I wouldn't mind debating someone who is closed minded if he wasn't making up shit constantly. Badecker simply wants us to throw out the window almost all scientific theories because he says so. Fuck quantum physics, fuck evolution theory, C&E means we are programmed but somehow science hasn't realized this yet, don't worry, badecker knows better. Entropy? After explaining how entropy does not violate evolution theory, do you think badecker accepted defeat? Of course not, he keeps rambling about the same plain wrong argument. I guess he thinks all scientists that have worked and accepted evolution missed that evolution can't exist with entropy or something. No, badecker, they didn't miss it, they know entropy does not make evolution impossible just like your other arguments which were also debunked several times. Yelling adaption like a lunatic isn't an argument, adaption is part of evolution and when that adaption is passed onto future generations, that specific animal/specie is evolving, it's truly a simple concept deep down and yet you don't seem to be able to grasp it.
Why do you think that I want to throw theories out? Since evolution is proven to not exist, its theory is proven ridiculous.
Somehow you want to drop the idea of C&E, just to let impossible evolution exist. Even evolution theory doesn't do that.
Entropy is in existence all around us. It is obvious. Thinking that it is not, is simply denying reality. Entropy has to do with devolution, not evolution.
In theory, adaptation might be part of evolution. But the whole point is, can evolution be a part of adaptation. Why? Because adaptation is obvious, but evolution isn't.
The simplicity of the evolution idea isn't what makes it real. What would make it real would be some proof for evolution found in the things that are real. So far, no proof... just a bunch of "yelling" that evolution is real.
Did you never see a scientist, or a group of scientists, that made one or more mistakes? You can find hundreds of them simply regarding evolution over the last hundred years. At the same time, there were many other scientists that recognized the mistakes, almost immediately. That's why the mistakes were found out, and those mistaken scientists put to shame.
It's time to put the whole idea of evolution to bed. There isn't any ETE. It's been proven wrong and impossible so many times that anybody who looks can easily see that it doesn't exist.
Now, I know it is difficult for anybody to put down his pet religion. But state evolution as it is (if you are honest), a religion. Why continue to distract people with evolution foolishness? Rather, find out what the truth really is.
Evolution is a hoax.