Admin should now understand that even some of the most experienced "veteran" members of this forum are not ready for a decentralized diverse form of meritocracy, and prefer a Red China style singular echo chamber instead where opinions deviating from the mainstream are quickly silenced and excluded, no matter how substantial or valuable they may be:
Note that there are usually several possibilities to improve the situation
- The user with negative feedback should be excluded
- The user(s) who left the negative feedback should be excluded
Number 1 & 2 have already been happening for years, that's why there is at least 20 threads in Reputation with the tag "Trust Abuse"...
The whole point of having 100+ DT members is to have a plurality of cultures and ideologies gaining representation in a forum that attempts to be libertarian in ideology, and it's the sign of a natural and free world that some of these members disagree with or even dislike each other.
Hundreds of very valuable and intelligent members have spoken up against bad practices by some deeply entrenched default trust members; if you try to motivate people into excluding them so that your precious friends can keep their trust sheets artificially clean, you are effectively devaluing the entire trust system of BTT, and that's why most people have stopped paying any attention to trust ratings because they understand in the vast majority of cases they are more based on political favoritism than justice or meritocracy.
I strongly urge future Bounty Campaigns to take a note of "safe echo-chamber formation" threads like this and stop giving a rat's ass about trust ratings on this forum, the Trust System has no meaningful purpose except for maybe warning the greenest of rookies about the most obvious of scams...