Well, you see if the first cause of a chain of causes is random, essentially all the causes within the chain are random.
Imagine a random dice that can jump on its own, unpredictable and every time a random number appears. Imagine the dice randomly jumps again but this time falls onto a flower and breaks it. You would consider the cause of the broke plant, the dice however the dice itself has no cause, its random so basically the real cause for the broken plant is random.
The same thing happens with your example. If god ultimately created everything, then all the chain of causes go back to a single point, god, which is a random being, everything he did, he did without a cause.
Evolution is true and you proved it.
Since the first cause in the chain of causes that is our universe, is something (or from something) outside of the universe, we don't really know what it is... random or something else.
"Imagine a random dice that can jump on its own..." This is precisely what evolution is. A big chunk of imagination about all kinds of things. Why? Because there is no proof, and no evidence for it, that doesn't fit creation better. IF evolution happened to be true, we don't know it is, or how it could be true... at least not scientifically speaking. Our evolution theory doesn't match reality.
How do you know anything about God? Do you believe what I have said about Him? Does science show you about Him? Do you just feel that He is the way you describe? LOL.
Evolution is a hoax, and you just proved you understand that it is a hoax.
I don't understand you. Why do you keep saying ''the way I described him'' You said that god has no cause so I used what you said against you, now you are claiming that I'm the one saying it LOL.
But you
DO understand me. And you
ARE taking what I said out of context, so it
IS what you said, and
NOT what I said.
''outside of the universe, we don't really know what it is... random or something else.'' There aren't too many options badecker, either the cause of the universe has a cause or doesn't and you claimed it doesn't because you said it was god and that god itself has no cause, I can quote you on that if you want. Are you saying now that god has a cause?
Those options you talk about are options within the way the universe works. Something that is outside of the universe is completely different, or it would not be outside of the universe. If it were the same as within the universe, then it would be within the universe.
This means that neither C&E nor random necessarily apply outside of the universe, but they both may apply in some way outside the universe.
Can't you get it through your noggin that outside of the universe is something that we can't even comprehend because it is so different? In fact, it is so extremely different that the word "different" doesn't really describe it.
Evolution is a hoax.
Well so you admit you don't know what the cause of everything really is. You still claim everything has a cause but you never proved it. Saying ''we haven't found anything without a cause'' doesn't prove that everything has a cause just like saying because we haven't found life on another planet, life on other planets doesn't exist doesn't prove life on other planets doesnt exist.
I already told you quantum processes seem to be random. Maybe they aren't but no one knows, so far no one has even presented a theory nor even a hypothesis for what their cause might be. Can you?
Except for the fact that I have told you over and over that, by the definition, God is the cause of everything. You don't seem to understand that He is a cause from our standpoint, but that the actual "thing" that He is, may or may not be a cause... may or may not have anything to do with C&E... because He is outside of the universe.
Science says that there is nothing without a cause, by the odds, by probability, by quantum. And that is what we are talking about when we talk evolution, isn't it? something without a cause, right? Or are you admitting that evolution is a religion?
We haven't examined other planets enough to tell that life does or doesn't exist there, even though we haven't found any there yet. But we have essentially countless numbers of C&E actions without finding any non C&E action. Your planet thing is an improper analogy.
If you told me something, what does that matter? Scientists tell us that quantum is probability. Such might act like we would expect random to act. But probability by definition shows us that it is not pure random... spontaneous activity/something without a cause.
Since quantum is simply random in the form that we think of random, nobody needs a hypothesis for what random might be. After all, just because we can't track the molecules of air that cause a leaf to sway in the breeze, and their C&E, doesn't mean that it has anything to do with pure random. If you want a hypothesis for pure random, figure one out if you can't find one.
Thank you for helping our readers to see that...
Evolution is a hoax.
EDIT: Won't I get more points? Because generally my posts are bigger.