
Topic: Do you believe in god? - page 182. (Read 316048 times)

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
August 24, 2016, 12:46:20 PM
Please link, because I'm very doubtful about your Mormon studies.

Sure here is one I came across when I was writing the Health and Religion thread. I have seen others as well.

Its a long read so for those who do not want to go through it here is the summary

Your interpretation is wrong. Sustained wealth is based on good economics and education which leads to new scientific achievements - a positive feedback.

When did we stop with capitalism? I think I didn't got the memo Roll Eyes

Yep sorry you missed the memo. In Europe Government spending now accounts for over 50% of GDP in many countries. The USA is not far behind. Socialism and government cronyism now dominate our economies. The remnants of capitalism which still exist are shrinking and in decline. The two links below will get you up to speed.

Understand Everything Fundamentally
The Rise of Knowledge

Sustained wealth does require good economics and education but these in turn must be built atop a solid moral foundation or they will not last. A prior and far wiser generation understood this.

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Benjamin Franklin

“Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks, no form of government, can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea. If there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be exercised in the selection of these men; so that we do not depend upon their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to choose them.” - James Madison

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” - George Washington
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
August 24, 2016, 08:31:27 AM
The correlation is lower IQ equals to less thinking equals to more superstition and religiosity which I think is very logical.

More religiosity means less avg. Iq of the population equals to less economic wealth.

So as long as we hold on to capitalism the end of religion is designed  to happen.

The wealthiest societies today were until recently very religions or colonies of said societies. It was not imperial China that kicked off the industrial revolution but the very christian and quite religious Great Britain. A more likely interpretation of the data is that increasing wealth leads to decadence and undermines religiosity. High IQ is associated with success and wealth. Low IQ countries stayed poor and religious.

Your example  is wrong. Industrial revolution in the UK was based of several things like history,  geography,  politics etc. It has nothing to do with religion - religion was in fact an enemy of industrial revolution.
Which rich and religious colonies are you talking about? Most colonies in Africa and Asia are doing pretty bad - except some city states (which incorporated western non religious standards like secularism) or communist nations like China (biggest economy in the world).
Your interpretation is wrong. Sustained wealth is based on good economics and education which leads to new scientific achievements - a positive feedback.

Imperial China had the means for the industrial revolution 2000 years ago but they didn't succeed for various reasons but nevertheless I was talking about communist China.

Superstition and religiosity are distinctly separate entities. While it is true that both are currently correlated with low IQ I have argued that only the former will be associated with low IQ over the long term and provided reasons why this may be the case. I also highlighted religious groups that defy this correlation.  

Please link, because I'm very doubtful about your Mormon studies.

What makes you think we will hold onto capitalism? We lost capitalism some time ago. Freedom requires a solid moral foundation to be maintained. Lose your moral foundation and the rest slowly collapses.

Uh what? When did we stop with capitalism? I think I didn't got the memo Roll Eyes

sr. member
Activity: 441
Merit: 278
It's personal
August 24, 2016, 01:47:05 AM

Matthew 10:34-35
 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"

Jeez, I thought to myself wait, let me go check out this particular piece of writing and try to see if I can fathom a little bit the broader context of this particular cast so I went ahead and read the whole of chapter 10 and boy, is it ever confusing. I have to over and over again ask myself good f*ck I can't believe I once, long ago, read this same piece and it never occurred to me the incongruence generated by these writings of a culture that is so far removed from my Western experience, that I have to laugh to think that millions of Westerners actually follow so very blindly the cultural heritage of these writings and never realize the degree of separation between what these writings mean and their particular way of life which is completely removed from the intention of said writings.

It is so absurd in fact that I can't help and laugh about it. At least something positive for me in all of this.

I guess the passage quoted above isn't going far enough. No peace even in yourself, all because of Jesus.

BADecker, .... you are a true friend to me. Thanks man! I appreciate your comments immensely. Promise you'll stick around, will you please - pretty please?   Cheesy

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 23, 2016, 11:39:03 PM

Matthew 10:34-35
 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"

Jeez, I thought to myself wait, let me go check out this particular piece of writing and try to see if I can fathom a little bit the broader context of this particular cast so I went ahead and read the whole of chapter 10 and boy, is it ever confusing. I have to over and over again ask myself good f*ck I can't believe I once, long ago, read this same piece and it never occurred to me the incongruence generated by these writings of a culture that is so far removed from my Western experience, that I have to laugh to think that millions of Westerners actually follow so very blindly the cultural heritage of these writings and never realize the degree of separation between what these writings mean and their particular way of life which is completely removed from the intention of said writings.

It is so absurd in fact that I can't help and laugh about it. At least something positive for me in all of this.

I guess the passage quoted above isn't going far enough. No peace even in yourself, all because of Jesus.

sr. member
Activity: 441
Merit: 278
It's personal
August 23, 2016, 11:27:01 PM

Matthew 10:34-35
 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"

Jeez, I thought to myself wait, let me go check out this particular piece of writing and try to see if I can fathom a little bit the broader context of this particular cast so I went ahead and read the whole of chapter 10 and boy, is it ever confusing. I have to over and over again ask myself good f*ck I can't believe I once, long ago, read this same piece and it never occurred to me the incongruence generated by these writings of a culture that is so far removed from my Western experience, that I have to laugh to think that millions of Westerners actually follow so very blindly the cultural heritage of these writings and never realize the degree of separation between what these writings mean and their particular way of life which is completely removed from the intention of said writings.

It is so absurd in fact that I can't help and laugh about it. At least something positive for me in all of this.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 23, 2016, 09:47:04 PM
The correlation is lower IQ equals to less thinking equals to more superstition and religiosity which I think is very logical.

More religiosity means less avg. Iq of the population equals to less economic wealth.

So as long as we hold on to capitalism the end of religion is designed  to happen.

The wealthiest societies today were until recently very religions or colonies of said societies. It was not imperial China that kicked off the industrial revolution but the very christian and quite religious Great Britain. A more likely interpretation of the data is that increasing wealth leads to decadence and undermines religiosity. High IQ is associated with success and wealth. Low IQ countries stayed poor and religious.

Superstition and religiosity are distinctly separate entities. While it is true that both are currently correlated with low IQ I have argued that only the former will be associated with low IQ over the long term and provided reasons why this may be the case. I also highlighted religious groups that defy this correlation.  

What makes you think we will hold onto capitalism? We lost capitalism some time ago. Freedom requires a solid moral foundation to be maintained. Lose your moral foundation and the rest slowly collapses.

Religion doesn't correlate to lower IQ. Rather, higher IQ correlates to a form of brainwashing. High IQ has to do with materialism by making people think that they are better with higher IQ, and so they should get out and earn more money for a better life. This same thinking doesn't prepare people for the eternal afterlife in which God will pay a whole lot more than people could ever receive in this life.

People of Britain and America were not rewarded with material things because of their high IQ. They were rewarded by God for their proper religiosity. People of China have a higher IQ than Western peoples - search for this statistical info. Then, Western IQ started to make itself a thing of importance above religion, and that is why we Westerners are a declining group of people in as many ways that we are.

IQ that is focused at materialism rather than God, is destined to fail. Both high IQ and low IQ that are focused on God are destined to succeed. There are many evidences of this in both secular and biblical history.

God has a direct hand in everything. The people or society that focuses on God and religious righteousness will be helped by God. Wherein? In the fact that God has built general success into the universe for those who are focused on God.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
August 23, 2016, 05:57:20 PM
The correlation is lower IQ equals to less thinking equals to more superstition and religiosity which I think is very logical.

More religiosity means less avg. Iq of the population equals to less economic wealth.

So as long as we hold on to capitalism the end of religion is designed  to happen.

The wealthiest societies today were until recently very religions or colonies of said societies. It was not imperial China that kicked off the industrial revolution but the very christian and quite religious Great Britain. A more likely interpretation of the data is that increasing wealth leads to decadence and undermines religiosity. High IQ is associated with success and wealth. Low IQ countries stayed poor and religious.

Superstition and religiosity are distinctly separate entities. While it is true that both are currently correlated with low IQ I have argued that only the former will be associated with low IQ over the long term and provided reasons why this may be the case. I also highlighted religious groups that defy this correlation.  

What makes you think we will hold onto capitalism? We lost capitalism some time ago. Freedom requires a solid moral foundation to be maintained. Lose your moral foundation and the rest slowly collapses.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1000
Soon, I have to go away.
August 23, 2016, 05:02:57 PM
Europe’s Abandoned Churches a Warning for America

And it has got better since this article above, more people are waking up, most churches around my area have since been abandoned/sold or just plain old demolished.

One church near my vicinity is Jehovah you can hear them sobbing on Sunday evenings. Cheesy I doubt this place will go soon as only a few people can be seen when walking past this place.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
August 23, 2016, 04:19:35 PM
Some interesting links provided by criptix.

Link #1 highlights several studies that show that the average IQ of the religious is less than that of the nonreligious. Fair enough we have all likely met a fanatic at some point in our lives who is unable to coherently string two sentences together but insistent on trying to tell you everything about what is true.

There is certainly a large subset of the population who do not think for themselves but passively go along with whatever is popular. These are the people who embraced Hitler’s ideas on untermenschens, that wholeheartedly enforced Stalin’s purges, and who riot when their football teams win. They are also likely to blindly follow charismatic religious leaders when religion is popular.

However, we are now entering an age of atheism and religion is in transient decline. Soon many these individuals will be flocking instead to the atheist banner because as that will be the new “hip” thing. My suspicions is that this coloration will not only prove transient but that it will reverse. This has occurred already in some religious groups like the Mormons and probably the Jews as well.

Link #2 states that there is a negative coloration between religiosity and wealth but is very sparse on the details. How much of a correlation? Does it still exist if we control for population size rather than simply looking by country. China for example is very big and very low on the religiosity index. Is it being given the same weight as Ghana?

However, let’s set that aside for a minute let’s assume the conclusion is correct and that there is a negative correlation between religiosity and per capita income. Does that mean that religiosity somehow prevents countries from getting wealthy? Probably not because the USA as well as most of Europe was very religious until very recently. The more likely conclusion is that wealth leads people to become less religious and embrace other things like hedonism.

Quote from:  Henning Webb Prentis, Jr
Paradoxically enough, the release of initiative and enterprise made possible by popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent, the incompetent and the unfortunate grow envious and covetous, and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the Golden Calf of economic security. The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more."

Link #3 attempts to show that religion is in decline and that it will continue to decline using a simplistic mathematical model. “According to the model, a single parameter quantifying the perceived utility of adhering to a religion determines whether the unaffiliated group will grow in a society.” This model is obviously a gross simplification but it may be accurate for short term predictions. The model predicts that over the short term religion is going to decline and I actually agree. However, over the long term the model is overly simplistic and certain to be inaccurate. For example the data I discussed in the Health and Religion thread is not included in this model and would invalidate it over a long time horizon.


The correlation is lower IQ equals to less thinking equals to more superstition and religiosity which I think is very logical.

Like you said there are more variables besides religiosity which impacts economic and wealth.
E.g. China is more or less communist which equale to less religiosity but also less economic wealth.

Overall the negative corrolation is easy to understand if you look at #1 and make a link.
More religiosity means less avg. Iq of the population equals to less economic wealth.


For its prediction time frame the model works and we also see that if a nation gets richer there is a positive corrolation with decline of religiosity.
So as long as we hold on to capitalism the end of religion is designed  to happen.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
August 23, 2016, 03:40:39 PM
Some interesting links provided by criptix.

Link #1 highlights several studies that show that the average IQ of the religious is less than that of the nonreligious. Fair enough we have all likely met a fanatic at some point in our lives who is unable to coherently string two sentences together but insistent on trying to tell you everything about what is true.

There is certainly a large subset of the population who do not think for themselves but passively go along with whatever is popular. These are the people who embraced Hitler’s ideas on untermenschens, that wholeheartedly enforced Stalin’s purges, and who riot when their football teams win. They are also likely to blindly follow charismatic religious leaders when religion is popular.

However, we are now entering an age of atheism and religion is in transient decline. Soon many these individuals will be flocking instead to the atheist banner because that will be the new “hip” thing. My suspicions is that this coloration will not only prove transient but that it will reverse. This has occurred already in some religious groups like the Mormons and probably the Jews as well.

Link #2 states that there is a negative coloration between religiosity and wealth but is very sparse on the details. How much of a correlation? Does it still exist if we control for population size rather than simply looking by country. China for example is very big and very low on the religiosity index. Is it being given the same weight as Ghana?

However, let’s set that aside for a minute let’s assume the conclusion is correct and that there is a negative correlation between religiosity and per capita income. Does that mean that religiosity somehow prevents countries from getting wealthy? Probably not because the USA as well as most of Europe was very religious until very recently. The more likely conclusion is that wealth leads people to become less religious and embrace other things like hedonism.

Quote from:  Henning Webb Prentis, Jr
Paradoxically enough, the release of initiative and enterprise made possible by popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent, the incompetent and the unfortunate grow envious and covetous, and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the Golden Calf of economic security. The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more."

Link #3 attempts to show that religion is in decline and that it will continue to decline using a simplistic mathematical model. “According to the model, a single parameter quantifying the perceived utility of adhering to a religion determines whether the unaffiliated group will grow in a society.” This model is obviously a gross simplification but it may be accurate for short term predictions. The model predicts that over the short term religion is going to decline and I actually agree. However, over the long term the model is overly simplistic and certain to be inaccurate. For example the data I discussed in the Health and Religion thread is not included in this model and would invalidate it over a long time horizon.
sr. member
Activity: 441
Merit: 278
It's personal
August 23, 2016, 03:37:01 PM
Nope, I don't believe in god but I do believe that there might be something out there.

When I look at myself and absolutely all that I entail, and I mean everything, then gradually I come to a realization of the signal (symbol) that I am - of something out there.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 23, 2016, 03:12:38 PM
You can pray all you want but the will of humans is stronger than your god

One pair of wise hands working can do infinitely more good than one billion foolish idle ones clasped in prayer.

Stop throwing your potential wealth away. Get out there and get some people saved so you can be wealthy in Heaven forever.

Boy, the religious elite must of really tried hard to surpress their joy when they saw this malleable fool walking up the garden path towards them. He's a real asset to them, they won't let him go easy. You can be sure of that. Cheesy

Since you are so deluded with your own vain words, you will trip yourself up in ways that won't be fun for you. God's protection is leaving you. You are pushing Him away. Change, before there is no turning back for you.


Perhaps if you stopped focusing on the irrelevant parts (the vanity bit), and concentrated your efforts into the important parts (the truth), you'd be a lot less angry and a lot more wiser.
At the moment you're all upside-down, back to front and mixed up.

Yes, the truth can be quite unnerving at times. And that's why I show it to you in ways that you can't refute logically. Like the good propagandist that you have become, all you do is say you refute it without refuting it at all.

I am glad that you have waked up to the truth... as shown by your not being able to refute it with anything other than propaganda.


Yes you're right. You really blew us all out the water with your irrefutable 6000 year old earth argument.
We are still speechless to this day.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Also, lest we forget you're astonishing argument skills, particularly with strawmen.

Wow! I never knew you could be so honest!    Tongue
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1016
August 23, 2016, 02:56:50 PM
You can pray all you want but the will of humans is stronger than your god

One pair of wise hands working can do infinitely more good than one billion foolish idle ones clasped in prayer.

Stop throwing your potential wealth away. Get out there and get some people saved so you can be wealthy in Heaven forever.

Boy, the religious elite must of really tried hard to surpress their joy when they saw this malleable fool walking up the garden path towards them. He's a real asset to them, they won't let him go easy. You can be sure of that. Cheesy

Since you are so deluded with your own vain words, you will trip yourself up in ways that won't be fun for you. God's protection is leaving you. You are pushing Him away. Change, before there is no turning back for you.


Perhaps if you stopped focusing on the irrelevant parts (the vanity bit), and concentrated your efforts into the important parts (the truth), you'd be a lot less angry and a lot more wiser.
At the moment you're all upside-down, back to front and mixed up.

Yes, the truth can be quite unnerving at times. And that's why I show it to you in ways that you can't refute logically. Like the good propagandist that you have become, all you do is say you refute it without refuting it at all.

I am glad that you have waked up to the truth... as shown by your not being able to refute it with anything other than propaganda.


Yes you're right. You really blew us all out the water with your irrefutable 6000 year old earth argument.
We are still speechless to this day.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Also, lest we forget you're astonishing argument skills, particularly with strawmen.

full member
Activity: 148
Merit: 100
August 23, 2016, 01:45:04 PM
Nope, I don't believe in god but I do believe that there might be something out there.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
August 23, 2016, 12:04:39 PM

Hitler as Christian? That is somewhat comical considering that Hitlers plan was to destroy Christianity.

The Case Against the Nazis; How Hitler's Forces Planned To Destroy German Christianity

''The Persecution of the Christian Churches,'' summarizes the Nazi plan to subvert and destroy German Christianity, which it calls ''an integral part of the National Socialist scheme of world conquest.''

In the 1920's, as they battled for power, the Nazis realized that the churches in overwhelmingly Christian Germany needed to be neutralized before they would get anywhere. Two-thirds of German Christians were Protestants, belonging to one of 28 regional factions of the German Evangelical Church. Most of the rest were Roman Catholics. On one level, the Nazis saw an advantage. In tumultuous post-World War I Germany, the Christian churches ''had long been associated with conservative ways of thought, which meant that they tended to agree with the National Socialists in their authoritarianism, their attacks on Socialism and Communism, and in their campaign against the Versailles treaty'' that had ended World War I with a bitterly resentful Germany.

But there was a dilemma for Hitler. While conservatives, the Christian churches ''could not be reconciled with the principle of racism, with a foreign policy of unlimited aggressive warfare, or with a domestic policy involving the complete subservience of Church to State.'' Given that these were the fundamental underpinnings of the Nazi regime, ''conflict was inevitable,'' the summary states. It came, as Nazi power surged in the late 1920's toward national domination in the early 30's.

According to Baldur von Schirach, the Nazi leader of the German youth corps that would later be known as the Hitler Youth, ''the destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist movement'' from the beginning, though ''considerations of expedience made it impossible'' for the movement to adopt this radical stance officially until it had consolidated power, the outline says.

Attracted by the strategic value inherent in the churches' ''historic mission of conservative social discipline,'' the Nazis simply lied and made deals with the churches while planning a ''slow and cautious policy of gradual encroachment'' to eliminate Christianity.

The prosecution investigators describe this as a criminal conspiracy. ''This general plan had been established even before the rise of the Nazis to power,'' the outline says. ''It apparently came out of discussions among an inner circle'' comprised of Hitler himself, other top Nazi leaders including the propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, and a collection of party enforcers and veteran beer-hall agitators.

Of course, the churches stayed in Hitler's good graces for only as long as the Nazis considered their cooperation expedient. Soon after Hitler assumed dictatorial powers, ''relations between the Nazi state and the church became progressively worse,'' the outline says. The Nazis ''took advantage of their subsequently increasing strength to violate every one of the Concordat's provisions.''

In 1937, Pope Pius XI denounced Nazi treachery in an encyclical that accused Hitler of ''a war of extermination'' against the church. The battle had been joined on some fronts. Nazi street mobs, often in the company of the Gestapo, routinely stormed offices in Protestant and Catholic churches where clergymen were seen as lax in their support of the regime.

Still, in a society where the entire Jewish population was being automatically condemned without public protest, care was taken to manipulate public perceptions about clergymen who fell into Nazi disfavor. ''The Catholic Church need not imagine that we are going to create martyrs,'' Robert Wagner, the Nazi Gauleiter of Baden, said in a speech, according to the O.S.S. study. ''We shall not give the church that satisfaction. She shall have not martyrs, but criminals.''

But once they had total power and set off to launch a world war, the Nazis made no secret of what lay in store for Christian clergymen who expressed dissent.

In Munich, Nazi street gangs and a Gestapo squad attacked the residence of the Roman Catholic cardinal. ''A hail of stones was directed against the windows, while the men shouted, 'Take the rotten traitor to Dachau!' '' the outline says, adding: ''After 1937, German Catholic bishops gave up all attempts to print'' their pastoral letters publicly and instead ''had them merely read from the pulpits.''

Then the letters themselves were confiscated. 'In many churches, the confiscation took place during Mass by the police snatching the letter out of the hands of the priests as they were in the act of reading it.''

Later the same year, dissident Protestant churches joined in a manifesto protesting Nazi tactics. In response, the Nazis arrested 700 Protestant pastors.

Objectionable statements made by the clergy would no longer be prosecuted in the courts, the Nazis said. Statements ''injurious to the State would be ruthlessly punished by 'protective custody,' that is, the concentration camp,'' the outline says.

criptix posted some links to some actual science above, however, which is much more interesting than talk of Hitler so I will look at it later today and respond with my thoughts.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
August 23, 2016, 12:00:55 PM
Yes I believe in GOD ......Who create human and allow him to question !
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 23, 2016, 11:56:48 AM
If man spent half the time throughout history embracing real knowledge and science that was spent quivering in fear created by ancient mythology and killing in the name of God we would already be colonizing other planets, have cured cancer and ended world hunger.


Btw it is only hard to understand because religious people tend to be stupid. Fact.


Matthew 10:34-35
 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"

I wonder why there's so much hatred and killing in the world? Well, I'd like to chat some more but I need to hurry over to my church. We're having a bbq with hot dogs, potato salad and for entertainment were burning a few niggers on crosses.

Like as there are hypocrites and betrayers in any large organization, there are also going to be hypocrites and betrayers in Christianity. On top of that, many innocent Christians don't really understand Christianity.

Christianity that is true has to do with the salvation of the soul. Other Christianity is Christianity in name only. Anybody can read the Bible to see that true followers of Jesus, the Christ, are those who act like Him. And He never did the wicked things that many Christian ignorants and hypocrites do.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 23, 2016, 11:51:04 AM
You can pray all you want but the will of humans is stronger than your god

One pair of wise hands working can do infinitely more good than one billion foolish idle ones clasped in prayer.

Stop throwing your potential wealth away. Get out there and get some people saved so you can be wealthy in Heaven forever.

Boy, the religious elite must of really tried hard to surpress their joy when they saw this malleable fool walking up the garden path towards them. He's a real asset to them, they won't let him go easy. You can be sure of that. Cheesy

Since you are so deluded with your own vain words, you will trip yourself up in ways that won't be fun for you. God's protection is leaving you. You are pushing Him away. Change, before there is no turning back for you.


Perhaps if you stopped focusing on the irrelevant parts (the vanity bit), and concentrated your efforts into the important parts (the truth), you'd be a lot less angry and a lot more wiser.
At the moment you're all upside-down, back to front and mixed up.

Yes, the truth can be quite unnerving at times. And that's why I show it to you in ways that you can't refute logically. Like the good propagandist that you have become, all you do is say you refute it without refuting it at all.

I am glad that you have waked up to the truth... as shown by your not being able to refute it with anything other than propaganda.

Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393
You lead and I'll watch you walk away.
August 23, 2016, 10:52:22 AM
If man spent half the time throughout history embracing real knowledge and science that was spent quivering in fear created by ancient mythology and killing in the name of God we would already be colonizing other planets, have cured cancer and ended world hunger.


Btw it is only hard to understand because religious people tend to be stupid. Fact.


Matthew 10:34-35
 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"

I wonder why there's so much hatred and killing in the world? Well, I'd like to chat some more but I need to hurry over to my church. We're having a bbq with hot dogs, potato salad and for entertainment were burning a few niggers on crosses.

Activity: 1652
Merit: 1016
August 23, 2016, 10:42:53 AM
You can pray all you want but the will of humans is stronger than your god

One pair of wise hands working can do infinitely more good than one billion foolish idle ones clasped in prayer.

Stop throwing your potential wealth away. Get out there and get some people saved so you can be wealthy in Heaven forever.

Boy, the religious elite must of really tried hard to surpress their joy when they saw this malleable fool walking up the garden path towards them. He's a real asset to them, they won't let him go easy. You can be sure of that. Cheesy

Since you are so deluded with your own vain words, you will trip yourself up in ways that won't be fun for you. God's protection is leaving you. You are pushing Him away. Change, before there is no turning back for you.


Perhaps if you stopped focusing on the irrelevant parts (the vanity bit), and concentrated your efforts into the important parts (the truth), you'd be a lot less angry and a lot more wiser.
At the moment you're all upside-down, back to front and mixed up.

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