It's funny that you mention that the Quran was "gutted out" of the bible, since I'm sure you're aware that the bible itself contains literature that originated in the Torah?
No. The Bible does not originated from the Torah - it is the Torah and the book of prophets, and the New Testament
. It is Jewish Bible aka Tanah - the Old Testament is the Jewish holy book. It is our holy book. Because christians are the new Israel of the spirit.
Talmud - the book that judaism mostly uses is not a holy book - the Rabbi themselves admitt that.
It is the original Tanah the Word of God. Muslims have deeply edited version of the same thing. They rewrote what they had not like just to justify their tribality. From a Jewish and Christian perspective - editing the Word of God is something noone should do - it is forbidden.
Editing the word of God resulted in muslims inventing the evolution. It came to Europe via Templars and their orders. Templars then have restructured themselfs to masons. So it was masons that are behind that evolution thingy. So it should be no surprise that a mason write another mason a peer-review and screw other nonmasons. Does that surprise anyone?
Darwin was teologian. His father was a teologian. It was a fully grown religious concept of evolution when Darwin had signed his silly book. His book was supposedly written by someone more intelligent as C. Darwin was supposed to be dumbest of all the Darwins family.
Just for your personal information. I know it sounds deeply confusing from a pop-culture perspective.
Abiogenesis is science fiction. Show proof, por favor.
They showed 1 out of many experiment involving meterorite that supposedly prove that. I am asking - why then all the rest gives from 5 to 8 aminoacids out of 20. It is deeply fraud like. It seems like this meteorite contained some dead bug in it - hence all aminoacids needed. But talking about the flying bug in the space is even dumber than evolution.
And I thought that a magical monkey fossils that noone had seen, but yet is believed to be true is dumb enough. Dead bug in the space beats it all.
They show the untested sample of their holy grail they supposedly found in 2008 - that is their only "prove". For it to be prove it should have to be retested. They fail to grasp the importance of retesting in science and yet call others willfuly ignorant. That is hipocritical.
''God the Creator has an enemy, Satan the devil, who opposes Him in everything. The influence of God’s enemy on the thinking of scientists becomes obvious when they dismiss the truth and accept such lies.''
LUL, very scientific source.
Where are your repeatability of evolution? Where is your observability of evolution? Where is your falsifiability of evolution?
It is not science. It fails miserably at those things needed to be called science. It is a religion so... you know... it could as well be a religion of Satan for all I know.
Where are your repeatability of god? Where is your observability of god? Where is your falsifiability of god? Again, this is the deep problem with your brain, you don't seem to ask these questions about your own beliefs, cognitive dissonance is a serious condition.