Probability and Statistical Impossibility But, as we came to learn more about the universe and about the miracle of life, science realized that the necessary components of life were not that simple. Sagan's original estimate of two necessary conditions was eventually raised to 10; a later revision in light of further discoveries stated there were 20 necessary conditions. By the turn of the 21st century, scientific advances had now set the number of necessary conditions for life at around 50, which of course drastically reduces the amount of potentially life-supporting planets in the universe. The one septillion potentially life-supporting planets of 1966 had by 2000 been reduced to only a few thousand. And with each discovery about the universe or biological life, those numbers are constantly being revised, further raising the number of conditions and reducing the amount of planets capable of supporting life.
By 2006, the estimates of the necessary conditions for life had risen so high that a representative of the SETI project wrote in the Skeptical Inquirer an article abjectly admitting that all earlier estimates of the statistical likelihood of finding extraterrestrial life "may no longer be tenable" and that expectations about finding a planet that could support life should be put to rest. [2]
In fact, as further conditions for supporting life continued to be discovered, the mathematical probability of there being any planets able to support life dropped to zero. The odds were against any planet supporting life - even this one. Today the list of parameters necessary to support life is around 200 and will probably keep growing in the near future. As Metaxas says, "The odds against life in the universe are simply astonishing" [3].
Evolution is a hoax.
Space the universe is full of life it's teaming with life
Why do you think NASA fuzzy the screens
Show me a full video of the whole moons surface ..NO THEY WONT WILL THEY
Hiding things you see..
Because poor little Badecker couldn't handle the TRUTH..
Also the way we kill each other no wonder they back off
Imagine they was 4 ft and we got their technology i thinks we would kill them
So maybe they back off ..
Or maybe no alien humanoid but a type of alien creature or intelligent creature..
But if i looked down and seen lets say AFRICA with the village burning the next village and killing everyone in it i thinks i would stay away ..
Creature flying around space that's for sure
SECRET SPACE: What Is NASA Hiding? - UFOs Are Real - FEATURE ...
Video for ufo tv what is nasa hiding▶ 1:26:53 Oct 2010 - Uploaded by UFOTV® The Disclosure Network
Featuring extraordinary NASA digital video footage of authentic space-based UFOs and strange anomalies ...