There is no scientific field that says everything has a cause or that it's impossible to have something without a cause, you are literally just making shit up.
Do your own research.
Evolution is a hoax. Why? Because the main premise upon which evolution is based hasn't been found anywhere. There is no factual non-C&E event anywhere that we know of. So-called evolution is programming via cause and effect. The Programmer is God.
Evolution is a hoax.
The Programmer is God. Who programmed your god?..
You say god is random? so now your god is here and programmed all the universe to have all this effect
what caused your god to do all this effect?..
See Badecker you believe in evolution and you admit to it BUT then say oh god this and that
You are even saying it's true ..
If we study a blast i thinks that's is the program ..
Like when we hear music we dance like moving particles all dancing from the BANG and the fact in space the blast will keep the matter moving and spreading in the vast empty space..
A blast in space it keeps spreading and moving just like all life spreading and moving and when we hear music life reacts to the blast like dancing particles ..
So the program is the BANG
A seed spreads A human spreads universe expanding stars exploding and moving..
So the program is the BANG what's in a bang is the program.
We are always on the move just like a bang in empty space..
The bang dancing particles below in video..
Video for shell shock▶ 1:33 of bang below dancing particles in action below..
Goth Underpass Rave - YouTube
Video for people in a rave▶ 2:51 from a BANG below..
Airplanes landing and taking off - YouTube
Video for aeroplane in flying▶ 5:45 from the BANG below..
People Running-FUNNY - YouTube
Video for people running▶ 0:19 spread from the BANG..Life spreading below..
How A Seed Grows - YouTube
Video for seeds turning into a plant▶ 1:20 spread from the BANG below..
natural vaginal birth - YouTube
Video for human birth video▶ 4:08 programmed from a BANG..
So is that the answer?..The program is and was the BANG..?
Just a theory because i always found it funny why we move like idiots over music?
And then got me thinking is it the program of the BANG and that's why we react when we hear music..
Like dancing particles from the BANG..?