
Topic: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. - page 346. (Read 734937 times)

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
It's a diplomatic way to say "Guys, we've failed again".
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
Kiev: Ongoing military operation in eastern Ukraine enters ‘inactive phase’

What is going on?

Kiev isn’t halting military operations against protesters in eastern Ukraine despite the Geneva agreements, but the operation is currently “inactive.” Kiev said its next move depends on the treaty’s “implementation.”
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
The revolutionary aspirations expressed by protesters in Kiev’s Maidan are exactly what Mr. Putin wants to suppress in Russia.

You mean attacking lightly armed riot-control police with sniper rifles and petrol bombs? Yes. Putin wants to suppress such type of incidents in Russia. Not only Putin. Every sane head of state would want to crack down on such rioting.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Gorlovka Police Head sign for Donetsk Republic
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Donetsk Republik claim, that protesters from Kiev not liberate government buildings and not retire troups from Donetsk.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
The revolutionary aspirations expressed by protesters in Kiev’s Maidan are exactly what Mr. Putin wants to suppress in Russia. His reasons are not just geopolitical. He realizes that the quality of governance in Kiev is worse than in Moscow, but that Russian aspirations are not too far behind those in Ukraine. While the Kremlin permits Russian official TV channels to call Ukraine a corrupt and failed state, to describe its leaders as populist, nationalist or even fascist, such media descriptions of leaders in Russia are taboo.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
OK... Geneva talks call for the return of the administrative buildings to the government. But to which government? In my opinion, Viktor Yanukovych is still the legitimate president of Ukraine. Turchynov wasn't elected to the office, and he is just a puppet installed by the NATO to act as a mask to the Princess Tymoshenko.

The most important agreement reached during the talks, according to Lavrov, states that the Ukrainian crisis “must be resolved by the Ukrainians themselves concerning an end to the conflict” including those related to “detaining protesters, occupying buildings” and, in the long run “the start of true constitutional reform.”

“Among the steps that have to be taken are: the disarmament of all the illegal armed groups, and the return of all the occupied administrative buildings,” Lavrov told journalists at the Thursday briefing.

“An amnesty for all the protesters must take place, except of those who committed grave crimes,” the Foreign Minister added.

Гaaгcкий тpибyнaл пoлyчил пpaвo paccлeдoвaть coбытия Eвpoмaйдaнa

Пpизнaниe юpиcдикции cyдa нe oзнaчaeт нaчaлo paccлeдoвaния пpecтyплeний, coвepшeнныx вo вpeмя Eвpoмaйдaнa. Пpoкypaтypa тpибyнaлa, пpeждe чeм oбpaтитьcя c cooтвeтcтвyющeй пpocьбoй к cyдьям, дoлжнa oпpeдeлить, являeтcя ли инфopмaция, пpeдcтaвлeннaя yкpaинcкoй cтopoнoй, дocтaтoчнoй для вoзбyждeния дeлa.

Meждyнapoдный yгoлoвный cyд в Гaaгe пoлyчил пpaвo paccлeдoвaть вoзмoжныe пpecтyплeния в пepиoд c 21 нoябpя 2013 г. пo 22 фeвpaля 2014 г. в Укpaинe в paмкax aкции Eвpoмaйдaн. Oб этoм гoвopитcя в cooбщeнии пpecc-cлyжбы OOH.

Ceкpeтapь MУC в чeтвepг пoлyчил oт пpaвитeльcтвa Укpaины зaявлeниe o пpизнaнии eгo юpиcдикции пo пpecтyплeниям, кoтopыe, кaк yтвepждaeтcя, были coвepшeны нa ee тeppитopии в пepиoд c 21 нoябpя 2013 гoдa пo 22 фeвpaля 2014 гoдa.

"Этo oзнaчaeт, чтo тeпepь Meждyнapoдный yгoлoвный cyд имeeт пpaвo paccлeдoвaть вoзмoжныe пpecтyплeния, кoтopыe, кaк yтвepждaeтcя, были coвepшeны в yкaзaнный пepиoд", - гoвopитcя в cooбщeнии.

B тo жe вpeмя пpизнaниe юpиcдикции MУC нe вeдeт aвтoмaтичecки к нaчaлy paccлeдoвaния. Пpoкypop MУC дoлжeн бyдeт peшить, являeтcя ли пpeдcтaвлeннaя инфopмaция дocтaтoчнoй для вoзбyждeния дeлa и oбpaтитьcя c cooтвeтcтвyющeй пpocьбoй к cyдьям.

Дaжe ecли paccлeдoвaниe нaчнeтcя, пpoкypop дoлжeн бyдeт peшить, нa ocнoвaнии пoлyчeнныx cвидeтeльcтв, cтoит ли пpocить cyдeй o выдaчe opдepoв нa apecт или пoвecтoк для явки в cyд лицaм, oбвиняeмым в coвepшeнии пpecтyплeний, пoдпaдaющиx пoд юpиcдикцию MУC.

Кoмпeтeнция MУC pacпpocтpaняeтcя нa нaибoлee тяжкиe мeждyнapoдныe пpecтyплeния. Oнa oгpaничeнa пpecтyплeниями гeнoцидa, aгpeccии, пpecтyплeниями пpoтив чeлoвeчнocти и вoeнными пpecтyплeниями. Иx oпpeдeлeния coдepжaтcя в дoгoвope o coздaнии Cyдa - Pимcкoм cтaтyтe. Ha ceгoдняшний дeнь Pимcкий cтaтyт paтифициpoвaли 122 гocyдapcтвa.

Гocyдapcтвo мoжeт пpинять peшeниe paтифициpoвaть Pимcкий cтaтyт или cдeлaть зaявлeниe coглacнo cтaтьe 12 (3) ycтaвa o пpизнaнии юpиcдикции cyдa пo кoнкpeтнoмy пpecтyплeнию. C пpocьбoй o вoзбyждeнии дeлa в MУC мoжeт oбpaтитьcя тaкжe Coвeт Бeзoпacнocти OOH.

Haпoмним, Укpaинa пoдпиcaлa Pимcкий cтaтyт 20 янвapя 2000 гoдa, нo пoкa нe paтифициpoвaлa этoт дoкyмeнт.

Bepxoвнaя Paдa 25 фeвpaля пpинялa зa ocнoвy oбpaщeниe в Meждyнapoдный yгoлoвный cyд c пpизывoм ycтaнoвить и пpивлeчь к oтвeтcтвeннocти выcшиx дoлжнocтныx лиц Укpaины, в тoм чиcлe Bиктopa Янyкoвичa, зa пpecтyплeния пpoтив чeлoвeчнocти вo вpeмя миpныx aкций пpoтecтa гpaждaн c 30 нoябpя 2013 гoдa пo 22 фeвpaля 2014 гoдa.

Бывшee выcшee pyкoвoдcтвo cтpaны вo глaвe c Янyкoвичeм oбвиняeтcя в мaccoвoм yбийcтвe людeй.
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
OK... Geneva talks call for the return of the administrative buildings to the government. But to which government? In my opinion, Viktor Yanukovych is still the legitimate president of Ukraine. Turchynov wasn't elected to the office, and he is just a puppet installed by the NATO to act as a mask to the Princess Tymoshenko.

The most important agreement reached during the talks, according to Lavrov, states that the Ukrainian crisis “must be resolved by the Ukrainians themselves concerning an end to the conflict” including those related to “detaining protesters, occupying buildings” and, in the long run “the start of true constitutional reform.”

“Among the steps that have to be taken are: the disarmament of all the illegal armed groups, and the return of all the occupied administrative buildings,” Lavrov told journalists at the Thursday briefing.

“An amnesty for all the protesters must take place, except of those who committed grave crimes,” the Foreign Minister added.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 334
Merit: 250
Russia, the US, the EU and Ukraine have adopted a joint document on the de-escalation of the Ukraine crisis, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, after talks in Geneva.

The most important agreement reached during the talks, according to Lavrov, states that the Ukrainian crisis “must be resolved by the Ukrainians themselves concerning an end to the conflict” including those related to “detaining protesters, occupying buildings” and, in the long run “the start of true constitutional reform.”

Among the steps that have to be taken are: the disarmament of all the illegal armed groups, and the return of all the occupied administrative buildings,” Lavrov told journalists at the Thursday briefing.

“An amnesty for all the protesters must take place, except of those who committed grave crimes,” the Foreign Minister added.

I bet that many hotheads in Donbas are going to be disappointed after reading this statement. There won't be "way to Russia" after all, as it seems.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust
Air superiority? Where did that come from?It's already a war taking part there or what?
Don't tell me the rebels already have planes and manned airports Smiley

If the situation worsens anymore, then the civil war will break out at full force. No. The rebels don't have any planes or airports under their control. But what is the need for that? Look at what happened yesterday. The Kiev nazis sent in the APCs and Tanks to crush the protesters. What happened after that? The soldiers defected to the protesters, along with the APCs and tanks. The same will happen with the fighter jets.

But then why did you stated that they don't have air superiority , you said it clearly yourself "that doesn't mean that they have the air superiority".
Really , i understand that you look at this situation with enthusiasm and you take the Russian side , but sometimes your fingers type a little too fast.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
This is not a bad article on the situation in Ukraine, especially regarding who sanctions should be levied on.
But, Russia DOES NOT have legitimate interests in any other sovereign state. If the ethnic Russians in Ukraine have felt under any threat then they have had plenty of time to leave in the past 23 years.
Also there are no right wing extremists in the government (which let us not forget was voted for by all parliament represented by East and West), and as been reported numerous times, there is not a single shred of evidence that Russian Speakers in any part of Ukraine are persecuted or have their rights threatened, so why guarantee them separately. All people in Ukraine already have much more rights than people in Russia already and with closer ties to Europe then they will receive more.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219

I have already said this. This guy has got some serious mental issues and needs immediate psychiatric help. Still it was fun listening to him. I hope soon his master, the Princess Tymoshenko will replace him.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
It's a fake.;topicseen#msg6261462

Btw, this "prescription" contains some funny grammar and punctuation issues.
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