You can actually fill in the missing letters at this point it's not 1980 anymore. There are no "missing links" anymore, I mean if you read articles from the fucking 80's you might see missing links. We have long since found the missing links, only retards believe in creationism.
What this means is not that we have found every missing link but that we have found enough of them to understand and prove how evolution happened.
I wish creationist wouldn't argue against 40+ year old information... makes them look even dumber, like a flat earther LOL.
The problem with this is, evolutionists can't find any missing links that fit evolution theory, so they have made up a 40+ year-old link story, that they have repeated so long that they think that their links match evolution theory.
Why don't their links match evolution theory? Two reasons (at least).
1. There is no proof that the links were not individual creations of individual species or kinds. All the talk that the supposed links are in similar lines, is not known, partially because there is not any confirming DNA in the fossils. So, we don't know that the supposed links really are links.
This brings us to ...
2. In order to prove evolution through the missing link idea, you would have to find a series of creatures that were in the same line, with the DNA to show that they were really in the same line. And, they would have to be link to link to link, etc., without additional missing links in between. Why DNA? Because there can be many similar-looking animals that have drastically different DNA. So, you at least need the DNA. If such a linked series of creatures had been found, it would have made news. Since such a series hasn't been found, we don't know that evolution is real.
Evolution is a hoax.
EDIT: And this doesn't even begin to take into account the vast cause and effect point, which shows that everything was planned.