Sorry, I know it's a digression, but I'm compelled to anwer this.
just a joke circulating, like the human theory that comes from the apes that does not make sense to me.
if humans from monkeys, why do monkeys still exist until now and have not evolved to become human ??
The question doesn't make sense. We didn't evolve from modern monkeys. Modern-day humans and modern-day monkeys evolved from a common ancestor. Yes that ancestor would have been a type of monkey, just not a modern monkey - because modern monkeys have also evolved since then.
But it didn't start with monkeys of course, you can go back and back, your family tree and mine and that of every mammal extends back to the point where life first crawled out of the sea onto the land. And it goes further back even than that... it doesn't start and end with monkeys.
Here's an analogy to answer your question: My father’s father died many years ago, but he left quite a few living descendants, including me, my sister, and my paternal cousins. To ask the question ‘If humans evolved from monkeys, how come there are still monkeys?’ is a bit like asking me ‘If you are descended from your grandfather, how come your cousins are still alive?’ The question doesn’t make any sense: why shouldn’t my cousins still be alive?