So I am finally shaking the foundations of your evolution religion! Good. You just might come to reality and realize evolution is a hoax.
Where is your example of beneficial mutation? Just because a bunch of people think that a mutation might be beneficial, do we take a vote to see who is right? How do we know that a critter thinks that the change is beneficial?
If a fish grew legs via evolution, where did the legs start? They started as nubs, or even less. No benefit in nubs. Do you think the fish foresaw that one of its descendants thousands or hundreds of thousands of years later would benefit from legs?
Where are your DNA samples for any of the fossils that are considered missing links? Without them, there is no way to tell that all the so-called missing links were not their own animal brought about by some non-evolution method that we don't understand yet.
What about the fact that there are multitudes of fossil creatures that just appeared, fully developed, without something to have developed from?
Where is your proof of even one pure random happening, so that we can see that there is a possibility that things were not programmed to exist as they are? After all, physics doesn't deviate in producing results. If it did, nobody could expect to ever get the same result from the same scientific experiment.
Where is natural selection? After all, nature has made multitudes of fantastic forms of life. Scientists and engineers can't make even one. And nature has fantastic reproduction in all its life forms. Scientists don't even entirely understand how it works. Why is nature so smart beyond all scientists and engineers?
When you look at the answers evolution people give to these and many other questions, you don't even realize that the answers skirt the questions, rather than answering them. But that is all right for you. You need to keep your evolution religion intact, right?
Evolution isn't just a hoax. It's a complete fabrication.
You have points in your questions, and even if answers skirt the questions, as you say, how come you so easily accept another solution to the questions, one which has absolutely zero proof? Why don’t you apply the same suspicion and scrutiny to this solution?
500 years ago, we did not even know electricity existed. Might have experienced it via static electricity, but did not really know what it was. Just because we don’t know – yet – does not mean it is not true. 2-4000 years ago, people believed in a multitude of gods, as an absolutely undisputed fact. They would think you were crazy if you told them there was only one. How were they less correct vs. your beliefs now? I think you would say they are, because it’s obvious and maybe even downright insane to you – but prove it to me!
Just because scientists and engineers can’t make life yet, has zero to do with if any given thing is true or not.
The ancient Greeks and Egyptians knew of electricity.
The whole point isn't about accepting something other than evolution. The whole point is finding a reason to accept evolution.
There are so many things against evolution as it is expressed in its theory, that the whole theory should be scrapped. The evolution story keeps changing because it is make believe. In fact, we can't even imagine a form of evolution that would fit the facts of reality.
The point is, if you want evolution to be real, find some way to formulate it that makes sense and fits the facts. If you can't, drop it, and find what is real. Evolution doesn't fit the facts, and hasn't even been proven to exist, once. All the talk about evolution is simply talk without proof.
Evolution is a hoax.
EDIT: Do you see what you and
Astargath (in the previous post) are doing? You can't answer the questions that I asked, scientifically. So you bring my religion into it. By bringing religion into it, rather than answering scientifically, you are showing what you really think evolution is. To you, evolution seems to be a religion.
We have answered you points many times, but we don’t know it all either – that does not mean it’s not true. So here goes again, and I don’t even have to look any of this up.
1) Dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus Rex, had tiny useless for arms. How did they get so useless? They devolved, probably from an ancestor, smaller, that needed them. Or you suggest that they were created useless? (Yes I know there are other theories). What’s the purpose of programming, if it’s useless what you program? This big meat eater found out, generation after generator, I don’t need arms, I just need size, big legs and a hug month, and I’ll do just fine.
2) There really exist no missing link, - I’m a missing link, you are a missing link, we are all missing links. Humans have leftovers, tail bone, thirteenth rib, appendix, little toe, wisdom teeth, neck rib, third eyelid, extrinsic ear muscles (like dogs and cats) and male nipples and body hair. They are all missing link between those that have and not have – that’s just humans!
3) No species appeared fully developed. There is no such thing as fully developed in evolution. We are all in a transition state, between now and the next “new” species.
4) Our proof of random is the billion billion of individuals of each species that live right now – we are going in circles here!
5) Why is nature smarter than our scientists and engineers?!? I don’t know, it just is! We are not there yet; it’s as simple as that!
There you go, now answer mine!
Evolution is fact, there is no programming!