Of course, we all know you are into propaganda rather than science. All the scientists who extrapolate into the past, state that they don't know if they missed something. They all state that it only looks like. That isn't proof. That is exactly the opposite of proof.
Regarding the eye witnesses, none of them paint an exact picture with all the details. Many of them explain what they saw with descriptions of what it looked like to them. But the genealogies and dating times are accurate.
No reason to trust ''eye witnesses'' Do you know someone that knew someone that knew someone, etc etc until God?
That's why the things the eye witnesses saw were immediately written down, and the writings were meticulously copied perfectly. Moses and the people saw and heard God on Mt. Sinai. Shortly after this, Moses wrote the whole thing down so that there would be a record. And the two stone tablets with the 10 Commandments written on them... the ones that wound up in the Ark of the Covenant... were written in stone by the finger of God.
Not so with the stuff that says that the universe is billions of years old. All of that is guesswork, and the scientists who made the guesses essentially say so in their writings about the subject.
That's why the things the eye witnesses saw were immediately written down'' How do you know LOL. How do you know what it's written down it's what happened?
Israel. It exists. The people stubbornly hang onto the Old Testament. They stubbornly exist after being gone as a nation for almost 1900 years. They are an extremely stubborn people. The 2000-y-o Dead Sea Scrolls show how stubborn Israel is, by the accuracy when comparing the Bible Scrolls to the O.T. of today.
Or are you trying to say that Israel and the Dead Sea Scrolls don't exist?
Yea they exist, so do Muslims, Hindus, etc etc. They all claim the same things for their gods but how do you know? What method are you using to verify their claims? Are all books then true? Science proves the earth is older than 10.000 years with many different methods.
Scientists don't know what went on 10,000 years ago, or even that 10,000 years ago existed. The best evidence they have for 10,000 years ago is backward extrapolation of things that go on today. But they don't know that things worked like they do today, beyond about 5,000 years ago. And even 5,000 years ago is partly guesstimation.
Dead Sea Scrolls evidence that the Bible is the same today as it was back then. There are billions of copies of the Bible, but only a few copies of other religious writings in comparison. There is strength in the Bible, as there is strength in the People of Israel, and strength in God.