See Evolution is a fact backed by peer reviewed science, I mean you can get all your info from the part of the internet that is opinion based which would lead you to be able to believe the earth is flat and it was created ~6000 years ago OR you can get your information from peer reviewed, repeated, provable experiments and discoveries.
Whats the matter? Can't you even do an Internet search? Can't think critically enough to see that your bible is wrong about everything, literally EVERYTHING especially young earth creationism, one of the stupidest of all the stupid religious ideas LOL! Why do you need some sky daddies approval for anything, think for yourself and not what some stupid fucking book from 2 millennia ago tells you.
Your only source of data is one stupid book, science on the other hand has decades of data and experiments and 100's of thousands of man hours, gee I wonder why evolution is a fact and not the bible lmfao.
I would not put it that hard. Belief are not stupid, nor the people behind them. They might be misplaced or not really sustainable, maybe even not thought fully though, but in the end belief are fundamental hard to change, cause you are arguing against something a person truly believe to be correct. I know sometimes is just trolling, reaction probing, or just for the sake of arguing, but such behavior is normally easy spotted, or you will gather it along the way.
But in the end; fundamental I think you are fully correct in your words. Just like to say so a bit more diplomatically.