He was the "benevolent hacker":
and he appeared later as Cimon:
This is actually flipping reality:
The tor chat logs show, that Cimon/Variety Jones did introduce him to the idea of killing Curtis Green:
decide we've had enough of someones shit, and terminate them? Like, does
impersonating a vendor to rip off a mid-level drug lord, using our rep and
system; follows up by stealing from our vendors and clients and breeding
fear and mis-trust, does that come close in yer opinion?
(2013-01-27 01:14) myself: terminate?
(2013-01-27 01:14) myself: execute?
and later:
sitting in the big chair, and you need to make a decision. Now, really,
things could move fast in the future.
(2013-01-27 01:21) myself: I would have no problem wasting this guy
(2013-01-27 01:21) cimon: Well ok then, I'll take care of it.
it was not Ross or Inigos idea, but it came from Variety Jones. Inigos comment was 8 minutes later:
worthy of assasinating him over lol
(2013-01-27 01:22) myself: well, this is the wild west inigo
(2013-01-27 01:22) myself: they used to hang cattle theives
(2013-01-27 01:22) inigo (laptop): there are certain rules to the
underworld. and problems can sometimes only be handled one way
(2013-01-27 01:22) inigo (laptop): thats true
So, if Mr. Bilton is reading this: You still have a chance to clear things up in part 2. If you need more insider information about the man behind DPR, check this topic: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/who-is-variety-jones-935434.