So, I am so done with electrum. I just want my btc out
Can I command prompt the private key from the address and go put my coin at blockchain or can I send it to multibit?
0.02btc if you can help me do this in the next 10-15 mins so I don't have to stress all damn day
On the receive tab of the electrum window find the bitcoin address where you sent the bitcoins, right click it and select private key. You can then copy it and import it into or multibit or whatever.
Note: Once you've exposed the private key don't use this electrum wallet file again. You will have to create a new one using the file menu > new/restore command in electrum.
Thanks. Got the bitcoin back
Don't worry, not using electrum for as long as I live. Swept the entire address and throwing it all away. Nice 5 hour waste by me this morning
Glad to hear you got your bitcoins back! :-)
Remember, this is a practice you should be using for ANYTHING you are doing that you have NEVER DONE BEFORE with bitcoins: (like switching clients, etc.)
1. send a SMALL AMOUNT first.
2. check to make sure you can recover those small amounts and that you understand how things work. (or IF they work for you)
3. If everything is OK, then move the rest of your funds.
You should follow these steps no matter what it is you're doing in Bitcoin. Once you've confirmed that whatever it is you are attempting works for you, THEN you can move the rest of your funds into it.
Just know that it's not like the programmers of Electrum made the program that way on purpose, so don't blame Electrum. There was some sort of compatibility problem with Electrum and your machine. This is unfortunate, but myself and many others use it just fine.
I find one of the biggest problems with Bitcoin is that the most secure ways to use bitcoins are open source projects without any central company, so no user support teams. Yet if you store your bitcoins in some company's web wallet, they could disappear with it the next day for all you know...
But anywho, good luck on your future endeavors in the bitcoin space.