After all I finished with my bet headed home and was asking myself what could the colleague act that way avoiding his close friends they all gambling together and just because luck shines on him first he decides to create a distance and class. I couldn't actually annex a good reason why anyone should do that.
You should not be asking yourself too much question as it pertains to this incidence because money shows the true colours of people and how they tend react when they have it big in their possession. Every individual are of their own character and behavior and tend to react or change when the time avails itself. Possibly there must have been some reasons why their friend took that decision of going very far away from them or something might have happened which they have no knowledge about not until you go the the person and hear from him that is when you will know why he took that decision. I come from a country where security challenge is a major problem. Most people in my country relocate when they have made it big for their safety so that they do not become target and fall victim of any circumstances because these days even friends too are having such issues hence you would not blame their gambling friend for that step he took without informing them.