Ist der Hacker vielleicht auf das Angebot eingegangen und hat die 10 Millionen genommen?
Alles andere wäre ja wirklich mysteriös.
Das selbe hatte ich mich ja auch gefragt als ich den Tweet gelesen hatte, einfach aus dem "Nichts" konnte es ja eigentlich nicht kommen, aber das der Hacker das Angebot annimmt halte ich auch für unwahrscheinlich. Warum sollte er?
Inzwischen gibt es dazu eine Erklärung.
Jump Crypto, die Krypto-Venture-Capital-Firma, welche den Entwickler der Wormhole Bridge finanziert hat 120k ETH an Wormhole gezahlt um die 1:1 Hinterlegung wieder herzustellen.
On Thursday, Jump Crypto, a crypto venture capital firm that owns Certus One, the developer of the Wormhole token bridge, announced it had deposited 120 thousand Ether (ETH) into a Solana-Ethereum bridge that suffered a devastating exploit. The day prior, hackers fraudulently minted 120 thousand wrapped Ether (wETH) worth $321 million on the Solana (SOL) platform, then redeemed 93,750 wETH for ETH on the Ethereum network while swapping the rest for other altcoins on the Solana network.
The cross-chain ETH-wETH is supposed to have an exchange ratio of 1:1 against one another. Therefore, the unauthorized minting of wETH leads to significant inflation, which can quickly degrade confidence in the underlying bridge. After the latest "bailout" by Jump Crypto and a patch fix, however, things appear to be back to normal, with Wormhole developers tweeting:
"All funds have been restored, and Wormhole is back up. ETH contract has been filled, and all wETH are backed 1:1."
Quelle:, the company has now restored the lost Ethereum, the funds didn't appear out of thin air.
Wormhole's bailout from this loss was made possible by industry partner, Jump Crypto, part of the Jump Trading Group that also owns the venture capital (VC) firm, Jump Capital.
"[Jump Crypto] believes in a multichain future and that [Wormhole] is essential infrastructure," says the company. "That's why we replaced 120k ETH to make community members whole and support Wormhole now as it continues to develop."