I am so happy to note that today I had my first perfect looking feces in a long time (months?). Perfect consistency, not too soft not too hard, not mushy nor sticking to side of toilet bowl like tar as it had been!
Today marks the start of the 5th day of not experiencing any significant symptoms, 4th day of pooping in the morning regularly, and 5th day of somewhat, gradually improving energy level. When I say improving energy level, the energy level has been still far too low to do everything at the pace I am accustomed to, except today I feel I might have that former stores of bursts of energy lurking (heading to gym to find out). My entire life I had been the
EveryReady Energizer Bunny up until this malaise hit me around 2008 or so (worsening significantly in 2012). But I am also having some lingering conflicting condition today (as has been the case past 5 days), where I felt every so often a slight tinge of pain in my gut and a slight adverse feeling at my head and a slight numbness below the knee. As well, I still have the lingering cough and phlegm.
P.S. I forgot to mention I have increased my sea salt intake considering over the past few days.
OK. I misunderstood you then. I thought you are having a very serious, potentially terminal health condition, multiple sclerosis, but it seems you are in fact aiming to continue be an athlete while having such serious condition. I am not sure how the MS condition and an athletic lifestyle can coexist, but I hope you can manage it.
I have had very serious condition that made it very difficult to find the energy to walk down the stairs or even put on or take off my shoes.
But what may be difficult for you to grasp because you will not encounter many people like me unless you are around top athletes such as a Kobe Byrant or Lance Armstrong, is that even if I can't put my shoes on, somehow I will dig deep and force myself to go out and run 2 kms even though I feel as though I could collapse and pass out during the extremely arduous endeavor. Your average person wouldn't ever put themselves through such pain. You don't understand that what separates most athletes who play in the NBA from the superstars is not only talent, but more so that attitude that very few people have that they can endure massive amounts of pain and they subject themselves to intense gut wrenching effort to reach their goal.
Let me try to explain it to you this way. When I was a young boy up until my teenage years, I would relish pouring only scalding hot water (enough to burn my skin until it had cooled simply from the tub and my body absorbing much of the heat) in the bath tub and then counting how many seconds I could hold my breath completely submerged. I would only be able to get my toes in the water at first, because it burned so much, then slowly to my knee, then slowly until my entire body was in the water.
At age 5, I relished playing tackle football in my grass front yard every day striving to get as many bloody noses as I could.
In 10th grade, we did during the August tropical heat in New Orleans (32 degrees Celsius, 80 - 90% humidity) two 4 hour workouts a day. We were in full pads, helmet, and running and exerting non-stop for 8 hours daily in that intense sweltering heat and humidity. There were small flying bugs (gnats) flying all up in our helmets and we were tackling each other into the wet grass in the morning workout. I was literally so exhausted that I would not be able to move the entire lunch and night I would lay on a wooden floor and not move. I had to take salt tablets to deal with extreme cramping due to loss of sodium from perspiration.
So indeed, I have been fighting an absolutely debilitating condition. After I would exert myself, I'd collapse on the floor and I'd be lucky to raise my arm after an hour or so of laying there.
I told everyone my uncorrected vision declined from 20/40 to 20/70 from early August to late September. My condition was getting to the point where I was spending the vast majority of my days in bed. And I was losing function. So yes heading towards crippled or zombie and pretty much that way already, except for me fighting it with all the effort I could muster in short bursts of teeth gritting, gut wrenching effort (crawl out of bed onto the concrete road and force the Go button, feeling like shit most of the entire run).
Also reflect on the theory which seems to have strong support in my case that M.S. is linked to gut bacterial dysbiosys, because we have more gut bacteria than human cells and we don't digest food without the correct diversity and balance of microflora and M.S. appears to be the disarray of dysfunctional synergy between metabolism and immune system. Thus correcting this condition appears to be about a synergy of diet, exercise, sleep, and probably also environmental inputs such as vitamin D3 from the sun and day light exposure of the eyes and skin to get the proper sleep cycle going.
But let's get back on topic. This week I began experiencing a toothache. Never in my life did I have cavities nor any problem with my teeth. Why? Because I drank milk until my 30s. I have very strong teeth.
Dairy is important for calcium also.
Indeed for those who have heart disease, I can see abstaining from any fats (of any source) as beneficial during the critical period of healing from that condition.
But what got you in that condition in the first place? It could be genetic predisposition, but it could also be about not getting enough exercise and about eating all those Frankenstein foods in our modern, industrialized world.
When I say you go too far and being a religion, I don't mean that you do it because of not wanting to hurt animals (frankly when we killed the 2 native chickens yesterday, I decided it didn't taste good enough to me or given me good enough feeling to justify seeing those chickens crying and facing their death...I'd rather eat tuna and maybe a goat who can provide a lot of meat for one death and also so much work to clean that chicken for so little meat). I mean that you assume that just because you put yourself into a very bad health state and needed a 100% vegan extremism to rectify that other extremism, it doesn't follow logically that extremism is the best balanced health ongoing. I would rather be scientific about it. I am not against the importance of raw leafy wild (unfarmed!) vegetables, but I am against unscientific extremism which doesn't mesh with indigenous experience. And I think unfarmed food sources may be a more important factor than extremism about avoiding diversity of food types.
Fact is that indigenous peoples are extremely healthy eating a balanced diet which includes some fats and animal products.
Rather it appears that the key distinction is they eat raw and naturally fed sources, no manufactured foods, and they get a good balance of probiotics naturally in their diet where it has been scientifically documented that they have 50% more diversity of gut microflora than we industrialized guinea pigs do. Also they are very physically active and exposed to the natural environment.
I tried eating all vegetables as I was ending my fasting. Granted these were lighted sauteed, not entire raw. And included some farmed vegetables. But I could not gain back my energy, muscle mass, sleep long enough, nor feel satiated for long enough time. I was also eating way too much fiber. I simply wasn't being cured and my health condition appeared to be getting worse in other ways (vision, teeth, exercise got worse, etc) although the headaches might have been slightly less (probably because there was less soluble food to leak from my apparently leaky gut).
I am willing to return to test an all raw wild vegan diet if the current experiment fails.