
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 2. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Emails: CNN Reporter Coordinated With Hillary Aide To Smear Rand Paul During 2013 Benghazi Hearing

A CNN reporter who was recently suspended for two weeks for violating the network’s editorial guidelines showed up in a new trove of State Department emails released on Tuesday in which she appears to have coordinated social media posts with a top Hillary Clinton State Department aide during the former secretary of state’s Jan. 23, 2013 Senate testimony about the Benghazi attacks.

The emails, which were released to the website Gawker, show that Elise Labott, a foreign affairs reporter at CNN, took guidance from Clinton aide Philippe Reines by posting a tweet criticizing Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul for asking Clinton tough questions during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks.

Labott also coordinated with Reines to post a favorable quote from Clinton’s testimony, which she gave just a week before she left office.

In the Reines emails, which are the subject of a Gawker lawsuit against the State Department, Labott appears to pick up on a previous conversation she was having with Reines during the Benghazi hearing, asking him: “are you sure rand paul wasn’t at any hearings?”

Five minutes after sending that email, Labott sent Reines another message sharing what she had tweeted about Paul.

Sen Paul most critical on committee of Clinton, but a little late to the #Benghazi game.Not sure he was at many of the 30 previous briefings
Hours later, Labott and Reines were at it again.

"She was great. well done. I hope you are going to have a big drink tonight,” Labott wrote to Reines, complimenting Clinton’s performance.

Reines followed up that compliment by telling Labott that he had “suggested a good Tweet.”

Labott said that she had not received an email concerning another tweet. Reines wrote back “Pin,” an apparent reference to a private messaging system.

Labott wrote back “will get back to you.” Eleven minutes later she sent an email reading, “done.”...

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
The Paul And Cruz Flat Tax Plans Are Best Tax Proposals


Which brings us to Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. The two of us helped craft their low-rate flat tax plans.

The plans are similar: Paul's rates are 14.5% on business net sales and wages and salaries. Cruz has a 16% business net sales tax and a 10% wage and salary tax.

These would be the lowest tax rates since the income tax was devised 100 years ago. Both are estimated by the Tax Foundation to grow the economy by a gigantic $2 trillion in extra GDP per year after 10 years.

Both eliminate almost all deductions and special-interest carve-outs. (Against our wishes, they retain the tax write-off for charitable organizations and have family deductions that are too big. But no one's perfect.)

They completely kill the corporate tax, the estate tax and the FICA payroll tax.

Yet conservatives are strangely griping. Economists at the Cato Institute have joined with Larry Kudlow to complain that the business tax is a value-added tax (VAT). Such a dreaded tax, they fear, would be a giant new source of revenue and lead to government gone wild, as has happened in Europe.
That's the last thing we want.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

The argument about the VAT being an uncontrollable faucet that governments salivate over is a valid argument.

Why is that "strangely griping?"

All it takes is to put the VAT in place, and then have another spending-socialist-slut get into the White House, and that's it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The Paul And Cruz Flat Tax Plans Are Best Tax Proposals


Which brings us to Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. The two of us helped craft their low-rate flat tax plans.

The plans are similar: Paul's rates are 14.5% on business net sales and wages and salaries. Cruz has a 16% business net sales tax and a 10% wage and salary tax.

These would be the lowest tax rates since the income tax was devised 100 years ago. Both are estimated by the Tax Foundation to grow the economy by a gigantic $2 trillion in extra GDP per year after 10 years.

Both eliminate almost all deductions and special-interest carve-outs. (Against our wishes, they retain the tax write-off for charitable organizations and have family deductions that are too big. But no one's perfect.)

They completely kill the corporate tax, the estate tax and the FICA payroll tax.

Yet conservatives are strangely griping. Economists at the Cato Institute have joined with Larry Kudlow to complain that the business tax is a value-added tax (VAT). Such a dreaded tax, they fear, would be a giant new source of revenue and lead to government gone wild, as has happened in Europe.
That's the last thing we want.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul: ‘Dishonest’ officials using Paris to promote surveillance

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul on Sunday warned that the intelligence community is deceitfully using the terror attacks in Paris to promote its surveillance agenda.

“When you have a fearful time or an angry time, the people are coached into giving up their liberty,” said the Kentucky senator on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Paul has long railed against government surveillance, a topic that has been thrust into the spotlight in the wake of the Paris attacks that killed about 130 people.

Many officials and some lawmakers have argued that the incident has shown the need to keep the much-maligned surveillance programs exposed by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden.
He also noted that France’s surveillance programs are “1,000-fold greater than we have.”

“They still didn’t know anything about this,” Paul added.

“You can keep giving up liberties,” he said, “but in the end I don’t think we’ll end up safer.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
[Video] Rand Paul on Face the Nation w/ John Dickerson 11/22/15

Rand talks about the latest terrorist attacks and makes some points about Trump and Rubio and their deficiencies to be COIC.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s Challenge: Libertarians Are Still a Small Minority

It has become fashionable in recent years to refer to a growing libertarian wing of the Republican Party, and Rand Paul, the Kentucky senator who announced his candidacy for the presidency on Tuesday, hopes to become the first serious candidate to make it part of a winning primary coalition.

Perhaps in a decade or two, a representative of the libertarian wing of the party will have an easy time winning the nomination. It’s just unlikely to happen in 2016.

The libertarians remain too young and too few to present Senator Paul with a realistic path to the nomination. He has to win over a much larger share of more reliable Republican primary voters, who will have considerable reservations about Mr. Paul’s policies. The other problem he faces: Many of the voters most receptive to libertarian views tend not to vote.

In one sense, you could argue that the libertarian wing of the Republican Party barely exists at all. According to a large Pew Research survey in 2014 of 10,000 respondents, 11 percent of Americans and 12 percent of self-identified Republicans considered themselves libertarian. They met a basic threshold for knowing what the term meant. But there wasn’t much “libertarian” about these voters; over all, their views were startlingly similar to those of the public as a whole.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sarah Palin rates the candidates: really admires Rand's libertarian streak

Sarah Palin on the Hugh Hewitt show rates the candidates:

Rand Paul: "Oh, I love the libertarian streak. I really do. Obviously, differences on some foreign policy issues. I was watching him today, Hugh. I’m thinking, Republicans, you are idiots to be marginalizing his supporters, and his dads supporters too. What his supporters are saying is, ‘Come on government. Get off our back and allow us to prioritize our finances. Our cultural aspects of our life that influence us. Let us prioritize according to our own will. Government, don’t do it for us.'"

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Poll: Trump retakes lead, Cruz surges in IA; Rubio second in NH

Donald Trump has returned to the lead in Iowa while Ted Cruz has now surged past Ben Carson into second place. Carson has slipped from a first-place tie into third.

While Iowa's Republicans generally feel Trump is ready to be commander-in-chief, Cruz scores even better on this measure, boosted by support from very conservative and Tea Party Iowans who feel he is ready to assume the post. That's more than say so about Trump, Carson, Rubio and Jeb Bush.

Since last month, Ted Cruz has gained ground -- and Ben Carson has lost ground -- among some key voting groups in Iowa: evangelicals, Tea Party supporters, those who are very conservative and older voters. And while Trump still leads among some of these groups, it's Cruz who is ahead among the very conservative, and Trump leads Cruz by just two points among evangelical voters.

Cruz's move has come directly at the expense of Carson, as nearly one-quarter of his voters switched.

In New Hampshire, Donald Trump keeps his commanding lead, keeping up support from conservatives, Republicans and the independents who say they're coming into the GOP primary to vote for him. This month finds Marco Rubio nearly doubling his support and pushing into second place -- albeit far back of Trump -- at 13 percent now, up from 7 percent, enough to edge past Carson and Cruz in the nation's first primary.


The poll numbers are listed at this site, aka a mainstream shithole.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: No More Arm Sales To Middle East Until They Start Accepting Refugees

Rand does have his ways. He's a political Chess player. He put's something out there and then in a week or two comes out with a zinger. In this case it was the Syrian refugee moratorium. Got everyone interested, pissed of or loving it, then BOOM goes the dynamite.

"One of the biggest supporters of Sunni terrorism in the world is Saudi Arabia, Qatar is up there, UAE is up there. Sometimes government, sometimes private donors. What I would say is no more sales of any arms to these countries until they start accepting refugees. The Gulf states have poured gasoline on this fire, they have not taken a refugee. Iran has not taken in refugees and they've been an arsonist in this situation as well. So those who live there need to step up and we need to say we're not going to sell arms to you anymore if you're not willing to do your fair share."

video on Fox...

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul: Just war? Think of wounded veterans first

Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul shared a personal side to war Friday when he spoke about the people he thinks of when asked whether going to war is just.

Paul was asked at the Presidential Family Forum to recall a time when someone convinced him to change his stance on a certain issue.
The Kentucky senator said he and his wife, Kelley, helped build a home for a wounded veteran who lost both legs and an arm in battle. The veteran told Paul he joined the military to defend the Bill of Rights and the Constitution — a recurring theme in Paul’s presidential bid. It has in turn “made me think every day about whether or not we go to war,” Paul said.

defend that 7-pound babies have no rights a minute before they’re born. We can win the battle.”


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul's refugee visa bill fast-tracked

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is getting his legislation to crack down on visas from countries with "significant jihadist movements" fast-tracked through the Senate.
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) started the fast-track process Thursday evening on legislation from Paul that was described as preventing "the entrance of extremist into the United States under the refugee program."

The Kentucky Republican's office clarified that the legislation is the crackdown on visas that Paul outlined earlier this week. Under the legislation, visas to nationals of approximately 30 "high-risk" countries would be blocked.

The procedural move will allow the legislation to skip over the Senate committee process and be placed directly on the Senate calendar. While the move could pave the way for it to be brought up the floor, no action has been scheduled.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Pushes ‘Defend Our Capital Act,’ Requires D.C. to Issue Concealed Weapons Permits

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
is introducing legislation to keep the people in the District of Columbia more safe, removing existing firearm ownership laws that some argue are restrictive. His legislation would also require concealed weapons permits to grant reciprocity for both residents and non-residents…

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: It's 'bulls--t' to collect phone records after Paris attacks

Washington (CNN)Rand Paul says it's "bulls--t" to argue that U.S. government surveillance needs to be ramped up as a result of the Paris attacks.

At a campaign event at George Washington University, the Kentucky senator told the crowd that the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone record data hasn't been stopped, despite a judge's order, due to a six-month window to end the program.

"So when they stand up on television and say the tragedy in Paris means you have to give up your liberty, we need more phone surveillance -- bulls--t!" Paul said.
Paul's libertarian leanings have been at the center of his bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. He has opposed U.S. intervention in the Middle East as well as government surveillance programs.

He also has called for a stoppage to the visa waiver program allowing European citizens to travel to the U.S. freely, saying we should only allow Global Entry travelers, who get a background check, to enter freely.

He reiterated that position Thursday to CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

"When a whole section of the world is saying they want to come here and attack us ... we have to be careful," Paul said. "It's hard to tell friend from foe."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Forces GOP Majority Leader McConnell to Pull Bill Off Senate Floor Over Refugee Housing (aka welfare): I Will Not Back Down

US Senator Rand Paul forced his own party’s leadership to yank a bill off the floor of the Senate on Thursday over refugee housing, a significant political and policy victory for the Kentucky Senator and 2016 GOP presidential candidate.

Paul also blasted Senate leadership on Thursday for not considering his amendment to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development funding bill that would have blocked any current refugees in the United States from getting public housing.

“Well I think what boggles my mind is the biggest issue in our country right now is keeping us safe from attack,” Paul told Breitbart News on Thursday afternoon when reached by phone. “My amendment tells the president that we don’t approve of bringing more people here from the Middle East until we have adequate controls on who’s here already. My amendment was not only pertinent to the biggest issue of the day, it was also germane to the bill. Both parties tried to stop me from offering it and that’s a tragedy.”

Paul’s amendment to the so-called T-HUD funding bill would have cut off public housing funding for refugees in America right now.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on The Mark Levin Show [11/17]

Rand just lays into Marco Rubio about his bs on the immigration policy and about how unconservative he is. Levin had been disappointed in Rand for some of his libertarian leaning views but is back on the track w/ him after this interview realizing Rand's stance to protect American borders and much more. It's a much watch/listen, so do it!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Syrian Refugees: Can We Afford to Put the World's Poor on Welfare?

Rand is on the way up in the polls and he is starting to trend among conservatives and regular republicans in the US as we speak. Don't count him out and he's gonna trend just fine going into the first voting states earlier next year. I'm gonna double down on this thread for all of your world-wide interest as Rand is the best person to lead the US and affect the Globe in a positive way considering the US has been a black smear on it for quite some time. True bitcoiners and libertarians here want the world to have faith again in the US instead of its current image. I hope to instill that hope w/ Rand becoming President and this thread will give you all the good stuff to stay on top of things here.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Punish Those Who Fund ISIS, Time OpEd

We need to make it clear that the U.S. does not do business with terror financiers

In the wake of the devastating terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut, our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and those who lost loved ones. Working together with our allies and friends, we have to step up our fight against terrorism.

Unfortunately, our current strategy isn’t making us safer. The number of innocent victims of terror is up 4,000% since 9/11 despite the $1.7 trillion taxpayers have spent on counterterrorism, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that claimed the lives of more than 6,800 American troops and 6,900 American contractors.

If our existing strategy of drone strikes, proxy wars, and toppled governments isn’t the answer, what is?

As a doctor, I know that attacking symptoms isn’t the same thing as finding a cure. I’m also mindful of what the Cold War official and nuclear strategist Paul Nitze said: “One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve.” If we are to eradicate ISIS once and for all, it’s time to take a hard look at what is fueling its growth: money.

ISIS’s reserve of an estimated $2 billion makes it the world’s most well-financed terrorist organization. Airstrikes have impacted ISIS’s oil trade, but there’s one form of funding we can put an immediate stop to: donations from citizens, purported nonprofit groups, and governments or private sources in Gulf nations including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait. A report from the world’s foremost international body on terrorist financing, the Financial Action Task Force, concludes that ISIS is using grassroots donations through the Internet and that foreign donor support will become more critical as other funding streams are stunted.

ISIS’s power has also been magnified by the massive arsenal of arms they’ve received from our so-called moderate allies in the Syrian and Iraqi armies. Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military equipment paid for by American taxpayers are in ISIS’s hands.

Like a broken record, Washington keeps asking these partners to stop supporting jihadi groups. The trouble is, they never listen.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul Introduces Legislation to Prevent Terrorists From Entering the U.S. as Refugees

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul today announced legislation that would suspend visa issuance for countries with a high risk of terrorism and impose a waiting period for background checks on visa issuance from other countries until the American people can be assured terrorists cannot enter the country through our immigration and visa system. This legislation is based off language first proposed by Sen. Paul in 2013.

“The time has come to stop terrorists from walking in our front door. The Boston Marathon bombers were refugees, and numerous refugees from Iraq, including some living in my hometown, have attempted to commit terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacks in Paris underscore this concern that I have been working to address for the past several years. My bill will press pause on new refugee entrants from high-risk countries until stringent new screening procedures are in place,” Sen. Paul said.

Sen. Paul’s legislation would suspend issuance of visas to nationals of countries with a high risk of terrorism until the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) certifies and Congress votes to approve that:

1) Aliens already admitted from high-risk countries have been fingerprinted and screened, pose no terrorist risk, and are being monitored for terrorist activity

2) Enhanced security measures are in place to screen future applicants and prevent terrorists from entering the country

3) DHS' visa entry-exit system is 100 percent complete and a tracking system is in place to catch attempted overstays

Additionally, the legislation would impose a 30-day waiting period for all entries to the U.S. in order for background checks to be completed, unless the traveler has been approved through the Global Entry program. This requirement will be lifted after DHS certifies and Congress approves that:

1) Screening of entrants is sufficient to prevent terrorists from entering the country

2) DHS' visa entry-exit system is 100 percent complete and a tracking system is in place to catch attempted overstays
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Blames The Arming of ISIS By Rubio, Clinton and Obama For Paris Attacks

Rand has plenty to say on this if you check out the topic at hand. These refuse buggers like Rube, Clinton and Mr. Zero are all on the same page when it comes to this latest attack and they're all implicated in their arming of ISIS and the subsequent migrant crisis. Rand has been against this from day one.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Chef, you follow this stuff.  What do you think about the hypothesis that Trump's presence is designed to sap support for Paul?

Thanks for your points but consider why the media has given Trump a billion worth of free media if he's truly the anti-establishment candidate that he's supposed to be. Trump is and has been tight w/the Clintons as they came to his relatively recent wedding w/ his newest plus he's been donating to them and other haters of liberty for a long time.. Trump is a fraud of the highest proportion and his only crutch is the latest populist immigration worry that is manifesting now. Then there's Carson who's going no where yet is #2 in the polls. Point is, confuse the conservative base that is anti-republican establishment w/ these so-called alternatives plus Cruz and perhaps the Rubio or Fiorina can rise up. Either way, the conservative pushers that are sick of where this party is going don't focus on the right anti-estab guy like Rand (at this point) and waste their lives w/ the BS in this primary.

Anyone that is worth their salt will realize that Rand is the only choice that will stop the mess as only a libertarian would do. So, Trump (who's a hater of Rand) has no apparent love for liberty nor gives a crap if this realm burns. This is a repeat of 08 and 12 where the media banties about the so-called alternatives in this field where anybody but a Paul is legit. If that's the case then I fold and don't give a fuck. If there's really a fight in this room, then all of you should support Rand Paul for President cuz no one else in this market/Senate will do anything to help you out.
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