I simply cannot believe this. This is again doubting and denying science. It is a proven fact that we're all related to each other.. Yes.. we're also related to a stupid tree.
all living organism on earth share the basic DNA. Thats a fact. So we did not come from heaven. But whatever, believe what you want if it helps you.
I'm not bullsh!tting on the bible or any religion. I don't believe in any religion - yes. But the bible, for instance, just describes the things as they knew it. Guys.. thats a long way from writing such books to nowadays understanding of life.
Simply Google "evolution is impossible" to see that there are lots of reasons why evolution is impossible.
All of foundational evolution theory is written like it was something you had to believe in to make it true. There are no concrete facts for evolution found by those who actually do the search for evolution. The evidence fits creation better. The few almost-facts for evolution, are things done in the lab, where scientists are the makers... not in nature where the whole thing comes about by natural means. No facts for evolution are found in nature.
On top of all that, cause and effect operates precisely according to the laws of physics. If there is anything that is pure randomness, we haven't found it
for a fact. Yet evolution theory says that evolutionary changes are done by "random" mutations. This is exactly opposite of cause and effect which we see operating in millions or billions of things, or more.
Evolution is a cute idea that doesn't have any backing outside a lot of talk. In fact, it is the loads of talk that keeps evolution alive as a theory. There are no facts behind evolution. It is a story like any science fiction story, except that it is contributed to by multitudes of people. Evolution is a story that doesn't fit reality.
Because many of the proponents of evolution realize that they have no facts to back evolution up, and yet they keep on saying that evolution is true, evolution has become one of the greatest hoaxes around. Lay (non-scientific) people who believe these evolution proponents, are believers in a religion... the evolution religion.
Evolution is a hoax.
I already googled that and it didn't show anything:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.27216030''The evidence fits creation better.'' Literally all dating methods show that creation is false, you know, older than 6-10k thousand years old.
''If there is anything that is pure randomness, we haven't found it'' You claimed god is pure randomness, so you did find it.
Also pretty much all science dismisses the bible (creation) :
https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Biblical_scientific_errorsYou can google that as well since you like google so much, ''scientific errors in the bible'' There are plenty.
You fail to properly apply what I said regarding whatever it is that you Googled in that top link of yours.
There aren't any mistakes in the bible. There are only people (kinda like you) who twist the meanings of what is written in the Bible, to mean something that the Bible doesn't say.
The bible is 6k to 10k years old meaning that earth and the universe are just as old, however that has been proven wrong through dozens of different methods of dating, all showing that earth and the universe are far older.
The proof that the earth is older than the bible says -
http://www.albatrus.org/english/theology/creation/biblical_age_earth.htm - is based on the same kinds of "ifs" that evolution is based on. The following example simply shows a form of guessing the age of the earth. It is not meant to show actual ways that ice layers are examined and extrapolated into the past.
We know that the layers of ice that have formed over the last 100 years, have formed because of this or that kind of snowfall... or whatever. We know it because we have been recording it for the last hundred years. This means that "if" snowfall existed the same way for the last million years, then the earth is so many million years old.The thing is, we don't have a clue that the ice layers were always formed in this way. Yet the "if" has been converted into a factual thing by the scientists, or by the media that publishes what the scientists say.
On top of that, the Bible is eye witness reports throughout a very large portion of it. Some of the reasons why this is way stronger than the "ifs" of evolution and scientific ages of the earth are listed hare
Consider. When a car engine is made, they don't make something like a piston and a cylinder that gradually turns into a piston or a cylinder, and then gradually forms into a V-8 engine. Rather, they design the engine and build the engine complete. Then they place it into a car, and run the engine. If there is testing of several designs, they do it before they manufacture the car.
In the same way, if God did something like testing of the universe parts before he made the universe, the tests were separate from the universe. God didn't throw out a bunch of "stuff" and let it evolve into something that works. He threw out the universe in working order. But...
... We won't know it for a fact until we can build a real, working time viewer to take a look. we simply have to believe God (or not), that He did it like He said He did it. This means that although we can extrapolate backwards to some extent, it is incorrect extrapolation the further back we go, because God set the whole thing in place, in 6 days, with appearances that can be interpreted as billions of years, yet with the words of the Bible that tell us what He really did.
Why would God show us a nature that might trick us into believing something the wrong way? Probably several reasons, two of which are:
1. He wants to find out who will trust what He says so that He knows who to get rid of;
2. He is giving us what we are asking for, independence from God in our thinking, all the while holding us dependent on Him through cause and effect.
Evolution is a complete hoax.
Just like we don't have a clue if cause and effect was always present, thanks for debunking your own argument