Crikey, again, I myself have said similarly before! Let’s see...
- The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918–20 infected 500 million, killed 50 million worldwide (at a time when the world’s population was much smaller, and commercial passenger air transportation did not yet exist—aeroplanes were still quite new technology)
- The coronavirus outbreak of 2002–03
- Other reasons I have no time to list here
Maybe there is your “why”. Just my own little pet theory.
![Roll Eyes](
It is not just one sentence which is suspicious, it is everywhere. Watch the goddamn videos. They are all over youtube. There are many more.
Youtube is a great place to cook your mind with arrant nonsense.
Rule of thumb: Anybody who has something serious to report on such matters will reduce it to writing: An information-dense format that admits easy skimming for early evaluation, and also makes it easy to provide citations to sources of information.
Anytime anybody tells me that there is a big secret with the proofs on Youtube, my response is the same:
Will not waste my time.FYI, the “all over Youtube” category includes positive proofs that the Earth is flat, the moon landings were a hoax, etc., etc. Youtube has a sort of a reputation that way. I know this because I have spent much time researching claims about secret truths. Some of those claims are not fallacious. You will not find the proofs on Youtube.
To be fair, this is not a totally bogus idea. I don't buy it, though, in part because in my research I find the impacts of vaccines to be anything but a positive factor in raising a kid to productive adulthood (where they will, with luck, assist the parent in their old age.) Being highly devastating to health, vaccines are great for prescription drug and adult diaper sales though.
A question that I have been intending to ask you in the other thread, where you ignored
my challenge (just have not caught up there due to it being a low priority amongst high priorities):
Do you suggest to parents that all their kids will be just fine without vaccines, with low or no risk of childhood death from illness?...or:
...oh no, I may have just been kicked out. I said something that I can predict with arithmetical certainty Dr. o_e_l_e_o will disagree with! Surely, he will now censor me out of existence.
I have long fancied sitting down with an anti-vaxer, looking him deadpan in the eye, and telling him that yes, I fully agree that all childhood vaccinations should be stopped: Vaccination removes the necessary selective pressure for a healthy, robust, finely-tuned immune system—and substitutes in its place the empty hybris of a supposition that humans can cure all diseases.
Hey, anti-vaxers, here is a challenge for you: I will publicly support you, if you will be the first to step up and declare that much though we may wish otherwise, we need some more dead kids in each generation—to prevent unlimited mass suffering and potential extinction in all the generations yet unborn.
I need not reach the question of how bad the side effects of vaccines are or aren’t. Of course, all medicines have side effects. Whether vaccines are benign except in a few rare, unfortunate cases, or causing widespread injuries about which The Truth is suppressed by The Medical Establishment, the answer is irrelevant to me.
[...] I don’t need to know medicine: I know history. People used to have eight, ten, or even twenty (yes, literally, twenty) kids with the knowledge that some would die, and others would survive...
tvbcof, want to take up my challenge here, where I can’t use self-mod powers to “censor” you? Stop being a wimp. Speak up for The Truth!