
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 3. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Chef, you follow this stuff.  What do you think about the hypothesis that Trump's presence is designed to sap support for Paul?

FWIW (and as someone who doesn't yet follow any of the candidates closely), I somehow got the sense that Paul was out of the picture and was half listening to what Trump was saying.  At least I listened attentively to some of his ramblings and, to say the truth, I was in general agreement with most of them.  Just like with Paul.  Somehow I just trust Paul more than trump.  Possibly because of his filibuster on weaponized drones operating in U.S. borders.  When Trump shit-talked Snowden I figured I'd probably end up doing yet another protest write-in (for Santa perhaps...or maybe Vladimir Putin.)

BTW, I am still not totally convinced that Snowden is the real deal, but someone who argues against what he has (supposedly) done in service to our nation is someone I simply do not trust in any capacity and absolutely not as a leader of any sort.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Pat Buchanan: Rand Stands for a Winning Republican War Policy

Rand Paul had his best debate moment Tuesday when he challenged Marco Rubio on his plans to increase defense spending by $1 trillion. “You cannot be a conservative if you’re going to keep promoting new programs you’re not going to pay for,” said Paul.

Marco’s retort triggered the loudest cheers of the night:

There are radical jihadists in the Middle East beheading people and crucifying Christians. The Chinese are taking over the South China Sea. … the world is a safer and better place when America is the strongest military power in the world.

Having called for the U.S. Navy to confront Beijing in the South China Sea, and for establishing a no-fly zone over Syria that Russian pilots would enter at their peril, Rubio seems prepared for a confrontation with either or both of our great rival nuclear powers.

Dismissing Vladimir Putin as a “gangster,” Marco emerged as the toast of the neocons. Yet the leading GOP candidate seems closer to Rand. Donald Trump would talk to Putin, welcomes Russian planes bombing ISIS in Syria, thinks our European allies should lead on Ukraine, and wants South Korea to do more to defend itself.

Uber-hawk Lindsey Graham did not even make the undercard debate. And though he and John McCain are the most bellicose voices in the party, they appear to be chiefs with no Indians. Still, it is well that Republicans air their disagreements. For war and peace are what the presidency is about.

Historically, Republican presidents appear to line up on the side of Rand and Trump. Since WWII, there have been five elected GOP presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II. Only Bush II could be called a compulsive interventionist.

Ike ended Truman’s war in Korea and kept us out of Indochina after the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu. He ordered the Brits, French, and Israelis out of Suez after they had attacked Egypt in 1956. He gave us seven years of peace and prosperity.

Nixon pledged to end the U.S. war in Vietnam, and did. And as Ike invited the Butcher of Budapest, Khrushchev, to visit the United States, Nixon invited Brezhnev, who had crushed the Prague Spring. Nixon became the first Cold War president to visit the USSR, and famously ended decades of hostility between the United States and the China of Chairman Mao.

Reagan used military force only three times. He liberated the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada from Marxist thugs who had murdered the prime minister and threatened U.S. medical students.

He put Marines in Lebanon, a decision that, after the massacre at the Beirut barracks, Reagan regretted the rest of his life. He bombed Libya in retaliation for Moammar Gadhafi’s bombing of a Berlin discotheque full of U.S. troops. Blowback for Reagan came with Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie in 1988.

Though they were the foremost anti-Communists of their era, Nixon and Reagan negotiated historic arms agreements with Moscow. Reagan did send arms to aid anti-Communist rebels in Angola, Afghanistan and Nicaragua, but never confronted Moscow in Eastern Europe, even when Solidarity was crushed in Poland.

George H.W. Bush sent an army of 500,000 to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, but ordered those U.S. troops not to enter Iraq itself. When the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Empire collapsed and the USSR disintegrated, Bush I played the statesman, refusing to exult publicly in America’s epochal Cold War triumph.

It was George W. Bush who gave the neocons their hour of power.

After 9/11, came the invasion and remaking of Afghanistan in our image, the “axis of evil” address, the march to Baghdad, the expansion of NATO to Russia’s doorstep, and the global crusade for democracy “to end tyranny in our world.”

Result: The Republicans lost both houses of Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008 when John (“We are all Georgians Now!”) McCain was routed by a liberal Democrat who had opposed the war in Iraq.

With the exception of Rand and Trump, the GOP candidates appear to believe the road to the White House lies in resurrecting the attitude and policies of Bush II that cost them the White House.

From Marco and other voices on stage one hears: Tear up the Iran deal. Confront Putin. Establish a no-fly zone over Syria. Assad must go. Send offensive weapons to Kiev. More boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria. Send U.S. troops to the Baltic and warships to the Black Sea. Confront China in the Spratlys and South China Sea.

Responding to that audience in Milwaukee, most GOP candidates appear to have concluded that bellicosity and bravado are a winning hand in the post-Obama era.

Yet, those nationalist strongmen Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping do not seem to me to be autocrats who are likely to back down when told to do so by Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, or Carly Fiorina.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul says he won’t ban encryption if president

The Obama administration may have punted for now on the topic of encryption, but Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said he’ll ensure Americans can securely protect their digital data if he’s elected president.

Speaking in Des Moines, Iowa, on Thursday, Mr. Paul, a Republican, said he won’t ban encryption if he wins next November’s election, cementing his stance with respect to a hot-button issue that widened a rift between Silicon Valley and Washington this year before the White House ultimately decided last month not to push for a legislative solution.

“The head of the FBI came out with this recently. He says, ‘Oh, we’re going to ban encryption.’ And it’s like we want to build a backdoor into Facebook and a backdoor into Apple products,” the presidential hopeful said at the Yahoo Digital Democracy conference this week. “A backdoor means that the government can look at your stuff, look at your information, your conversations. … The problem is, is that the moment you build an opening — and I’m not an expert on coding or anything — but the moment you give a vulnerability to a code that someone can get into your source code, not only can the government, but so can your enemies, so can foreign governments.”

“What’s China going to say? ‘Apple, you want to do business with us, you’ll have to give us an opening so we can watch,’ ” Mr. Paul added. “I don’t think we want that.”

Citing the increasing availability of robust, easy-to-use encryption and its effect on criminal investigations and counterterrorism probes, the Justice Department this year urged companies like Apple and Google to rethink the capabilities of their products before deciding last month to put their efforts on hold.

“The United States government is actively engaged with private companies to ensure they understand the public safety and national security risks that result from malicious actors’ use of their encrypted products and services. However, the administration is not seeking legislation at this time,” James Comey, the director of the FBI, testified before the Senate in October, much to the delight of computer security experts and civil libertarians.

They said banning encryption or forcing companies to weaken their technology posed surefire risks with respect to digital privacy and the functionality of the Internet.

“I don’t think we want to … say we cannot have encryption or build openings,” Mr. Paul said at Thursday’s event. “I think we need to do the opposite. We need to let the marketplace develop where we try to keep the government out of our affairs.”

That opinion, however, is hardly shared among other candidates vying for the Republican Party’s nod. Mr. Paul squared off with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on the topic earlier this year. At Thursday’s event, Mr. Paul said that a “learning problem” was keeping Mr. Christie from understanding “that you can use the Fourth Amendment and still get terrorists.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
After Paris attacks, GOP hopeful Rand Paul warns of refugees

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. -- In the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris, US Senator Rand Paul said Friday that the US and Europe “have to be very careful about bringing refugees to our country that might attack us.”

Terrorist attacks in Paris killed more than 100 people across the city, including the slaughter of hostages in the Bataclan theater, shootings at restaurants and a suicide bomb near a stadium.

Paul called the attacks “devastating” in response to a question from a reporter after his town hall meeting.

“I don’t think we’ve heard yet everything but obviously our hearts and prayers go out to those that were injured and those who may be kidnapped at this point, but it does show that we’ve really got a big problem,” he said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
HBO's Maher: ‘US Should Get Out of Muslim Lands’ ‘Good For Rand Paul’

HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher wondered, “why don’t we get out of Muslim lands?” to prevent terrorism, adding, “bombing them over there is what is causing the Paris thing to happen” and praised GOP presidential candidate and Kentucky Senator Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)’s views on military spending on Friday.

Maher, in response to his own question of why terrorists hate the West, said, “When you capture one, or when they leave a note, you know what they say? Because you’re there. Because you’re in Muslim lands. I have a crazy idea, why don’t we get out of Muslim lands?”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Fox News Post Debate Analytics

Rand got the 2nd biggest bump out of his performance according to Fox. Doesn't surprise me because he owned Rubio's ass about fiscal policy.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul calls out Rubio for military spending, tax ideas, calling them ‘not very conservative’

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) attacked one of the GOP field’s rising stars – Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) – as a big spender who would put the country deeper into debt with new benefits and military spending, in one of the sharpest moments of the fourth major Republican presidential debate.

Paul, who had been largely invisible in the debates up to that point, suddenly took on Rubio, saying that when he added up Rubio’s tax plan and his military plans, “You get something that looks to me not very conservative.”

Rubio, whose best moment in these debates was a comeback, replied with an attack on Paul’s national security record.

“I know that Rand is a committed isolationist,” he said. “I’m not.”

Paul continued on the attack, casting himself in a role that he had seemed reluctant to play in the past. He was the one Republican who would argue that the U.S. could possibly spend too much on national defense.

“Can you be a conservative, and be liberal on military spending?” he asked.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Shuts down Donald Trump, Moderators, and Commercial Breaks

A little more than an hour into Tuesday night’s G.O.P. presidential primary debate, most of the Republican hopefuls were ready for a commercial break. Most of the moderators were, too. So were the majority of viewers, and certainly, the advertisers who paid a pretty penny for their spots to air.

But Rand Paul and debate moderator and Wall Street Journal editor Gerard Baker had another idea.

Just before the planned break on Fox Business Network, Baker asked Donal Trump about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, the full text of which was released last week. Trump gave a long-winded reply, in which he referred to it as “a horrible bill” several times, and spent the bulk of time bringing up how China is leaving America in the dust.

“It’s a deal that was designed to lead to China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone,” he said. “It’s a deal that was designed to lead to China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone.”

When Trump finally concluded, Paul piped up: “Hey Gerard,” he said. “We might want to point out the China’s not part of this deal.” He was correct. The crowd began to cheer, and at the same time, the sweet, sweet music leading up to a commercial break started to play. But no music could stop Baker or Paul, who were swept away in the moment, of trapping Trump in his own China tirade.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
 PROJECT: Caucus Takeover of IA cacuases/

Who: Students and the young-at-heart between the ages of 18-35 who support Rand Paul for President.

What: 11 days of Get-Out-The-Vote efforts (phone banking/door knocking)

Where: Des Moines, Iowa

When: Arrive in Iowa on January 23 and depart on February 2

Why: The Caucus Takeover is vital for turning out Iowa Rand Paul supporters.

How: You get yourself to Des Moines, Iowa and we take care of the rest. Lodging, Iowa transportation, and food will be provided by the Rand Paul for President campaign.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
hxxp:// n=SocialWarfare

This article is lacking in information, but rumors are widely circulating in the Rand Paul Facebook groups that Trey Gowdy endorsed Rand at this event. Several people who claim to have been at the event said that Gowdy endorsed Rand, but I haven't found anything beyond hearsay due to a lack of media coverage.


So, I watched the recorded part of the event, and Gowdy didn't endorse. However, he was definitely intrigued and even mentioned that Rand gave him a few new pieces of legislation he never even thought of. I would think that Gowdy is smart enough to keep his powder dry this early, but if Rand starts breaking through, he could easily win Gowdy's endorsement. Easily.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
'GOP candidate (Rand Paul) Calls Hillary a Neocon' (11/6/15)

You gotta check this out. Rand says that Hillary is a neocon retread like Cheney. Spells it out just fine.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video (Fox Business on the Lou Dobbs' show) Rand Paul: We should audit the Fed

Out of the gate, Rand talks big about Hillary's so-called signing of an nondisclosure form about her SoS duties and then they move onto the Fed audit topic followed by the next debate in Wisconsin by the same channel. ~6mins
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul seeks balance as he courts Sen. (R-SC) Tim Scott’s endorsement

Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul presented himself as a candidate with a balanced platform that can draw Republican, independent and Democratic voters to the more than 250 party faithful at the DiGiorgio Campus Center of Winthrop University on Friday.

His simple style impressed the crowd, many of the young students new to the political process.

But the person Paul hoped to impress the most was his host and colleague in the U.S. Senate, Tim Scott of Charleston.

Paul was the ninth person Scott has shared the stage throughout South Carolina as part of Scott’s Presidential Town Hall Series. Four more GOP presidential candidates are scheduled to appear with Scott through December.

When the Town Hall meetings are over, Scott will announce which GOP candidate he is endorsing for president.


Good watch in front of 250 party faithful down in South Carolina:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Default Beck Blitz: The U.S. economy & more w/ 2016 hopeful Rand Paul (11-05-2015)

Glenn Beck interview Rand Paul. It's a pretty good interview for Rand.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Paul Appears on The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson - November 4, 2015

Must watch cuz Rand goes above and beyond to talk about his tax plan and everything else. Must watch.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
This week, my son, Senator Rand Paul, reintroduced Audit the Fed and used a procedural maneuver to put us one step closer to finally getting a vote on my signature bill.

This step was necessary to escape the Senate Banking Committee’s stranglehold on Audit the Fed, placed there by an unholy alliance of Fed apologists like Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bob Corker (R-TN).

As a result of Rand’s efforts, you and I are now just weeks away from forcing the Senate to vote on this historic legislation.

That will be the moment of truth:

Do your senators stand with the American people, in support of Fed transparency and sound money?

Or, do your senators stand with Wall Street and the banksters in support of continued Fed secrecy?

But I’m afraid there isn’t much time to act to gin up the support necessary to pass my Audit the Fed bill.

Won’t you please take immediate action today by signing your PASS Audit the Fed NOW Fax Petitions?

My staff will take care of sending them to your senators — all I need is your signature today!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul Announces Legislation to Ban the Federal Reserve from Lobbying

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul today announced plans to introduce legislation that would ban the Federal Reserve (Fed), and all of its personnel, from lobbying Congress and the American people against legislation to bring transparency to the Fed or other matters. The legislation, known as the Bring Accountability Now to the Fed Act, prohibits anyone acting on behalf of the Fed from actively supporting or opposing legislation before Congress.

“The Fed has used its immense power to bailout Wall Street and print money to finance our debt. When anyone rises up to challenge them, Fed officials use taxpayer dollars to lobby for more power and against oversight of their activities. It is time for Congress and the American people to say enough is enough,” Sen. Paul said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Touts Ground Game

The message: Polls don’t matter. It’s ground organization that wins campaigns.

“You guys are the key piece in all of this,” Englander said

Englander referred to the leaked Bush memo that said Bush’s Iowa campaign had 76 county chairs or co-chairs out of 99 counties. The Paul campaign, he said, has chairs in all 99. With co-chairs, he said, they have 130 people. The Bush campaign reported having 129 precinct captains — people who will speak for a candidate during the caucus. The Paul campaign, Englander said, has 650. The Bush campaign reported making 70,000 phone calls in Iowa. Englander said the Paul campaign has made a quarter-million calls.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Mike Lee on Fox News talks about Sen. Rand's viral video

Great talk by Senator Mike Lee about Rand and his move to force a vote on the latest budget implosion. Gotta check it out.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
John Stossel talks to Rand Paul about Liberty, Religion & his New Book

In this web only video, I ask Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul about his new book on faith. He says religion is what makes people virtuous. But I think I’m a good person, and I’m not religious.
I’ll have more with Senator Paul this Friday, November 6th on STOSSEL. And airs friday night on Fox Business.

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