Well, evolution is a fact, scientifically speaking it is considered a fact. A scientific theory will never become a law. Most Christians actually accept evolution.
Well, I agree that some Christians accept evolution. I, for one, accept evolution, but it's not the evolution that you accept. Knowledgeable Christians accept microevolution and not macro. Let me explain. Microevolution tells us that some changes, small to be exact, happen to species. These are also called genetic mutations. But it's not what the theory of evolution claims to be. The one that school teaches is macroevolution which has never been proven by observable science. Have you ever observed a frog becoming a bird? Or a chicken becoming a dinosaur? Or at least some species that move into that direction?
Well... You do not accept the theory of evolution then. Everybody accepts as you called it - microevolution because that is fact. There are no single creationist that I know of that does not accept as you have called it microevolution.
Microevolution is not based on mutations. Well it could be based on mutations on some level, some of the case, but most of time it is only based on selection - either by purposeful breeding or natural selection of existing sets of traits within the genome pool, because mutations carrying new informations have not been yet observed - there were only mutations that deleted the existing barriers.
Microevolution should not be called evolution because it is an adaption. Why not call it adaptation?
Or call it "change."
I'm not saying that evolution has been proven to NOT exist. All I am saying is that standard evolutionists ARE proving that it doesn't. I mean... all these mountains of evidences for, and yet no proof of.
Evolution is a hoax.
Yeah. Its highely unlikely that mutations had made new species. Because everything I know of suggest mutations take away information. For example a blue eyes is not a special gene - it is a mutation of lacking enough melanine in the eye. It took away information and not make something new. That is the same with white skin colour that lacks a colouring agent and not being a white colour agent.
The variation of the colour of the skin in humans is only based on one colour - brown. The same with eyes and hair. The hair are naturally white, unless they are browny coloured by melanine. The same with the eye without a melanine it is blue with a little melanine it is green and with a lot of melanine it is brown.
Darwin was calling white race superiourly evolved, but in some case - in this case melanine they degenerated by mutations. Thats all that happened. Maybe blacks have mutated in some other way but, none got better we all got worse it seems. The size of the brain suggest that compared to some old skulls.
Unless there is a stupidity gene or unglyness gene or rudeness gene we will not mutate for the better it all suggests.
Furthermore, consider the brain size of the Neanderthal. It was reasonably larger than that of average humans today. But Einstein's brain was 25% smaller than average brain size.
The point? Everything that has been determined by evolutionists might be backward. I mean, it isn't necessarily brain size that plays an important part in thinking. This means that all kinds of other things that are considered evolution evidence, might really be evidence against evolution in some not-easily-determined way.
Evolutionists don't really know that anything they say is correct. Evolution is a hoax.