This proves what I may ask?
It is most likely the address of the Registered Agent for Poloniex. Registered Agent is a service typically provided by legal firms and is the address where legal documents are served on a corporation. This is a requirement of incorporation in most jurisdictions.
This is a new low! Even for this place. The OP making idiotic accusations is one thing, but implying Polo is a scam is totally uncalled for. Right now
bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc has
started a new thread, (in which he is censoring). No surprise, he became extremely upset a few weeks ago when ETH passed LTC in market cap, and since then has been on a
smear campaign. Imagine a system where the accused gets no chance to defend himself... absolutely disgusting. This is the second time he has done this. If anybody who is
new, and would like to know more about Polo? Please check out this link... years of using Polo, and not a single problem. Hundreds of withdrawals, and deposits. I have reported
bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc to the mods. This character is an absolute
childish troll.
Get over it. If I am doing smear campaign, what do you call MASS SPAM attacks from Ethereum ''users'' (ponzi scheme promoters), which you most likely participated in !?!
It's okay to praise ethereum, but when we expose what it really stands for, it is smear campaign and you go cry to mods!?
Get over what? That you are a jealous LTC bagholder who censors decent, makes false assumptions based on
no facts, and sells STAR WARS dolls? I went to the mod, not
because of the ETH negativity, but because you started a thread trying to defame a reputable business with
no facts. And censoring it! Got it... manchild? Get your facts
straight. I feel like I'm arguing with a fuckin teenager. PM you for Investment Opportunities? Sorry... sold all my dolls 40 years ago. Lmao! Now I see. Your intellect is trying
to capture the 12-16 year old market. Ahhhh... free advertising for your website? Well played. Do teenage boys still play with dolls and dress up like Storm Troopers? Guess
you would know better than me. Yep, from reading the replies, it seems a lot of people with an IQ over 80 don't agree with you. Can't waste another minute of my life responding
to an OBVIOUS immature jealous little troll who dresses up like a storm trooper.
See... I can make assumptions too! Isn't this fun? Need to shower... feeling yucky!