Dude, using inanimate objects to scare off ghosts isn't logical, it's that way people think. Or else the idea of ghosts or bad spirits wouldn't exist at all.
Again my point is the only purpose for Gargoyles was marketing. And your retort is confirmation that a Gargoyle represents evil (to the people the marketing is targeted towards). Do you have any logic?
I had already completed all of these analysis before I wrote my first post that launched our debate.
Also, for my theory, I said it was races uniting to destroy Russia (an American fantasy).
There is no such fantasy in the USA. I am from the USA and that was never presented to me nor anyone I know. I have no idea where you got that misinformation. Must be another of those propaganda that your European masters indoctrinate into you.
We defeated Russia. Why would be at all concerned about needing to destroy Russia? Americans have always had a concillatory policy with past enemies, helping to rebuild Japan and Reagan and Gorbachev forging peace. (I later learned from Armstrong what a fraud that was, but we are talking about the popular American perspective here).
The murals depict the war machine attacking all the races. So if it turns out that Russia instigates WW3 (as it may be doing by starting bombing in Syria on precisely Armstrong's ECM turn date of 2015.75), then such a theory would be entirely consistent with the obvious visual depictions of a world holocaust and then a victory for the united world with an occult 6-pointed hexgram star (foisted on the Jewish state by the zionists) on one of the flags (note I had originally thought this was the only flag on the mural perhaps but I now see that is not the case). It appears to be a United Nations peace. It doesn't seem to depict Russia as the enemy.
And it is as good as your revelations dependent theory--I didn't say you were a christian (more that you succumbed to the Revelations ink blot) but you did say I hated god with no evidence.
At heart I don't even think our theories are that far off. The major difference is switching banks and America and the world for Russia. But seeing as it was put on American soil at the height of the cold war, I give mine the edge.
My theory had nothing to do with Revelations. You decided to conflate my orthogonal posts. I didn't tell you to do that. My theory is (and I repeat for the 3rd time), that the murals depict the plans of the global elite for a period of global war, death, and destruction (and from Armstrong I intuit starting roughly 2018). Revelation is a theory about the end of the world as we know it. I didn't write that in the post about the murals. There may be a connection to Revelation, but I wasn't making that claim in my theory about the minimum purpose of the murals. I did write that the elite may have thought they outsmarted "God"[1] but their landmarks also form (under one interpretation) a 5-pointed pentagram star which is typically representative of Jesus's 5 wounds. The irony of the serendipity (strange attactor of chaos) should be instructive to them what they don't control. Or stated another way, "you can't do just one thing" (the Butterfly effect is always in force and Armstrong wrote about that this week).
Again you assumed I succumbed to anything because you are incapable of separation-of-concerns. You are mismash everything together in your brain and unable to keep concepts orthogonal.
Yes our theories might not be far apart actually as I noted above, except stating the theory in context of Russia as the enemy is very myopic. The evil is omnipresent and it is inside of us the humans and our insatiable desire to void nature.
The Denver airport was constructed in the mid-1990s. That was not the height of the cold war.
If your thinking is that these murals were a creation of culture in the USA, I know of no culture in the USA what would fund and create such other than the possibly the super secret elite. Who would have the power and funds to get that done with the permission of the local government? It just doesn't make much sense to argue this is some artifact of the Cold War and exempifies that you are very ignorant of the USA. Even the baby boomers when they went through their anti-war phase in the 1960s would not have created such depictions.
[1] Again "God" doesn't have to be a white bearded man in the sky. It could for some people just be the natural order of the Universe. I am not willing to ignore information. Remember Chaos Theory teaches us there is hidden information in noise. You seem very willing to lump everything together and toss the baby out with the bathwater.