POS is going like crazy! Transactions are very fast now! It's a dream =)
I know we are on "sleep" zone for crypto but remember.. eventually.. it will wake up again. Set your investments.
We are working on trading inside the wallet. On this moment we are working on the API from Cryptsy. The Cryptsy Api is kind of incomplete for what we want.
For those familiar with API's, we are retreiving data via the Privateapi.
What we want on the first page are the fields : Tradingpair, Last Trade, % Change, Bid, Ask, Low, High, Volume and Time. Nearly all those fields we can get from the Method "getmarkets". The % Change has to be calculated on the fly but the challenge is coming from the "BID" and "ASK".
The "BID" and "ASK" we can get from the method "marketorders", however the Cryptsy Api doesn't allow us to retreive them in 1 big array, they need to be retreived 1 by 1 which takes a lot of time, because there are restictions for how many calls we can make a minute.
We are in contact with Cryptsy to see if there is a way to resolve this, but they are very slow to respond to us....
There is also an other thing that Griffith is working on, maybe when he comes back from his "Halloween Weekend" he can tell you all something about it...