the Lady in White who sought your help and led you here: What can't you keep until you have given it?"
19:28 < boombox_> ("my word" or "promise" or something?)
19:28 < moneromooo> I was thinking "your word", so yes.
19:28 < Syksy> (Widow is waiting for a consensus)
19:29 < rederin> good one, yes
19:29 < martti_> will go with it
19:29 < Syksy> Widow: "An excellent answer, 'your word' is analogous to 'promise', so you are correct. I applaud your wisdom, children."
19:29 < Syksy> (original answer was "promise")
19:30 < Syksy> Widow: "Would you wish to return to the previous question? Or shall we proceed?"
19:30 < Syksy> GM Note: SyksyII may have a hint, with a good d100 roll
19:30 < Syksy> the zombie can be utilized that he may be thinking of something
19:31 < moneromooo> Let's skip to next I think, unless someone had a bright new idea
19:31 < Syksy> A few slithering snakes drop from the tubes in the sides of the Widow. She moans in a tired manner, and lets out a hint of a smile.
19:31 < Syksy> "Now, finally, you who know so much, have proven able, intelligent enough", she says, "tell me, in the end, in regards to all this knowledge that you possess and will find out... relieve me of my duty, and
19:31 < Syksy> let me go back into my shallow slumber by answering: what is bliss?"
19:31 < moneromooo> ignorance ?
19:32 < martti_> yeppers
19:32 < rederin> Sounds fateful, somehow
19:32 < boombox_> ok
19:32 < Syksy> "Indeed, for after what you witness you will know of what I speak. Some things are better left buried,
19:32 < Syksy> deeds left undone, memories withering away... Now. Go, your ride awaits you behind me, Be swift, or be dead...
19:32 < Syksy> You're ready to fly from the nest my children... Attend the Feast, and find the Traitor, for it will be of use to thee..."
19:32 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/qHzTeLD.jpg >
19:33 < Syksy> She closes her eyes, and her face withdraws back within the fall, revealing a hidden passageway to an
19:33 < Syksy> ominous steam-filled tunnel.
19:33 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to ##crypto-kingdom. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
19:33 < boombox_> forward we go, together and united
19:33 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/2Nh8oEH.jpg >
19:33 < Syksy> Behind the tunnel, a surprising sight appears; a device capable of transporting personnel, which appears to be destined to the Great Feast.
19:33 < Syksy> The inhabitants make way for adventurers without any facial gestures, silently watching as they board the train that soon walks away.
19:33 * moneromooo goes forth briskly
19:33 < Syksy> The Lady in White shivers notably.
19:34 < moneromooo> You're not ready for this. I will be gyuest of honor at the feast.
19:34 < Syksy> "Are you ready to board the incetroid?"
19:34 < moneromooo> Let us proceed.
19:34 < rederin> Who's speaking there ?
19:35 < Syksy> (The Lady in White, she's been here before apparently)
19:35 < boombox_> Here Lady in white, take my coat, you are shivering.
19:35 < Syksy> The Lady in White to moneromooo: "What are you saying? You gave me your word, I led you to the Widow, I led you to the hidden Widow"
19:35 < Syksy> She shakes off the coat, seemingly agitated as all of you aboard the incetroid
19:35 < moneromooo> I did not give you my word. We saved you.
19:36 < moneromooo> We will succeed where you failed.
19:36 < Syksy> "You gave me your word!"
19:36 < moneromooo> This is a lie.
19:36 < Syksy> The Lady in White smacks moneromooo on the cheek: "How DARE you! You have no idea how I have suffered!"
19:36 < moneromooo> You are trying to snatch this from me, are you not ?
19:36 < martti_> moneromooo, who murdered the son?
19:36 < moneromooo> What son ?
19:36 < martti_> exactly
19:36 < Syksy> The Lady in White: "You gave me your word, I am to be the Special Guest"
19:37 < moneromooo> What is that, exactly ??
19:37 < moneromooo> We need to get to the feast now.
19:37 < moneromooo> Let's board.
19:37 < martti_> lady in white is the guest of homor
19:37 < Syksy> The insectroid arrives at a station, all of you get off board
19:37 < moneromooo> She failed. Do you want us to fail again ? She is not worthy.
19:37 < Syksy> Lady in White starts screaming: "I WILL BE THE GUEST OF HONOR! YOU WILL DOOM ME TO THIS TORMENT ANY MORE!"
19:37 < Syksy> YOU WILL NOT*
19:38 < moneromooo> I found several of the Widow's answers. I'm clearly best place here. This is obvious.
19:38 < moneromooo> You will not take this from us.
19:38 < martti_> you failed to answer who murdered the son
19:38 < Syksy> Lady in White: "I passed the Widow before you, hundreds of years before you you arrogant fool!"
19:38 < moneromooo> And you passed her again with our help.
19:39 < Syksy> Lady in White: "Please, I beg of you", she addresses the rest, "you promised me"
19:39 < moneromooo> She murdered the son! She's a liar.
19:39 < Syksy> Lady in White: "I murdered nobody!"
19:39 < Syksy> Lady in White: "You have no idea how I've suffered, and all I did was my master's bidding!"
19:39 < moneromooo> Look through it. That banshee is walking us into this trap.
19:39 -!- Zechariah [
[email protected]] has joined ##crypto-kingdom
19:39 < Syksy> Lady in White: "This can't be true", she starts sobbing uncontrollably
19:40 < Syksy> and falls to the ground, closes her head to her palms.
19:40 < moneromooo> Your master's bidding, alright. This monstrous banshee.
19:40 < Syksy> GM Note: The party will have to do a consensus vote now; obviously Lady in White will vote for herself, and obviously moneromooo will vote for himself.
19:40 < moneromooo> We must not let her to the feast. Let us go. We will attend. I will be the guest of honour in her stead, and we will find the dragon.
19:40 < Syksy> To become the Guest of Honor
19:41 < moneromooo> Martti was right. She can't be trusted.
19:41 < Syksy> martti_ rederin boombox_ ^ your votes
19:41 < martti_> i vote lady in white
19:41 < rederin> Hmm. It was her wish, but...
19:42 < Syksy> martti_ votes for Lady in White
19:42 < Syksy> waiting for rederin and boombox_
19:42 < martti_> don't you remember mooo's confession--if he doesn't know it now, he is lying
19:42 < boombox_> votes for Lady in white
19:42 < moneromooo> Why would you vote for her ? I came with you to find this dragon. We have this chance now. Don't let it go.
19:43 < moneromooo> So three votes for her ? She's a liar!
19:44 < Syksy> Lady in White: "I thank you, I thank you, finally... finally the Feast... finally the Guest of Honor..."
19:44 < Syksy> moneromooo starts shaking uncontrollably
19:44 < Syksy> moneromooo screams and shrieks
19:44 < moneromooo> Aaaaa....
19:44 < Syksy> His mouth and nostrils seep of black mist, which vapor upwards
19:45 < Syksy> Finally, moneromooo falls to his knees, holding his head
19:45 < Syksy> ... and suddenly his opinion is very different ...
19:45 < Syksy> (you are free to discuss if you want)
19:45 < moneromooo> My lady... I beg your forgivenes. I was under a thrall.
19:46 < moneromooo> I will of course not stand between you and your wish.
19:46 < Syksy> Lady in White: "Apology accepted...", she wipes of tears from her face, "Come, let us go. To the Feast, and then you will meet the Great Messenger"
19:46 < moneromooo> Even though a fateful one it seems to be.
19:46 < Syksy> You approach an opening where brightly lit lamps surround a feasting group of ghost-like creatures, that make way for you like a tunnel
19:47 < Syksy> At the end of a tunnel, sits a woman
19:47 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/UPpZ0Dx.jpg >
19:47 < Syksy> She presents herself as 'Matron', who organizes the Feast on behalf of her master
19:47 < Syksy> Matron stands by a grim statue. She introduces her as being called to assist the adventurers before attending the main halls of the Faceless Messenger.
19:47 < Syksy> "You have made it to the Feast! Welcome, welcome my dears!", she laughters with a joy in her voice.
19:48 * rederin feels a bit... watched
19:48 < Syksy> "I welcome your group, welcome! welcome! I believe among you is a guest of honour?"
19:49 < Syksy> "Such a feast does not come without a price", says the Matron
19:49 < Syksy> "Guests ought to entertain the hostess, as the hostess has entertained his guests - and now it is time."
19:49 < Syksy> "Who is the Gift? Who is our Special Guest this fair evening?"
19:49 * moneromooo steps aside for the lady in white to come forward.
19:49 < Syksy> The Lady in White steps forward, "I am the appointed Guest of Honor. I am ready."
19:49 < Syksy> A group of shadow-like creatures grab her by her hands and direct her towards the only building standing next to the festivities
19:50 -!- Irssi: Pasting 7 lines to ##crypto-kingdom. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
19:50 < Syksy> "While we wait for the Special Guest be suited for our coming dinner, we ought to play a game."
19:50 < Syksy> Among you is a traitor. In his heart he or she may or may not know that he is a traitor. But who is he or she?
19:50 < Syksy> That is now for you to now tell. My rules are as follows; you will have to find out the traitor,
19:50 < Syksy> and I will deliver just judgement upon him or her. But in order to be able to deliver this, there
19:50 < Syksy> must be a majority that has identified the traitor.
19:50 < Syksy> Those who successfully identify the traitor among you will receive a great reward, so think carefully."
19:50 < Syksy> She lets out a cheerful laugh, "Oh, how fun times! Excitement!"
19:51 < Syksy> "I bore of these shadows, it is exciting to have... flesh, among us", and she smiles
19:51 < Syksy> "Apologies, my talk must sound out of your world, pilgrims." She says, "I am just so excited!"
19:51 * rederin carefully looks at everyone for signs of... not quite life...
19:51 < martti_> rederin, what is your secret?
19:52 < rederin> My secret... I killed my child to be. I will forever regret that day.
19:52 < martti_> boombox, what is your secret?
19:52 < Syksy> Etrom, who has been accompanying you, nods in aproval.
19:52 < Syksy> approval*
19:53 < boombox_> I killed my father with my bare hands to save my mother.
19:53 < Syksy> Etrom grins, and again nods.
19:53 < rederin> Ah, Etrom is here... Hmm...
19:53 < martti_> i cannot ask mooo a second time
19:53 < Syksy> (GM note: yep Moo can't be asked a second time)
19:53 < rederin> Does... Etrom look... different from before ? If we can somehow tell ?
19:54 < Syksy> Etrom's been hovering behind and following you loyally the whole time
19:54 < Syksy> Not that you can tell of
19:54 < martti_> syksy II, what is your secret?
19:54 < Syksy> SyksyII: I am not the only son of my father, for I _had_ an elder brother... who died by my father's hand.
19:54 < Syksy> SyksyII: What is yours, martti_?
19:55 < martti_> i'm a lunatic
19:55 < Syksy> Matron: "OH EXCITEMENT!", she giggles
19:55 < Syksy> Matron: "Oh what great guests you have made, I haven't had this much fun in a thousand years!"
19:56 < Syksy> Matron: "I must admit, I'm a little tease", she giggles again.
19:56 < Syksy> (it is now time for majority vote)
19:56 < rederin> Matron, when you said there is a traitor among us, who do you put in the "us" ?
19:56 < Syksy> Matron: "Do you mean the floating skull? Bah, that old fart's been around for ages. He's not in the game."
19:56 < martti_> lol
19:56 < Syksy> Etrom mimics Matron's speech and grumbles
19:57 < Syksy> Matron: "Shush!", he refers to Etrom, "Don't spoil my fun!"
19:57 < rederin> Well, there's only one left, is there ?
19:57 < rederin> Oh wait.
19:57 < rederin> Traitor doesn't necessarily mean "possessed", does it.
19:58 < Syksy> Etrom recites things as if he was a casette player:
19:58 < rederin> And someone asking all those questions of everyone, knowing we can ask only once...
19:58 < Syksy> Etmor: "Most importantly, remember this; All that glitters, is not gold. Things here are in reverse.
19:58 < Syksy> What was beauty, is abomination here. What was madness, is wisdom. What was living, is now undeath.
19:58 < Syksy> Remember this rule and you might just find your way to the Faceless One, who has the power to fulfill your wish."
19:59 -!- Lloydimiller4 [~Lloydimil@unaffiliated/lloydimiller4] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
19:59 < Syksy> Matron shoves Etrom further away, "Psssh! Go away you nuisance!"
19:59 < Syksy> Matron: "Who invited you anyway..."
19:59 < Syksy> (still waiting for a majority vote)
20:00 < Syksy> Matron turns her grim stare that was reserved for Etrom to a happy smile and turns back to the adventurers, "Oh! I so wait your choice! My, my, my..."
20:00 < martti_> mooo's the only one who didn't betray his secret....
20:00 < Syksy> Matron: "Oh, I think the food's ready to be served - we must haste now! I can smell the delicious main dish"
20:01 < rederin> Something makes me think we're going be having lady in white at lunch.
20:01 < martti_> but the lady in white betrayed herself
20:01 < Syksy> The Lady in White is not included in the game either
20:01 < Syksy> (she's not among you)
20:02 < martti_> mooo, then
20:02 < Syksy> Matron, "Please please pleaaaase, pretty please? I must know! Who is it?"
20:02 < Syksy> Matron, "Oooh!!! Oh my, Mooo, are you a dirty traitor you?"
20:02 * moneromooo ponders
20:02 < Syksy> Matron teasily pokes Mooo on the shoulder, she's a beautiful lady and seems playful.
20:02 < Syksy> Matron continues "You wouldn't do that to your friends would you? Noooo... or would you?"
20:03 < Syksy> Matron giggles again.
20:03 < moneromooo> For... what price ?
20:03 < Syksy> Matron: "My my my, we can't let the food go cold! Is the one vote on Moo the only one?!"
20:03 < Syksy> (30sec time for votes)
20:03 < rederin> I'm hesitating between moneromooo and martti_
20:03 < Syksy> ~20s
20:03 < moneromooo> I'll vote for myself
20:04 < boombox_> mooo
20:04 < rederin> martti_ then.
20:04 < Syksy> Matron: "OH MOOO!", she laughs louder than before
20:04 < Syksy> Matron claps her hands together in excitement, "Yes yes yessssssss this was a fun game! I wish we could do it again some time!"
20:05 < martti_> (glares at rederin) me, really?
20:05 < Syksy> Matron addresses mooo: "Since you were such a joy and a good game, I will give you this!"
20:05 -!- Zechariah [
[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Zechariah]
20:05 < Syksy> Matron hands over to Mooo a necklace made of dark obsidian-like stone
20:05 < rederin> Well... the asking at everyone felt maybe... unneeded...
20:05 < martti_> jk ;P
20:05 < Syksy> She puts it on his neck, "Wear it for me when you meet my master, for my sake, please?", she winks
20:06 * moneromooo graciously accepts the necklace and winks back
20:06 < Syksy> The shadows carry over from the building a huge plate with a dome-like covering
20:07 < Syksy> The Matron: "Now, rejoice my friends! Rejoice and then meet my master! He will not want his guests to appear with empty stomaches"
20:07 < Syksy> Matron walks away, knacks her heels on the way to the building, and then disappears inside the building
20:07 < Syksy> You are seated in rather fancy wooden seating among a large table
20:08 < Syksy> A full table of juicy fruits, berries, and a huge bronze plate with a dome-cover is carried in by several insect-like servants.
20:08 < Syksy> A servant pulls up the dome-cover, revealing a roasted humanoid inside. There is an apple in the mouth, and smaller fruits in the eye sockets and other soft tissue.
20:09 < Syksy> You are seated before the table, but the Matron is no longer there, apparently everybody busy feasting around you... but they're shadows.
20:09 < Syksy> Silver cutlery is before everybody, and apparently this main dish is to fill your stomaches (goes only with a few toppings and extra)
20:10 < Syksy> (and plates etc)
20:10 < Syksy> (open for interaction, you're before the main dish)
20:10 < Syksy> in-character, out-of-character, anything goes :p
20:10 < boombox_> Well, as things here are in reverse, I will not touch any fruit, I will go for the humanoid!
20:11 < Syksy> boombox appears to take a juicy piece of the leg, in my perspective
20:11 < boombox_> The lady in white´s buttocks actually.
20:11 < Syksy> It tastes like chicken, you say
20:11 < Syksy> ... kinda ....
20:12 < Syksy> others?
20:12 * moneromooo studiously watches boombox_
20:12 < martti_> eat the servants or the guests comes to mind
20:12 < martti_> not sure if that's an exact quotation....
20:12 < Syksy> boombox_ appears to be eating happily, filling his stomach after a long day's journey
20:12 < moneromooo> Does he seem to act with any kind of apparent... mindlessness ?
20:13 < Syksy> He appears to digest it just fine
20:13 < Syksy> Not many of you seem to be up for chit-chat over the dinner though
20:13 < boombox_> Question to group: I have a bottle of SW2 with me, would that be ok now for us to share or should I keep it for later?
20:13 < Syksy> SyksyII takes bites, shrugs, and takes a second portion
20:14 < rederin> Well, it was the lady's wish after all.
20:14 * rederin joins
20:14 < Syksy> apparently he also took quite a chunk of the brain-like matter, which had been especially laid out by cutting of the top of the skull of the humanoid
20:14 * moneromooo too, kinda relieved he didn't have to be the guest of honour
20:15 < Syksy> I take it you finish the main dish? There doesn't seem to be any symptoms whatsoever, at least visible opens
20:15 < martti_> wait, weren't we told to bring back everything in the skull?
20:15 < rederin> Oooh...
20:15 < Syksy> a pouch from the Skull (=Etrom)
20:15 < Syksy> Etrom appears to be holding a poach in his teeth, hence why he's been partly so quiet
20:15 < Syksy> you don't seem to recall when it has appeared, maybe the Matron gave it? Lady in White? Nobody seems to remember
20:16 < martti_> takes pouch
20:16 < rederin> A pouch ?
20:16 < martti_> looks inside
20:16 < Syksy> it's pouch / sack
20:16 < rederin> Ah, I was wondering if it was a peach ?
20:16 < Syksy> nah, it's a container
20:16 < rederin> Full of peaches ?
20:16 < Syksy> You grab the sack (let's call it that) from Etrom's teeth, he murmurs but gives it to you, and you peek inside
20:17 < Syksy> several dusty tomes, roots, some vials of strange liquid, some bones, nothing that you'd find out of ordinary from a mailpackage sent to a wizard like Zenon
20:17 < Syksy> Etrom: "Just don't break anything, geez."
20:18 < Syksy> "You coulda just asked. Can I have it back now that you've fed your curiousity? You should be feeding yourself in an another manner."
20:18 < martti_> "gotcha, here you go." gives back pouch
20:19 < martti_> starts to feast
20:19 < Syksy> Etrom grabs it with his teeth and looks between martti_, the main dish, and martti_, the main dish, and then seems to look elsewhere
20:19 < Syksy> (apparantly you all Feast and the main dish runs out, unless anybody objects)
20:20 < Syksy> great, everybody's got their stomaches filled
20:20 < moneromooo> What are the shadows doing now ?
20:20 < Syksy> A shadowy servant grabs plates and all and starts moving your stools and all
20:20 < Syksy> Etrom nods towards the building, or rather besides it, for all to go forward
20:21 < Syksy> They seem to be cleaning up and gathering like servants
20:21 < Syksy> Etrom seems eager to point you to your next destination, I take it you follow him?
20:21 < moneromooo> Yep.
20:22 < boombox_> yes
20:22 < martti_> sure
20:22 * rederin follows along
20:22 < Syksy> You pass the building into the rather plain landscape behind it
20:22 < Syksy> The journey continues with Etmor pointing at a large pyramid-like construction in the horizon.
20:22 < Syksy> "This is where the Faceless Messenger, or the One with the Thousand Faces, lives. He can... sculpt thee a black dragon. But remember, in order to subdue a black dragon, one must become a black dragon."
20:22 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/geJjvDM.jpg >
20:23 < Syksy> Etrom points you toward the structure, and some kind of an altar on top of it with strange lights
20:23 < Syksy> I take it you climb it all the way to the altar?
20:24 < martti_> sure
20:24 < Syksy> On a throne sits a motionless dark Pharaoh with the face of an embalmed skull. When the player characters approach the seemingly still
20:24 < Syksy> skeletal ruler, he stands up. A horrible booming noise pierces through everybody's mind, it is not a voice heard with ears;
20:24 < Syksy> it is a voice heard by the mind, or rather a shriek of a thousand tortured souls in agony, whispering dark secrets of
20:24 < Syksy> passed days and mimicking voices of those close to the hearer, while muttering nonsense and begging for escape.
20:24 < rederin> Maybe take a look around first
20:24 < rederin> Oh, maybe not.
20:24 < Syksy> you're up there already
20:24 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/T5g0gJv.jpg >
20:25 < Syksy> The Pharaoh raises its head, and a schreeching voice like a rusty nail on metal captivates all senses of the hearers.
20:25 < Syksy> "HERE YOU ARE, BEFORE ME."
20:25 < martti_> the dragon within
20:25 < Syksy> (caps lock = Pharaoh-dude speaking)
20:26 < Syksy> "THE DRAGON... WITHIN."
20:27 < moneromooo> Hrm. Well... could be HM Crichton, Zenon, Etrom, White lady, Matron.
20:28 < Syksy> you are free to discuss the answer (only one answer accepted)
20:28 < Syksy> he just stands there motionless, waiting for an answer
20:28 < boombox_> I would say the King, he sent us, although I have other reasons to be here too
20:29 < moneromooo> Could also be "ourselves"
20:29 < martti_> (if you believe in free will, we sent ourselves here)
20:29 < boombox_> yes
20:29 < rederin> Or fate.
20:29 < Syksy> the pharaoh mumbles "PERSON."
20:30 < moneromooo> Trying to trick us, eh ?
20:30 < martti_> (i'm gonna go with ourselves--unless someone has a better answer)
20:30 < Syksy> "PERSON.", he repeats
20:31 < moneromooo> I would cross the white lady. Matron too.
20:31 -!- Zechariah [
[email protected]] has joined ##crypto-kingdom
20:31 < Zechariah> GM UPDATE: PAUSE
20:31 < Zechariah> Please tell me what I missed?
20:31 < moneromooo> So HMC or Zenon. Zenon wasn't too keen, so HM. Though Zenon wanted his pouch.
20:31 < moneromooo> Just some dragonny business
20:32 < Syksy> Zechariah: we're at the end of Dragon Quest
20:32 < Syksy> will post IRC-log of the whole quest
20:32 < Syksy> (as well as the pre-scripted quest documentation)
20:33 < Syksy> "PERSON. NOW." says the Pharaoh
20:33 < Syksy> (you sense that he grows impatient)
20:33 < moneromooo> Could also be the trickster itself. Tricking us all.
20:33 < boombox_> HMC, Zenon or Etrom? Etrom was a person once..
20:33 * moneromooo looks at the pendant, to see whether it has anything written on it.
20:34 < Syksy> The pendant has a strong magical aura to it, you sense something hidden
20:34 < Syksy> Definitely magical
20:34 < rederin> I'd vote for HMC, but... that seems...
20:35 < moneromooo> Hmm.
20:35 -!- Zechariah is now known as HRH_Prince_Zech
20:35 < HRH_Prince_Zech> Shit. I just got info that my wife had been traitor all along...
20:35 < HRH_Prince_Zech> It is almost too much to bear.
20:36 < HRH_Prince_Zech> What I only wish is to turn back time and have the opportunity to participate in the Quest
20:36 < moneromooo> Don't forget to require extraordinary evidence.
20:36 < HRH_Prince_Zech> Which is not granted
20:36 < Syksy> :/
20:36 < Syksy> (Pharaoh still waits for an answer)
20:36 < moneromooo> Maybe SyksyII can wake up...
20:36 < martti_> that'll probably be good
20:37 < Syksy> SyksyII: He said think not once, but twice; the first obvious answer might not be it, maybe the second that we think of?
20:38 < moneromooo> Hmm. Could be te queen too. she let us pass so we can take her place or something.
20:39 < Syksy> Pharaoh is running out of patience
20:39 < Syksy> SyksyII: I think we need to go back to basics
20:39 < moneromooo> I'm leaning towards Zenon now. HMC wanted the dragon, Zenon sent us on our way.
20:40 < Syksy> others?
20:40 < rederin> Sir Pharaoh, what would you answer to that question ?
20:40 * rederin hopes the trickster doesn't notice I'm trying to trick him
20:41 < boombox_> He said "I DO NOT GIVE THE TITLE OF A DECEIVER TO PETTY MORTALS." any clue in that sentence?
20:42 < moneromooo> We're kinda stuck aren't we.
20:42 < Syksy> tick tock tick tock...
20:42 < Syksy> gotta make a choice
20:42 < martti_> !consume mus 10
20:42 < moneromooo> Well, need to choose, I'll vote Zenon.
20:42 < boombox_> Zenon
20:42 < Syksy> two votes for Zenon, others?
20:43 < HRH_Prince_Zech> who is the contender?
20:43 < Syksy> 20:27 < moneromooo> Hrm. Well... could be HM Crichton, Zenon, Etrom, White lady, Matron.
20:43 < moneromooo> HMC (original idea to get a dragon).
20:43 < Syksy> closing in 30s
20:43 < Syksy> still two votes for Zenon?
20:43 < HRH_Prince_Zech> Zenon is not mortal. I don’t need to vote for him. He’ll survive
20:43 < HRH_Prince_Zech> My father KNEW him
20:44 < Syksy> 20s
20:44 < martti_> zenon....
20:44 < Syksy> it is settled then
20:44 < Syksy> The Pharaoh grins.
20:45 < Syksy> Voting time!
20:45 < HRH_Prince_Zech> I abstain
20:45 * moneromooo feels like pushing syksyII forward
20:45 < moneromooo> Oh wait, he's an actual CK char.
20:45 < Syksy> sure SyksyII is there
20:45 < moneromooo> Hmm, me then. I have that medallion thing.
20:45 * HRH_Prince_Zech going to buy some dragon-related utilities...
20:45 < boombox_> Who wants to become a black dragon
20:46 < Syksy> "my dear only boy, I wonder how he's doing", says Syksy back in the realm of Crypto Kingdom....
20:46 < Syksy> Syksy Sr that is
20:47 < Syksy> (Pharaoh)
20:48 < Syksy> votes people, votes
20:48 < moneromooo> do you want to be a dragon boombox_ ? Your name seems appropriate, somehow
20:48 < Syksy> the Pharaoh REALLY doesn't like waiting...
20:48 < Syksy> SyksyII will abstain in this vote
20:48 < Syksy> (obviously)
20:49 < rederin> Shame HMC isn't around. I'm sure he'd WANT to become a dragon
20:49 < Syksy> Voting starting, 1min
20:49 < boombox_> well, I can do it, vote for me, why not, lets see what happens to me
20:49 < martti_> came a s the wrong character ; P
20:50 < Syksy> 45s
20:50 < martti_> boombox you sure about this?
20:50 < boombox_> YES
20:50 < Syksy> 30s
20:50 < martti_> i vote boombox
20:50 < Syksy> 15s
20:50 < rederin> Alright then, boombox_ it is
20:50 < Syksy> 10, 5, 4....
20:51 * moneromooo looks at pendant and votes... boombox_
20:51 < Syksy> 3, 2...
20:51 < Syksy> The Pharaoh before you appears to melt into a dark mist that is thick enough to block vision. From the mist rises thousands of faces, tentacles, spikes, razor-like talons, with a chorus of the thousand faces singing.
20:51 < Syksy> A central figurine appears, but all limbs appear sentient to a degree, as well as the faces embedded all over.
20:51 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/kMAV3r2.jpg >
20:52 < Syksy> The limbs rising from the mist grab hold of Boombox. They raise him up by the neck, and with a quick sharp movement the talons rend open the back of Boombox, revealing the spine beneath. Multiple talons open
20:52 < Syksy> other wounds revealing bone, but not exceeding amounts of blood or other tissues.
20:52 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/RqgOAei.jpg >
20:52 < HRH_Prince_Zech> dear...
20:52 < Syksy> Several other tentacles rise of other form; the spike-like limbs strike inside to the spinal cord and multiple other spots on the persons exposed inner guts. The spiky tentacles are bulging back and forth, and due
20:52 < Syksy> to partial transparency some black liquid can be seen being pumped into poor Boombox as if (s)he was a tube in a twisted alchemy lab. The Boombox's body twists are shakes uncontrollably, but it appears like
20:52 < Syksy> Boombox has lost conciously during the very beginning of this surgical sculpting procedure. Finally the tentacles withdraw, and a half-grown blob of a being drops down to the floor.
20:52 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/h3N4aXT.jpg >
20:52 < Syksy> The blob falls long into the ground, upon which thousand tentacles wrap it up in a egg-like hatching or incubation pool. The tentacles continue to move back and forth, and the mist continues to seep into from between the
20:52 < Syksy> tentacles into the pouch inside.
20:53 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to ##crypto-kingdom. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
20:53 < Syksy> After a short while, the tentacles turn into specles of dark dust. The dust surrounds the dragon, and parts of it rise before each adventurer in the form of a skeletal sirene.
20:53 < Syksy> The sirenes blow a kiss, explode into a chaotic mist that drips through adventurers' clothing with a chilling touch. The mist drifts down the pyramid-like structure's whitened stone stairs,
20:53 < Syksy> like a swarm of centipedes fleeting to all directions.
20:53 < Syksy> A figure rises from the remains of the mist, and it grows; and grows; and then it howls...
20:53 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/J7v6InI.jpg >
20:54 < Syksy> The dragon rises to its feet, let's out a semi-human-like puzzled scream. It is engulfed by a seeming maniacal rage upon realizing its lost humanity.
20:54 < Syksy> The roaring cry reeks of desperation - and a hidden anger. The dragon turns its head towards the adventurers and an unclear "W... H... Y..." may be heard from the violent roars; "M... E... ".
20:54 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/esFdo2t.jpg >
20:55 < Syksy> GM Note: The dragon appears to be puzzled, with a residual of human inside. It struggles but appears to possibly attack. What do ye?
20:55 < Syksy> *grabs hold of the WIS-charts...*
20:55 < HRH_Prince_Zech> sphericon: 25*JAD?
20:55 < Syksy> The pendant that Mooo is holding appears to glow suddenly
20:55 < moneromooo> I quickly look at the pendant for... oh
20:56 < moneromooo> I approch the dragon. Not super fast, mind.
20:56 < Syksy> The dragon growls and fixes its eyes on you.
20:56 < moneromooo> And see how it reacts.
20:56 < Syksy> It howls in pain, and you notice acidic drips falling from its scarred wings and scales
20:56 < moneromooo> Oops, bad idea. Let's step back.
20:57 < Syksy> Roll a d100
20:57 < Syksy> does ckBot offer this?
20:57 < moneromooo> I had that on a test bot, let me see
20:57 < Syksy> I guess there are a lot of d100s in the net
20:58 < Syksy> seeds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc
20:58 -!- monero-testnet-t [~monero-te@unaffiliated/moneromooo/bot/monero-tipbot] has joined ##crypto-kingdom
20:58 < moneromooo> !d 4
20:58 < monero-testnet-t> Invalid command, try !help
20:58 < Syksy> > set.seed(1); sample(1:100, 1)
20:58 < Syksy> [1] 27
20:58 < Syksy> first roll, 27
20:58 < Syksy> The dragon appears to lower its head when you approach it peacefully, and it fixes its eyes on the pendant, and its lizard-eyes widen
20:59 < Syksy> (next action)
20:59 < moneromooo> !load raffle
20:59 < monero-testnet-t> An error occured
20:59 < moneromooo> ffs
20:59 < Syksy>
20:59 < Syksy> The dragon appears restless
20:59 < Syksy> but it has not made a direct attack (at least not yet)
20:59 < moneromooo> Can I take it off and present it to the dragon ?
21:00 < Syksy> You can't seem to find your hand to be able to take off the pendant, at least not yet
21:00 < Syksy> The dragon starts eyeing the other party members
21:01 < Syksy> It opens its maw and black drool appears to fall to the stony floor
21:01 < Syksy> It takes a step forward
21:01 < martti_> ask it who killed his father
21:02 < Syksy> martti saying to Mooo?
21:02 < martti_> yes
21:02 < Syksy> moneromooo: ^
21:02 < moneromooo> Dragon, who killed your father ?
21:02 < Syksy> It shakes its head, stomps both front legs to the ground, howls "M... E...."
21:03 < martti_> ; )
21:03 < Syksy> > set.seed(2); sample(1:100, 1)
21:03 < Syksy> [1] 19
21:03 < moneromooo> That's twice, though, no ?
21:03 < Syksy> The dragon howls continouusly "H... E... L..." and twists its tail and head in agony
21:03 < Syksy> it turns its eyes back to Mooo and the pendant
21:04 < moneromooo> Let's try to approach a bit again.
21:04 < Syksy> The dragon doesn't appear to react aggressively to approaching it
21:04 < Syksy> It lower its head slightly
21:04 < Syksy> lowers*
21:05 < Syksy> (waiting)
21:05 < moneromooo> I'd try to shake the dragon's hand, biut that might be something you only do twice.
21:05 < Syksy>
21:05 < moneromooo> Well, I'll get close and try to touch it.
21:05 < Syksy> > set.seed(3); sample(1:100, 1)
21:05 < Syksy> [1] 17
21:06 < Syksy> The dragon appears to calm down, and it lets you touch it... you can hear a silent "P..."
21:06 < Syksy> It seems attracted to the pendant, eyeing both you and it
21:06 < moneromooo> So... hmm....
21:06 < Syksy> You notice Etrom hovering by a pillar nearby
21:07 < Syksy> He seems to be nodding away from the altar-pillars
21:07 < moneromooo> I step aside a bit, leaving the way free for the dragon towards that direction.
21:07 < moneromooo> And I'll keep up with the dragon, if it goes that way.
21:08 < Syksy> The dragon takes slow steps following you, but you hear it grind its sharp teeth in pain as black pus seeps out of its wounds with acidic blood
21:08 < moneromooo> Any idea how we could help a newly sculpted dragon ?
21:09 < martti_> i think the pendent hurts him
21:09 < moneromooo> I'm not sure whether the pendant is good or bad for it -_-
21:09 < Syksy> It seems to follow you, and Etrom nods more and more eagerly toward an opening near the pillars, down-by
21:09 < moneromooo> Well, let's go then, and see what's where Etrom motions.
21:09 < Syksy> (you are on top of a pyramid-like structure, so you need to start stepping down if you want to head where Etrom is pointing you)
21:09 < moneromooo> Sounds alright. Maybe the dragon will fly. Not sure steps are well adapted.
21:10 < Syksy> Etrom awaits outside the pyramid. In a dark silence, the grand giant walks after Mooo with its head held low.
21:10 < Syksy> Etmor holds a pouch and hands it over to the adventurers.
21:10 < Syksy> The Skull then surges with energy that appears to target several pillars in an opening next to the pyramid.
21:10 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/uhUhprF.jpg >
21:10 < Syksy> Easily, a large open portal rises from the ground - open even capable of letting a dragon through - behind which hopeful sights of a certain city lie
21:10 < Syksy> <
https://i.imgur.com/pKY64SF.jpg >
21:11 < martti_> i'm going through
21:11 < moneromooo> Well, hopefully the new world will be nicer to the dragon, right ?
21:11 * moneromooo gets close and looks at the dragon
21:11 < Syksy> the Dragon appears to nod in favor
21:11 * moneromooo steps in
21:11 < Syksy> The adventurers step into the portal one by one
21:12 < Syksy> and that concludes Dragon Quest (pt I of
21:12 < Syksy> << Return to city with a subdued dragon; aftermath or preparing for the new session, GM & PC & others discussion; Zenon and King are presumably present to "welcome back" the "heroic adventurers" with their great "loot" >>
21:12 < Syksy> I am sure there will be much to discuss after this
21:12 < moneromooo> Does the dragon seem to be recovering a bit ?
21:12 < martti_> martti needs a drink
21:12 < Syksy> that we will find out in the next episode
21:13 < Syksy> ps. you managed to get through with minimal damage; at least 1 PC was going to die (=Boombox)
21:13 < Syksy> and a good thing you didn't eat Mooo
21:13 < moneromooo> Phew
21:13 < Syksy> well played ladies and gentlemen
21:14 < Syksy> there was no fighting, but I hope this was entertaining nevertheless
21:14 < Syksy> I must now go for an hour or so to help kids to bed, I'll post IRC-log and feel free to take a look on the adventure in above link
21:14 < boombox_> How should I treat the boombox account? Dead and gone, can I give all boombo´s belongings (minimal) to tombot?
21:14 < martti_> thank you, Syksy!
21:14 < rederin> Yes. Thanks Syksy
21:14 < Syksy> there are going to be few items that will be rewarded
21:14 < moneromooo> Yes, it certainly was
A bit... unsettling too
21:14 < boombox_> thanks Syksy!
21:14 < Syksy> Boombox should be sweeped to tombot aye
21:15 < Syksy> I'd suggest you take a look on the out-lined adventure, funny to compare it to what happened in here
21:15 < Syksy> anyway, afk for an hour or so now! It took quite a while, but now there's a dragon in town
21:15 < Syksy> a good or a bad thing? time will tell...
21:16 < moneromooo> Did you mean to post a link to the writeup ?
21:16 < moneromooo> The last one is the lady's banshee
21:16 < martti_> if his name is boombox, he'll at least have mad beats
21:16 < HRH_Prince_Zech> thanks all
21:16 -!- HRH_Prince_Zech is now known as Zechariah
21:19 -!- martti_ is now known as hmc_
21:21 -!- tombot [b237dd1c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##crypto-kingdom
21:21 -!- boombox_ [b237dd1c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
21:32 < hmc_> boombox looks beautiful--BTW ; P
21:34 -!- NewLiberty [~NewLibert@2602:306:b8e0:8160:57c:fbd3:b30e:ed88] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
21:35 < moneromooo> And hmc_ is going to go wage war with a new weapon
21:37 < hmc_> upon delivery to Old Duchy, he would be Old Duchy's protecterate, so hopefully, he keeps CK's enemies leary of a fight
21:37 -!- Zechariah [
[email protected]] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:39 -!- Eskorbuto [~ircap@unaffiliated/eskorbuto] has joined ##crypto-kingdom
21:40 -!- Zechariah [
[email protected]] has joined ##crypto-kingdom
21:59 < Syksy> moneromooo: how many lines is
https://paste.fedoraproject.org/478386/14789629/ for you?
21:59 < Syksy> it's the adventure pre-text, should be 500+
21:59 < Syksy> (lines)
21:59 < moneromooo> 529
21:59 < Syksy> yup
21:59 < Syksy> that's the railway you guys took
22:00 < Syksy> änd gals
22:00 * moneromooo goes read
22:00 < rederin>
22:00 < Syksy> I'm sure you'll find it interesting
22:01 < moneromooo> Damn. I thought it means morte, but then realized it didn't. Until you fixed the spelling
But I didn't think it was worth mentioning
22:03 < hmc_> should have answered the trickster wrong and got a tat
22:41 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wmpdoscrqebpmvzm] has joined ##crypto-kingdom
22:44 -!- Zechariah [
[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Zechariah]
23:02 < Syksy> you guys got a tat anyway
23:02 < Syksy> you got the "good" that
23:02 < Syksy> [Scar-touched by the Dreamworlds]
23:02 < Syksy> DESCRIPTION: The reward-scar of a correct answer before the Great Trickster. It appears to give its bearer the ability to explain seemingly irrational, ominous or seemingly mundane dreams for others in a semi-prophetic manner.
23:02 < Syksy> NOTE: Tattoo/wound, untradeable. May be herited within a bloodline.
23:03 < Syksy> moneromooo: aye I prob shoulda made it more clear that all kinds of "hey, isn't that X from Y" will give extra rewards
23:03 < Syksy> tbh that +1 treasure counter, I didn't keep track of it, but it can of course now be counted from the backlog
23:03 < tombot> what about boombox rewards, are they given to tombot
23:04 < Syksy> imho everybody did great, you guys basically got the minimal damage
23:04 < Syksy> sure
23:04 < tombot> ok
23:04 < Syksy> rewards must be negotiated with Zechariah as well as the owner of a brand new Black Dragon, His Majesty
23:05 < Syksy> I believe there was a fixed reward announced earlier - they shall announce any additions, and the "treasure" counter may or may not be used, it was pretty artificial but still something that was added to reward if somebody was exceptionally well performing
23:06 < Syksy> the whole Traitor thing was a red herring
23:06 < Syksy> but Moo coulda ended being served for dinner... luckily he didn't
23:06 < Syksy> and you basically saved the Lady in White by carrying her in your bellies
23:07 < Syksy> there might be post-adventures, there are possibilities... what were Zenon's motives? what was in the pouch? is the Lady in White somehow redeemable, or should she stay as she is (digested)? How will the black dragon fare (obeys the obsidian necklace, but
is wounded to some degree)?
23:07 < Syksy> etc
23:08 < Syksy> btw, the Pharaoh was a guy in Cthulhu mythos called Nyarlantotep, or at least he was _greatly_ influenced by him
23:08 < Syksy>
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyarlathotep23:08 < tombot> cool
23:08 < Syksy> not a guy you want to bump into in a dark alley... he gives "gifts" occasionally
23:09 < Syksy> the world you visited was, like described, kind-of a cursed undeath world, where he took pleasure of misfortune he had caused and one of his manifestations resided at that altar (that the Widow & his people had built thinking they could gain something
positive of it)