Am I anti-DGB: Absolutely Not
Not supporting it either,yeah you are mining for own benefit. Do I believe Jared being VERY excited with this news (as he rightfully should have been), was told to not disclose this information when he initially tried to: Yes
Offcourse Jared is excited because his 24/7 a week almost one year works pays off.
Do I believe This was just a pump in the early of Nov : Yes, quite obviously
-Do I believe that pump failed to reach its expectations: Yes, as It failed mine too @ that point in time
hmm,a x2.5 pump in couple of minutes. Not bad,You did make some $ on it in short time. The only thing you want is quick profit and its not enough for you.Do I believe the fork was due to these investors & their unhappiness when they did not see the potential results: Partially, but Long term.. It was a good move.
Longterm vision of Digibyte is allready stated before so yes its a good thing they did this.Do I like Cat gifs: Yes they are cute & funny
yeah,and they not providing anything usefull so please keep them for your own collection.Do I poke the bears: Oh yes
Am I a Troll?: Partially, but facts, #'s and whats been said previously backs up what I'm saying.
Not even going to react to this. We all know you are a troll.Do I even hold DGB: As of now I do, & I did previously but sold 95% early nov.
Good for you You said a week ago you had none and are just watching now! I think your full of it CryptoLTD!!! - That was true then... but not the case now. However I can assure you, I have shit loads less than 90% of the people here.
Again,Good for you Why do you post crap and if you really care why dont you help? - I do, I mine it.. and have been non-stop for the past 5 or so days. I post crap, because quite frankly there has to be someone who dosent quite fully agree with everything every one says, yet is on the same team to keep peoples heads from blowing up.
You dont have to agree on anything but you can argue with people why or why not. Dont just post crap&shit, "Game over,Insert coin to continue"pictures is no way any helpfull at all. I think your damaging the coin! - Not a chance.
Yes you do. Without a doubt you do.I think you should be more constructive I'de love to be, but I cant even do simple things like fix the non-existing pool links in the OP, so I just Mine.
There are far more important things to do,as you know pools shutdown and go very easy. Link dead? Just click the next link,There are enough.I think you were out of line by going nuts on the guy asking the question about the link! I was, that was the point.. people need to wake up RE scams. Crypto isnt some magical fairy land full of rainbows and candy.
Yeah but you could be nicer to Tyson and not insult him of posting scam sites where he is just asking if it's trustable and if anybody used it before.Theirs a boat load of scamsters abound. Some Kid could just read that and jump for joy..start clicking away.. and get screwed.
Agree, But also a kid could see you post with Game over and that kind of crap and move on to something else and he will mis something good.So dont post it because it hurds a coin .Ow yeah and for your information,
Ignore is on
Goodluck with your cats.